• "The Gulf of Mexico response plans for ExxonMobil,Chevron, Conoco Phillips and Shell are virtually identical to BP's, and just as deficient."

    VOA: standard.2010.06.15

  • And even though the syntax, the characters you are about to see on the screen and in programs today onward is a little more arcane, it's a little uglier looking, you've got semicolons and parentheses and fairly arcane syntax, realize that at the end of the day these are just arbitrary human conventions, the ideas are identical to this thing here.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • But it turns out that with this language we glimpsed on Wednesday, you can do the step so much more easily and yet the ideas are identical to what we're gonna explore at a lower level in the weeks to come.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • But what if you are able to find identical twins who were separated at birth, and reared in radically different environments.


    哈佛公开课 - 幸福课课程节选

  • Therefore, the pedagogical techniques that we use in teaching "Listening to Music" Are virtually identical to those that we use in teaching language.


    耶鲁公开课 - 聆听音乐课程节选

  • The claim is not now we've got two Napoleons who are, of course,not identical to each other.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • You can pick out words that are identical. The purpose of the law is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • The assumption we're going to change is the idea that products are identical.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • The point I'm trying to make is, products are not identical.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • I'm going to claim that assuming that products are not identical, is a pretty safe assumption for most of the world, for most things that you're going to see in the world.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • If that's right, then maybe the conclusion should be "Well, you know, yeah, the Cartesian thought experiment shows that there could be a world in which there are minds that are not identical to bodies.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • But it's a philosophy class, and what that means is that the set of topics that we're going to be talking about in this class are not identical to the topics that other classes on death might try to cover.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • So the players in this game are two firms and the strategies in this game for the firms and this is going to turn out to be important the strategies are the quantities that they produce of an identical product.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

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