• Still,she says her books reflect the Nancy Drew stories that she read as a child: "Things that I read as a kid keep cropping up in my own work whether I realize it or not.

    VOA: special.2009.08.24

  • When I realized that I was writing plays, I read a lot more plays for style and for substance and for technique.


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  • I like Stephen King a lot. When I was younger, I used to read a lot of his books.


    和英文专业的朋友 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • I read a lot of books.

    VOA: standard.2009.12.15

  • I read an article a while back about a private fire company, the Salem Fire Corporation, in Arkansas.


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  • He said,"I think I have written a lot and sent it off to be printed before I realized strangers might read it."

    VOA: special.2010.01.10

  • This passage I read at length is important for a number of reasons let me just try to explain.


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  • ERIC YANG: "I just read a lot of things, like the atlas,the Internet,magazines, maps,travel guide books.

    VOA: special.2009.05.29

  • So I'm going to read just parts, and I'm going to skip around a little bit and stop and start: How to enjoy James Joyce's great novel, Ulysses.


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  • "I picked up a Reader's Digest, and there I read that for $100 million the World Health Organization had eradicated small pox."

    VOA: standard.2010.08.02

  • I should have read it a lecture or two ago when I started talking about immortality, but I misplaced it.


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  • Listen to me. James is a tracker.The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind.My reaction on the field set him off.

    VOA: standard.other

  • It's often put in terms of the relationship between the part and the whole. I approach a text and of course the first thing I read is a phrase or a sentence.


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  • I read under the dim light of a kerosene lamp.

    VOA: standard.2010.04.01

  • I'll talk about these both a bit today but I encourage you to read those for more information.


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  • That alone is worth quite a bit of money,". "There was a study I just read which mentioned that one Super Bowl ad can be as effective as 250 regular TV commercials."

    VOA: standard.2010.01.27

  • This last line that I've read seems itself to have been grated on a scrannel pipe.


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  • "I was appalled. When you read through it it's sort of like it's a memo out of some science fiction movie - I mean, the temperature of the air can't be any lower than thus and so, you can't do it for any few minutes.

    VOA: standard.2009.04.17

  • And they're--very interesting to read them all in a row. I'll hit some highlights. So if an upper class person, if an aristocrat has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they destroy his eye.


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  • I don't have to go read what it printed out in the screen. This has returned a value that I can use. Because I could do a test to say, is this a return value? If it's not, I'll do something else with it. So the binding is still there, it simply doesn't print it out.


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  • I won't read it since we're running a little short of time.


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  • Let's have a look at that second game. I'll read it out for you.


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  • Any--I won't read this but this is a typical bit of Nazi propaganda.


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  • Anybody whose read a basic finance text, as a matter of fact, I think anybody who thinks about investments in a common sense fashion knows that diversification is an important fundamental tenet of portfolio management.


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  • But as you know already, from what you've read, this has come into great dispute in recent years and I'll just say a little bit about the dispute before we get through today.


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  • I've read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quiet times whether it's in a class, in a lecture, whether it is at home, whether it is for a leader in the business, for relationship, for children starting from pre-schools.


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  • Can you talk a little about what you mean by... I mean I've read the chapter Well, I think it's a phrase that used by Welles and he says he, as a fascination for values that exsited in earlier society, which don't exist any more.


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  • And what this is, is that if you want to take the section in French, you should have about an equivalent of 130, and the discussion's in French and a couple of the books-- I'll talk about them in a minute-- you can read in French, the others you read in English.

    这个就是说,你要是想用法语授课,你的法语得有130分左右的水平,课堂讨论是用法语还有一些书,我马上要说到那些书 你可以看法语版的,其他人可以看英语版的

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  • sort of a response to all these different readings that I had to read for this one class.


    耶鲁的忙碌生活 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • If you're looking to have an opportunity for a personal reflective... I read this on a retreat last year.


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