• 汉是中国最重要的城市之一,以黄鹤而闻名。

    Wuhan, one of the most important cities in China, is famous for the Yellow Crane Tower.


  • 2010年12月13中国休斯敦总领事高燕平应约总领馆办公会见云南西双版纳自治州州长刀林荫一行。

    On December 13, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Ms. Dao Linyin, Governor of Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province at the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.


  • 2011年2月12驻休斯敦总领事高燕平办公宴会大厅举办新春招待会,大休斯敦地区80多个收养中国儿童美国家庭共同欢度中国传统佳节―兔年春节

    On Feb. 12, Consul General Gao Yanping held a reception at the Chinese Consulate General for the American families with children from China to celebrate the Chinese New Year.


  • 这家电视台中国农历新年之际未经许可举行场大型焰火表演,使这座159笼罩烈焰中,仿佛干燥易燃物建造的。

    A gigantic fireworks display that the TV station staged without a permit on the occasion of the Chinese New Year had the 159-metre building up in flames as if it was built of dry tinder.


  • 有人估计中国在接下来20住宅写字的增长相当于美国现有总量

    By some estimates, China will add housing and office space equivalent to America's entire stock over the next 20 years.


  • 近年来随处可见写字住宅区建造热潮,中国经济的巨大引擎。

    Rampant construction of new office towers and apartment blocks in recent years was a huge boon to growth.


  • 2010年5月25日,驻休斯敦总领事高燕平中国休斯敦总领馆办公应约会见美国得克萨斯州州长里克·佩里

    On May 25, 2010, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Texas Governor Rick Perry at the office building of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.


  • 中国一家建筑公司已经莫斯科方面签订份合约,莫斯科建造座87层高的摩天开发商成为欧洲第一

    A Chinese construction firm has signed a deal to build an 87-storey tower in Moscow, which the developers say will be the tallest in Europe.


  • 中国一家建筑公司已经莫斯科方面签订份合约,莫斯科建造座87层高的摩天开发商成为欧洲第一

    Chinese construction firm has signed a deal to build an 87-storey tower in Moscow, which the developers say will be the tallest in Europe.


  • 中国西南部青藏高原上发生里氏7.1级地震居民房屋,校舍办公到他严重,目前已造成300死亡,8000多人受伤

    A magnitude 7.1 earthquake has killed around 300 people in the Tibetan Plateau in southwest China and left more than 8, 000 injured as houses, schools and offices collapsed.


  • 2011年7月1中国休斯敦总领馆在总领馆办公举行高燕平总领事离任招待会

    On July 1, a farewell reception for Consul General Gao Yanping was held at the office building of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.


  • 中国叉车网谢谢总经理先生繁忙公务抽空接受我的采访,预祝派若搬在未来取得更好成绩!更上一层

    China Forklift: Thank you for your time in the middle of your busy business, Mr. Winn. We hope that Pyroban will get better and better achievements in the future!


  • 北京豪华办公提供电子游戏瑜伽健身房拉丁舞课程。 这些设施在硅谷可能相当普遍很少有中国公司提供

    s plush Beijing office also offers video games, a yoga studio and salsa classes-amenities that might seem fairly common in Silicon Valley but that few Chinese companies provide.


  • 如果我们公司看的话,我们公司办公,在我们的客户培训,在我们的员工食堂到处都可以看到,体现中国文化语录警句。

    If you pay a visit to our company, in our administrative building, in our customer-training area, in our staff canteen, you can see many quotations and aphorisms illustrating Chinese culture.


  • 最后,中国农历即将到来之际,大家新的年里研究一层、事业鸿兔(图)大展!

    As we are only a few days away from the Chinese New year, let me wish all of you a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit!


  • 过去几年不满心理问题的不安定中国公民建筑或公交车上引发爆炸。

    In past years, disgruntled or mentally unstable Chinese citizens have set off explosions near buildings or on buses.


  • 建筑风格气候很大关系。因为中国南方气候潮湿因此在建没有地下室

    There's a strong link between the architectural styles and climates. In the south of China, the climate is humid, so there's no basement in the buildings.


  • 而从大使馆得到的消息,昨天晚上不明身体机枪扫射居民突尼斯南部,也有两中国误伤

    From the embassy I learned that last night people of unclear identity were firing machine guns into apartment buildings, and in the south of Tunisia two Chinese were accidentally injured.


  • 而从大使馆得到的消息,昨天晚上不明身体机枪扫射居民突尼斯南部,也有两中国误伤

    From the embassy I learned that last night people of unclear identity were firing machine guns into apartment buildings, and in the south of Tunisia two Chinese were accidentally injured.


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