• "The development environment, the programming languages, some of the libraries that are used were things that Steve Jobs was very tightly connected to from the very beginning.

    VOA: special.2011.01.28

  • "One of the farmers we've been working with from the very beginning is a guy named Rusty Lee."

    VOA: standard.2010.07.28

  • "But from where we stand, for the very first time, we are beginning to see glimmers of hope."

    VOA: special.2009.04.17

  • So I know.I saw the whole thing from the beginning, from the very day when the little boy here met with the accident."

    VOA: special.2010.05.15

  • "It is two separate issues; we clarified our position from the beginning, that this moratorium is only for 10 months and direct talks is a very important issue for both sides,not only for Israel.

    VOA: standard.2010.07.28

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