And you could then use a sequence of CTRL-N and CTRL-P (or the up - and down-arrows) to step through the menu and select the word you wanted.
然后,您可以分别使用CTRL- N和CTRL - P(或上下箭头)来在菜单的候选项上移动并选择您想要的单词。
The S&P 500 is up almost 3 per cent this year, but financials have fallen 16 per cent and consumer cyclicals are down 11 per cent.
标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)今年以来上涨近3%,但金融类股却下跌了16%,周期性消费类股也下跌了11% 。
Whether it was in P. E. or coming home on the bus every day, they'd stand up and they would jump up and down and they would chant "Over-weight Kate. Over-weight Kate."
Whether it was in P. E. or coming home on the bus every day, they'd stand up and they would jump up and down and they would chant "Over-weight Kate. Over-weight Kate."