Edit the blip and click the Done button (or press Shift + Enter) for Inbeddable to embed the image.
只有重新编辑blip,点击完成Done按钮或按下Shift +Enter后,Inbeddable才会起作用。
If you now enter a search term and press the search button, you do not receive a result list — rather, you are redirected to the Help page.
If they press "enter" or the search button, the predictions will be skipped in favor of results that match the exact search terms.
Enter a name and press the Create button.
Enter the project name ("Felix" for example), select your project directory, and uncheck the "Create Main Class" check box then press the finished button. See Figure 3.
输入项目名称 (比如"Felix"),选择你的项目目录,取消 "CreateMainClass"复选框,并按结束按钮(见下图)。
To restore the CD access code, press and hold down the enter button for 3 seconds, until the stored code will reappear.
This function may be either enabled or disabled (0f). To disable the function press and hold down for 3 seconds the enter button.
To deactivate the CD function, press and hold down the enter button, until the indication 0f will appear on LCD.
Enter this code in the space provided at the above web site, and press the SUBMIT button.
Press MAN button to enter the AUTO receiving mode.
Heather: Enter the number of copies you want using these buttons and then press the big green button to start.
Press this button and enter the coin. Then wait until the green light is lit up.
Place the remote controller without any operation for 60 seconds and it will enter sleep mode. Press the awakening button to awaken it and continue the use.
When you are finished, press the mouse button or enter to leave the splitter bar in their new location.
Tips: for 4 or 5 digit password, you can press the button of "enter" after entering 4 or 5 digit password. It is not needed to enter zero before or after password to make up of 6 digits.
Press Button A again to enter game mode. At this time, only the second indicator keeps on. Under this mode, the mouse games are available.
When the Welding Variables Confirm button appears, press Welding or Confirm button to enter into welding.
If you enter extensive customer information and then press the update button, the record is updated.
Press the DOWN ARROW key, press the RIGHT ARROW key, and then press TAB until you reach the Select Multiple Objects button, and then press ENTER.
Enter CFormDemo into a field Name. Press the button new located near a Document field and then click the OK button, in the newly appeared form. And once again click the OK button.
You can get a hint by clicking on the hint button on the bottom right or you can press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Press this button and enter the coin.
In the text box to enter a string of characters press the "narrow" button font size reduced by half (each click will be reduced to half), the interface such as the right.
According to the investigation, under the search button can be set or modify the 0 to 9, after the completion of the first one is set, press Set button to enter the second set, and so on.
According to the investigation, under the search button can be set or modify the 0 to 9, after the completion of the first one is set, press Set button to enter the second set, and so on.