This story appears in the Historical Records Written by Sima Qian.
There are different opinions on Confucious exact birthday in the historical records.
The Historical Records is a master of Qin culture, in which legends are from pre-Qin philosophers.
Such climatic fluctuations well accord with the historical records and may be of a global significance.
According to the historical records, the earliest chopsticks existed in the New Stone Age, more than 3000 years ago.
After a long time 'historical accumulation, the historical Records finally become an important part of national virtue.
It was the first and frequently visited country from Southeast Asia recorded in the historical records of ancient China.
The yellow stone old man return, the water is cool to still see stay the , the historical records your work is historic.
The method of embalming, which involved leaving the brain intact, matched the historical records of the king's preservation.
It is a basic task to construct the edition system of the Historical Records (Shiji) and collate the differences of the words.
Differing in position and disposition, the characters in the Historical Records have vivid and lifelike personalities of their own.
The files management of one's status as a student in university is the historical records of students' learning course and effects.
The local documents are the historical records about the history and nature in a region, and are the important information resources.
This essay compared the historical records and the content of The Palace of Xianyang and identified the parts that the author fabricated.
According to the historical records, the ancestor of the family name "Yin" comes from the eastern tribe and is the descendant of Shaohao.
It is hoped that the two countries can objectively view the historical records of the South China Sea issue, instead of ignoring facts and offering unconstructive advice.
It records variant editions of the Historical records during the Six Dynasties, which contribute to correcting the misprints of existing editions of the Historical records.
Based on the historical records and this survey, it was concluded that the fish fauna in the Qingshui River comprised 86 species (subspecies), 57 genera, 13 families and 4 orders.
This article studied the historical material from the literature and culture, analyzing this image of officials in the historical records and their images' difference and similarity.
As the captain of the "twenty-four histories" and one of the most significant descendant literatures, the Historical Records (Shiji), holds the balance of traditional civilization of China.
In fact, The historical records show that MA Su lost the territory in the war of Jieting after disobeying the orders from superior and disregarding the right suggestions from his subordinates.
The purpose of this article is to show the agriculture and the peasants' life in the traditional Hakka society by using the folk songs, stories and sayings, together with the historical records.
The collection of historical documents and the historical records for the activities of Ba ethnic group in Mount Wudang lead to the discussion on relationship between Bayu Dance and Mount Wudang.
There were no historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man exists beyond a few self-referential hints embedded in the texts themselves.
Some digging around in historical records revealed that there was a change in the incidence of water-borne disease at that time, especially dysentery.
Second, like other "successful" insurrections, the events of February failed to generate the most desirable kinds of historical records.
Few volcanoes in the world have an eruption history so thoroughly documented by historical records.
Few volcanoes in the world have an eruption history so thoroughly documented by historical records.