• Yet the five songs on "Kind of Blue" represented a perfect mix of improvisational talent and musical experimentation.

    VOA: special.2010.10.18

  • Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one discovers in it after all, a place for the genuine.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • Can you recommend a perfect place for single men and women?


    圣莫妮卡和洛杉矶 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Here is a perfect example. Scott Joplin and John Stark published "A Breeze From Alabama" in nineteen-oh-two.

    VOA: special.2010.01.24

  • Suppose there is an epiphany at 11:54 and you get a perfect score on that question 25% and it is worth 25% of the paper.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • In baseball, Mark Buehrle of the Chicago White Sox pitched a perfect game on July twenty-third.

    VOA: special.2009.08.01

  • Now I'll pick up with this next Tuesday; it's a perfect transition into the pro-slavery argument and southern worldview. Thank you.


    耶鲁公开课 - 美国内战与重建课程节选

  • This band's mix of jazz,world music, folk and rock is a perfect fit for the festival.

    VOA: special.2009.05.01

  • I can check it, so if this was part of some other computation, I want to know, did it find a perfect square or not?


    麻省理工公开课 - 计算机科学及编程导论课程节选

  • He thought differently." Louis Leakey thought Jane Goodall would be a perfect candidate for the job.

    VOA: special.2009.11.18

  • Certainly, it's a perfect model for what we're talking about.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • The models seem like a perfect rendition of the actual buildings.

    VOA: special.2010.07.30

  • Is there a perfect amount?


    斯坦福公开课 - 微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选

  • Flames quickly surrounded the basket in a perfect ring of fire.

    VOA: special.2009.02.28

  • And if you're working with your friend, you can tell him or her whatever you're thinking and it's not going to offend him or her and they'll probably comprehend it similarly to how you imagined it in languages that really are a perfect idea of transmission vehicle.


    斯坦福公开课 - 扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选

  • Alexander chronicles those experiences in his book,"52 Loaves: One Man's Relentless Pursuit of Truth, Meaning and a Perfect Crust."

    VOA: standard.2010.07.16

  • Where would be a perfect place to surf?


    享受冲浪 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • But during that game, he walked All Star Sammy Sosa early in the match, and fell short of a perfect game.

    VOA: standard.2009.07.24

  • So this is page 741: Truth indeed came once into the world with her divine Master, and was a perfect shape most glorious to look on.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • R.J.Bell of Pregame.com says the number of possibilities to guarantee a perfect bracket are an astronomical 9.2 quintillion.

    VOA: standard.2009.03.25

  • And what that corresponds to, if you recall, is the idea that in a perfect crystal at zero degrees Kelvin then you have no disorder at all.


    麻省理工公开课 - 热力学与动力学课程节选

  • It is not a perfect contraceptive." And May adds, women still face barriers to full reproductive rights.

    VOA: standard.2010.05.12

  • It would have been a perfect symmetry because last time we quoted Paul Ricoeur to the effect that these authors, Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, were--and this is Ricoeur's word--"masters."


    耶鲁公开课 - 文学理论导论课程节选

  • "It is not perfect, but then there is no country that has a perfect system."

    VOA: standard.2009.09.24

  • So if you're really being anal, things are not going to line up in a perfect column.


    哈佛公开课 - 计算机科学课程节选

  • His first attempt at a perfect game came in 2007 against the Texas Rangers.

    VOA: standard.2009.07.24

  • I think most of us don't believe that two firms is enough to make it a perfect competition, that the regulator shouldn't worry about the third firm.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • It may look like a perfect winter holiday scene.

    VOA: standard.2009.12.25

  • Hobbes was in many ways a perfect foil for Machiavelli.


    耶鲁公开课 - 政治哲学导论课程节选

  • And this is a perfect example of it.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

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