Doubtless a piece of boiled beef can always be 16 up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables, without the Yorkshire pudding and no wine.
It was doubtless a brave gesture.
You are a doubtless an extrovert and your desk is probably the coffee hub of the office.
It's doubtless a shame if animation buffs will really see no more new works from the legend.
There remains the fact of his biography, a man's journey. Personality is doubtless an obstacle to his recovery.
There is doubtless a case for banning other types of food, such as some types of caviar and some species of whale.
And here is a little secret: If you can learn to utilize words of this ilk, you doubtless are pretty sharp to begin with.
Since the twentieth century, since the mid-90s, the painter Xin Dongwang realism oil painting art of Chinese painting, is doubtless a brilliant wonderful work.
The prominence of Buddhism in Sansho Dayu is doubtless attributable to a change in Mizoguchi's own worldview: he had recently embraced the Nichiren sect of the religion.
The return of share repurchases on a grand scale (doubtless at a time when they are far more expensive than today) will be a sign that defrosting is giving way to overheating.
When they were together she would often take film and photos of him with their godchildren and friends' children, doubtless a subconscious expression of her desire to have children by him.
With the advent of the upsurge of drive-travel, its market potential appears to be more gigantic. This is doubtless a business chance for the travel services which open up tourist products.
His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers.
You are, doubtless, a Princess?
The miners, one of whom is a Bolivian migrant, will doubtless enjoy their brief moment of international celebrity, with books and films already in the works.
Such a threat to the old way of teaching has doubtless made professors everywhere spit sherry onto the common-room carpet.
No one else supported the scheme, and doubtless there was much to be urged against it as a practical proposition.
What follows is a quixotic quest for the recipes that give good countryfolk—and doubtless Mr Barlow—ample waistlines and cheerful characters.
Such thoughts have doubtless crossed many a mind at Google.
Smothered in a cloud doubtless created by the CIA
Unless you’ve just come out of a suspended animation or something, you have doubtless heard that the latest Batman movie is out today.
He plans to spend a day a week in court; more time will doubtless be spent with his lawyers.
And then he shows me the crooked arm which he got in a taxi accident on a day doubtless when he had neglected to rehearse the complete song and dance.
This is because once a bottle is open, the wine begins to oxidise and, as many readers would have doubtless discovered, soon turns to vinegar.
Last week Rio said that it was considering a rights issue, but that would doubtless need to be deeply discounted.
If the Doha round does indeed get done, it will doubtless provide him with enough shenanigans (and a more optimistic ending) for a second edition of this useful and enjoyable work.
This can be switched on a few minutes before you climb in, but the price will doubtless still leave a bitter taste for most.
This can be switched on a few minutes before you climb in, but the price will doubtless still leave a bitter taste for most.