• But if we are able to anticipate this danger, then the euro and Europe will be stronger than before."

    VOA: standard.2010.05.19

  • But then I was also at Hilary Sunday School of my present Baptist church You have all of this comes together.


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  • And then we always had fights about it. But luckily, this girl always cleans up after herself.


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  • But then again they realized that this would further divide the Hindus and Muslims so they have up that as an issue."

    VOA: standard.2009.03.28

  • If I do this and this but then I also put some other quotes inside, what's the computer potentially gonna think?


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • But they say this is more a reflection on the nature of the message then the writer's ability to use language correctly.

    VOA: standard.2010.01.16

  • And then, if you go the real sodium chloride crystal and you do this same calculation but in three-dimensions.


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  • But this decade, as more and more people turned toward television and then the Internet for information, the Digest began to hemorrhage money.

    VOA: standard.2010.03.08

  • Some of you already know this, but let me talk about that and then give you my view on it.


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  • Then lastly, there are things like the Internet bubble, they're not usually called this, but--the lending bubble where--or the subprime mess.


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  • Or my life would've gone better for this period of ten years, but then it would've become worse.


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  • You'll learn a lot more about this if you take organic chemistry, but, In fact, you can then go on and make a bunch of other different kinds of very interesting molecules.


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  • But then there is this very explicit discussion of her Catholicism, a little further down: My background and my inclinations are both Catholic, and I think this is very apparent in the book.


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  • This is something I used to announce near the end, but then some people felt that it's not fair not to know this from the beginning.


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  • But then an old Yalie who took this course when he was very young, and later became an ancient Greek historian, took the wonderfully outlandish device of answering this question.


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  • But then, in addition, i feel indignation against this person.


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  • It used to be a lot easier to be physically active then it is today, and we'll discuss this later in the class, but energy saving devices all over the place.


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  • It turned out there was no white van at all but in the first incident somebody saw a white van, this was reported in all the newspapers, then every other incident people started seeing the white van.


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  • So this isn't the most useful form that we can have, but what we'll see shortly is that from this, we can then derive further criteria for essentially any set of variables or any set of external constraints, like constant temperature or pressure or volume and so forth that we might set.


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  • I am talking at the level of this is Dalton's model, but then there is a meta knowledge here of how you develop models in general.


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  • And this is because as you start writing--saving files to your hard drive, what happens is you might save this file here, then this one, then this one, then this one, but very reasonably you might go back eventually and delete this one.


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  • It's okay. So this first line of code, I will get it started but then I'm gonna have you take over and actually instruct Philip what to do here.


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  • printf I have my includes, standard IO's; so I can use print F, but then I had this thing called a prototype.


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  • You actually need to kind of do this and then you can swap these two numbers but it requires 50 percent more memory.


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  • Well, there's this funny glitch here between three-month and one-year, but then it just continued to decline.


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  • You've got to make sure that if you explain to others how to do this problem, then somebody else contributes to something else, but you know what everybody contributed in the end.


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  • Gibberish, or so it sounded, or Greek but making no sense to anybody, and then the priest would listen to this stuff and he would say, what Apollo said through the priestess here is, and he would give the message.


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  • You spin this big wheel and it rotates for a while and then it stops at one number, but obviously a random number, because this wheel of fortune had all the numbers from zero to one hundred.


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  • But through using this sort of computer generation, and then asking people what they think of this face, what they think of that face, scientists have come to some sense as to what really makes a face attractive, both within cultures and across cultures.


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  • The first thing to do is to go over here where it says, My Plate Calorie Counter, you'll actually get more information than just calories, but if you go over here, click on this, then the next version you'll see will be something like this.


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