I'm going to have really dumb users, who manage to find every possible way to break my application, by doing things out of order, in ridiculous ways, and without any thought at all.
The team has to find ways to ensure that their outputs are accessible by any other member of the team at all times.
You can do this in different ways: by interviewing the current end users, reading the application's documentation (if any), or simply using the application yourself.
Any provider can be replaced by another provider as long as it approximates the capabilities needed by the requester in ways that the ESB can mediate.
In some ways, autobiographical accounts of grief are unfalsifiable, and therefore unreviewable by any normal criteria.
Used effectively in your home, business or work environment, or as a form of therapy, color can affect yours in ways that would be difficult to create by any other means.
Like the Gates foundation, the initiative seems laudable and refreshing in many ways - especially given the discarding of any sense of social responsibility by so many of the rich in recent decades.
Payment may be made in any of the following ways, in cash, by cheque, or by credit card.
OCL is permitted to constrain and inquiry the elements in the model, define the model language on any layer of MOF and transform rules of model by different ways.
Like any other international criminal tribunal or international organization, the ICC can only fulfill its mandate by related states assist the ICC in variety of ways.
By signing this authorization letter, the authorizer understands and agrees that the Company will not be responsible for any possible loss caused by this authorization in any ways.
All our technological advancements have been achieved by nerds, so we have a ways to go before robots know how to talk to girls. Being romantic in any situation is easy.
This method can be applied to terrain correction point by point for the airborne gamma energy spectrum in cases of any flight ways and arbitrary topographic conditions.
Any Party organization that deplorably loses touch with the masses and doesn't mend its ways is forfeiting the source of its strength and will invariably fail and be rejected by the people.
Avoid looking like a completely douchebag by not proposing in any of the following ways.
One of the most convenient but expensive ways to get around a city in any country is by taxi. And in some cases, tipping is expected.
No. 81 No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or 'get rich' in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking.
By studying economics, you will sharpen your powers of critical thinking in ways that can give you additional insight into any professional field.
One of the most convenient but expensive ways to ______ ______a city in any country is by taxi.
In many ways it is akin to Napster, the pioneering file-sharing service that upended the music industry in 1999 by allowing Internet users to call up almost any song at will.
And it is imagined by a lot those the operations of the common mind can by no ways be compare notd with any processes, and those them HAs to be required by a sort of special training.
Article 19 no law firms may canvass business by using illegal ways of charging, nor may they give any discount to the clients by any means or items or pay introductory fees to the agent.
Article 19 no law firms may canvass business by using illegal ways of charging, nor may they give any discount to the clients by any means or items or pay introductory fees to the agent.