• 那次侵略遭到了人们普遍谴责

    There was widespread condemnation of the invasion.


  • 这座城市被外国侵略毁坏了。

    The city was destroyed by foreign invaders.


  • 古罗马人是何时侵略英国的?

    When did the Romans invade Britain?


  • 他们背信弃义侵略尸体上踏过。

    Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors.


  • 他们准备赶走侵略军。

    They prepared to repel the invaders.


  • 分裂组织其他侵略提供其他冲突的借口。

    Partition would give licence to other aggressors in other conflicts.


  • 对公然侵略企图武力改变疆域,人们不会坐视不管。

    Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged.


  • 当时政府抵抗外来侵略

    At that time, the government was unwilling to resist foreign invasion.


  • 许多物种中这些特征包括侵略

    In many species, such characteristics include aggressiveness.


  • 军队不惜一切代价保卫祖国不受任何侵略

    The army will do whatever it takes to defend the motherland against any invasion.


  • 人类侵略而言暴力不能简单地归结一种本能

    In the case of human aggression, violence cannot be simply reduced to an instinct.


  • 它们一点东部土拨鼠那样具有侵略领地意识

    They are not at all aggressive and territorial like the Eastern marmots.


  • 人类物种战争可能生物本能侵略冲动自然表现

    War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in the human species.


  • 法西斯发动侵略战争人类带来了浩劫,教育了世界人民

    War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.


  • 相反南方历史学家坚持认为,面对北方侵略南方一致

    Southern historians clung instead to a notion of the South's unanimity in the face of Northern aggression.


  • 另一个原因,人与人之间的差异,让很难相信他们侵略冲动控制支撑。

    Another is that there is too much variation among people to believe that they are dominated by, or at the mercy of, aggressive impulses.


  • 一个人类生存首要因素似乎人类智力上胜过其他物种能力而不是他们侵略

    One is that people's capacity to outwit other species, not their aggressiveness, appears to be the dominant factor in human survival.


  • 尽管中国曾遭受过侵略曾经暂时被外族统治过,中华文明仍然是全世界古老且连续文明之一

    China has one of the world's oldest continuous civilizationsdespite invasions and occasional foreign rule.


  • 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫昨天表示,巴基斯坦没有邻国印度发生战争危险巴基斯坦军队做好准备击退任何侵略

    Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf said yesterday there was no danger of the country going to war with neighboring India, but that Pakistani forces would be ready to repel any aggression.


  • 微量一些激素可以改变我们情绪行为,我们的饮食倾向,我们的侵略顺从性以及我们的繁衍作为父母角色的行为

    Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify our moods and our actions, our inclination to eat or drink, our aggressiveness or submissiveness, and our reproductive and parental behavior.


  • 他们不得不舍弃土地,让侵略占领。

    They had to abandon their lands to the invading forces.


  • 他们俘虏交给侵略

    They delivered their prisoner over to the invading army.


  • 这种情况下侵略更好

    In those situations, it's better to be more aggressive than less aggressive.


  • 猩猩天性不具侵略性,这种体型巨大的动物对我并没有真正的恶意。

    True to a gorilla's unaggressive nature, the huge animal meant me no real harm.


  • 它推出的最佳动画系列中,包括《海绵宝宝》和《外星侵略者吉姆》在内,许多动画都很优秀。

    Among the best animated series it has offered, many stand out, including Sponge Bob Square Pants and Invader Zim.


  • 地区生态环境使得武装侵略周围荒漠中潜行,国家几乎难以控制这些荒漠。

    The ecology of the region also permitted armed predators to prowl the surrounding barrens, which were almost impossible for a state to control.


  • 人们根据自己侵略经历他人动机理解因素来决定自己是否采取侵略行为

    People decide whether they will act aggressively or not on the basis of factors such as their experiences with aggression and their interpretation of other people's motives.


  • 人们习惯于担心增加男孩们侵略大量数据表明引导他们有感情

    People used to worry that it might increase aggression in boys, but there's plenty of data out there to show that it can lead them to be more empathetic.


  • 由于大型公司无法停止前进步伐,公司带有侵略公司文化时常招来反垄断机构注意

    Because they cannot afford to rest on their laurels, high-tech heavyweights often foster aggressive corporate cultures that draw the attention of antitrust regulators.


  • 由于大型公司无法停止前进步伐,公司带有侵略公司文化时常招来反垄断机构注意

    Because they cannot afford to rest on their laurels, high-tech heavyweights often foster aggressive corporate cultures that draw the attention of antitrust regulators.


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