• 同时还要面对不断侵蚀他们利润空间那些削价电子零售商

    They face competition from e-commerce retailers who undercut their pricing power and erode their margins.


  • 根据可能配送时间,具体进行配送确保电子零售商达到现实顾客期望

    Be practical about delivery and ensure that e-retailers set realistic customer expectations in terms of the likely delivery date.


  • 通过eBay贝宝已经成功同几百万小型电子零售商签约现在正努力赢得的客户

    Having signed up millions of small e-tailers through eBay, it is now trying to win over more large ones.


  • 许多我们电子零售商混淆,因此,只通过我们商品交易总量评估我们商业模式

    Many people confuse us with other e? Commerce retailers and therefore assess our business model solely on the basis of the growth rate of our gross merchandise volume (GMV).


  • 这家消费电子零售商认为可以音乐服务带来一些特别内容,现在它的计划终于大白于天下。

    The electronics retailer thinks it can do something special with the music service though and now those plans will see the light of day.


  • 种三位数字代码,印信用卡背面多数不是所有电子零售商进行买卖交易是都要求提供这一代码。

    That's the three-digit code on the back of every credit card that most, but not all, e-retailers ask for when making a purchase.


  • 社会网络扎根四分之三今年世界500电子零售商重大的社会网络或社会购物网站之一存在

    Social networking Takes Hold: Almost three-fourths of this year's Top 500 e-retailers have a presence on one of the major social networking or social shopping sites.


  • 作为电子零售商亚马逊一月份购买了名为Lovefilm类似服务这种来自欧洲的服务似乎不尽人意。

    Its success has attracted rivals, including Amazon: the e-retailer bought LOVEFiLM (a similar but inferior European service) in January.


  • 因为这种信用卡诈骗并没有盗取实体只是盗取信息,因此亚马逊之类的电子零售商那里是无法使用的。

    And because this credit card scam doesn't steal the actual card, just the information on the card, it's useless if it can't be used at an e-retailer like Amazon.


  • 仔细选择在线购物网站搜寻在线商品服务时,认可的商家做生意已设立电子零售商最安全赌注

    Select online shopping websites carefully. When searching for a product or service online, do business only with those you recognize. Established e-retailers are your safest bet.


  • 该家英国最大的消费电子零售商表示其2011财年项目税前利润预计为1亿英镑(1.576亿美元)至1.1亿英镑之间。

    Pretax profit before items in fiscal 2011 is likely to be 100 million pounds ($157.6 million) to 110 million pounds, the U.K’s largest consumer-electronics retailer said.


  • 我们研究中,设计团队负责一个大型电子零售商电子商务网站。他们有分析人员分别扮演四设计好的用户角色浏览网站

    One design team we studied, who was in charge of a major electronic retailer's e-commerce site, had an analyst role play each of four personas, walking through the site as each character.


  • 同时,这个世界最大电子零售商不仅购买了Zappos以此踏入网络售鞋业还买下了Diapers.com统治另一领域(纸尿布)。

    Meanwhile, just as it bought Zappos to bigfoot its way into shoes, the world's largest e-tailer purchased Diapers.com to rule that playground.


  • 欧洲联盟委员会举出,即英特尔公司支付德国最大的电子零售商Media-SaturnHolding公司一笔资金,要求其销售使用英特尔公司芯片电脑

    The European Commission notes one case when Intel paid Media-Saturn Holding, Germany’s largest electronics retailer, to sell only computers with Intel chips inside.


  • 欧洲联盟委员会举出,即英特尔公司支付德国最大电子零售商Media -SaturnHolding公司一笔资金,要求其销售使用英特尔公司芯片电脑

    The European Commission notes one case when Intel paid Media-Saturn Holding, Germany's largest electronics retailer, to sell only computers with Intel chips inside.


  • 一些服装鞋类电子工业零售商制造商已经启动了环保项目

    Some retailers and manufacturers in the clothing, footwear, and electronics industries have launched environmental programs.


  • 某些情况下市场营销者自有媒介会成为另一个营销者的付费媒介。比如电子商务零售商出售网站广告空间时。

    But in some cases, one marketer's owned media become another marketer's paid media—for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site.


  • 一种全新生态系统使零售商合作伙伴以及出版商首次参与电子图书的销售过程之中。

    It's a brand new ecosystem, which makes retailers and affiliates, as well as publishers, participants in the e-book selling process for the first time.


  • 2005年,苹果公司他们时尚零售店里推出了电子收据,但当时其他主流零售商认为模仿这个结账系统很难

    In 2005, Apple introduced electronic receipts at its stylish retail stores. More mainstream retailers found the checkout system difficult to replicate.


  • 下周公司电子产品零售商TigerDirect Inc .CompUSA开始销售计划

    The company will begin selling plans through electronics retailer TigerDirect Inc. and CompUSA next week.


  • 想想看:电子商务重新定义了购物(shopping)概念,让一些零售商退出历史舞台迫使幸存者作出改变。

    Think about it: Online commerce redefined shopping forever, putting some retailers out of business and forcing the survivors to change.


  • 另外根据Shop.org(美国零售联盟下属电子分部)的一次调查,68%的线上零售商预计销售额增长15%或是更多

    On the other hand, 68% of online retailers say they expect their sales to grow by 15% or more, according to a survey by Shop.org, the digital division of the NRF.


  • 一些零售商已经采用一些计划人们相互发送电子礼券邮件接受者可以使用时将打印出来。

    Other retailers have launched schemes that let people E-mail one another electronic gift certificates, which the recipients can then print out for use.


  • 去年电视采访中电子书籍巨型零售商以较高折扣出售纸质的行为表示哀悼,认为“从长远出版业灾难”。

    In a television interview last year, he lamented that e-books and heavy discounting of printed books by big retailers were “a disaster in the long term” for the publishing industry.


  • 比酷电器(日本最大电子产品零售商之一)有乐町旗舰成百上千的游戏玩家排队等候又冷又湿一夜

    At the Yurakucho flagship store of Bic Camera, one of Japan's largest electronics retailers, hundreds of gamers queued through a cold, damp night.


  • 样本应用程序描绘虚构消费类电子产品零售商供应链管理应用程序。

    The sample application will portray a Supply Chain Management application for a fictitious consumer electronics retailer.


  • 样本应用程序描绘虚构消费类电子产品零售商供应链管理应用程序。

    The sample application will portray a Supply Chain Management application for a fictitious consumer electronics retailer.


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