R-Register office, Reception, Ring.
Records are kept in the General Register Office.
Thee wedding took place in a church rather than in a register office.
婚礼不是在结婚登记处举行的,而是在教堂举行的。 。
Normally, parents have to attend a register office within 42 days of a child being born.
It was a traditional wedding, and it took place in a church rather than in a register office.
Suddenly, getting hitched seemed the practical and sensible thing to do - so we did it on a scorching day in Oxford register office, with two witnesses.
In real life at their flat in Cornwall, Taylor wept as she watched the service and in 2005 - real life again - the couple married in the less glamorous surroundings of st Austell register office.
The actress recently moved from her home in Merton, south London to an address closer to the actor's home but the baby has yet to be registered at Westminster register Office, the Daily Mail reported.
In Shanghai, the young couple at the registration office told the paper that they decided to register their marriage as soon as possible to take advantage of the existing policy.
You will still need to register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office to Sue and that registration provides more legal protections than a postmark ever could.
Married men and women are also thought to be taking the opportunity to register from home, away from the prying eyes of colleagues in the office.
Carpluk headed back inside. She deposited o 'leary's money into the register, triggering an alert that it was time to take the money to the office safe on the other side of the car wash.
There are several places where people can register to vote. The most common place being is a local government office, although it's also possible to register at work or school. I chose the former.
They register for events at the "Unemployment Office, " a lopsided cardboard stand that looks like a recession-weary version of Lucy"s "Doctor is in" leomonade stand from Peanuts.
You have three options: you can register for classes online, over the phone, or in the registration office.
There are penalties for being an Animagus and failing to register with the Improper Use of Magic Office.
Article 35 if, after divorce, both parties desire to resume their husband-and-wife relationship, they shall register for the remarrying of each other with the marriage registration office.
I go to the teacher's office first to register. And then I go tomy classroom. There are not many classmates in it. Some of them do not arrive.
I go to the teacher's office first to register. And then I go to my classroom. There are not many classmates in it. Some of them do not arrive.
The Improper Use of Magic Office maintains a register of all known Animagi.
Otherwise, please plan to arrive before 6pm the day of your arrival so that you can register in the administration office.
Drinks and refreshment are served, please register with the EMP Office or Department Offices. Thank you!
The couple is just one of nearly 900 that this year received trees from Gorontalo's religious affairs office, where they are required to register their marriage documents.
The couple is just one of nearly 900 that this year received trees from Gorontalo's religious affairs office, where they are required to register their marriage documents.