Have consistent set of coding, naming, and whitespace conventions.
Part 1 also presented a consistent set of terms for use in discussions on this topic.
A modeling tool such USES a consistent set of objects to represent the business process.
This ensures that a consistent set of approved terminology is used for auto-categorization.
Regardless of what the widget is, its definition requires a consistent set of information.
A consistent set of principles that underpins Barack Obama's thinking on the American economy.
By adhering to a consistent set of principles, a coach can make the most of precious practice time.
The two scenarios provide illustrations of consistent set of outcomes for range of possible policies.
Finally, simplicity is achieved by using a single data model across a consistent set of XML programming models.
Now, as you have successfully finished the second step, you have a consistent set of users in both user repositories.
Unify business, operations, and development teams by leveraging a consistent set of development tools, services and best practices.
Thus, to build these composite services you need a better way to manage and maintain a consistent set of tags across these applications.
The following step -- the replication of the user groups -- is then based on a consistent set of users and has to only care about group memberships.
Therefore, the advantages of reuse, or the identification of redundant activities that would become evident through a consistent set of EA models, is minimal.
There may be more than one consistent set of things that could happen at the various events in space-time, but one and only one set of things actually does occur.
P 's parameter types involve no method type parameters or involve only method type parameters for which a consistent set of inferences have already been made.
To provide a consistent set of examples for this article, all of the command and output examples refer to mounted partitions from the system shown in Listing 3.
For the last few years, RI's presidents have chosen to continue a consistent set of service emphases, focusing every year on projects in health and hunger, water, and literacy.
Easy global changes through customized transforms: With DITA and XSLT, you can update the structure and presentation of an entire information set by applying a consistent, core transform.
This same principle of consistent naming also provides benefits with a more sophisticated tooling set.
Groups of work items (work stream) tagged with the same policy set use the same policies and process in a consistent and predictable manner.
The existing system of health accounts gives countries a set of consistent methods for producing health expenditure estimates.
Applying constraints in a consistent manner means that you have a set of constraints that does not contain any contradictory constraints.
The XMS API provides a consistent programming model across multiple languages by offering a common set of high-level classes to perform messaging operations.
The crux of this scenario is the virtualization and centralization of information to create a set of consistent, reliable data.
Such a "Software Engineer's Toolkit" would consist of a useful set of key components that would measure elements of a project or solution for consistent and correct results.
For example, a set of sentences might be consistent, i.e. such that they can only be true together without being an argument. Do you see what I mean?
Well-organized, edited, and timely original content set in an attractive, interactive, and consistent format are some traits of great Web sites.
Well-organized, edited, and timely original content set in an attractive, interactive, and consistent format are some traits of great Web sites.