• Her best guess is that some schools with a lot of technology will be the first to use them, but only in addition to their traditional books.

    VOA: special.2009.08.27

  • The addition of Franken will provide the Democrats with 60 votes in the U.S.Senate, giving President Barack Obama and party leaders a better chance of passing controversial legislation such as health care reform and a cap-and-trade bill aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warming.

    VOA: standard.2009.06.30

  • And I think that will stand the test of time." State Department officials traveling with Secretary Clinton say she also discussed the Group of Eight leading industrialized nation's That money is in addition to emergency humanitarian programs, and is meant to fight hunger by enabling small farmers to produce more of their own food by improving productivity.

    VOA: standard.2009.08.16

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