Going out to restaurants for celebration at holiday time is a challenge.
Fortunately, things usually do quiet down at holiday time, so if you decide to put off making a major life decision for the time being, others will understand.
This is not characteristic of you, as you are a highly social sign, especially at holiday time, but this year you may want to have a simple New Year's celebration.
It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the local shopping mall.
It's been a long time since we met in Beijing last summer holiday, and I am eager to hear about your life and study at school.
In other words, get it out of your system when you have ample time, and you're not dealing with application stress, the holiday season, and work responsibility all at once.
To pass the time while waiting for your boyfriend or an acquaintance who just flew into the city and is most likely lost, why not pretend you're on holiday at some opulent ski resort?
That way, you have more time at the end of the day for family and even holiday shopping.
At the same time, we are to make every effort to relieve the poor during the holiday, ensure market supply and ensure that the general public will enjoy a happy and peaceful holiday.
The country's factory output grew at a record slow pace for a non-holiday month in the year to November and exports declined for the first time in more than seven years.
At one time Holiday Island had a fair amount of people touring their property, from all over the country.
Though, come to think about it, I did spend quite a bit of time looking at photos that my friend Amy had posted from her holiday to Spain.
The flowers are sweet words of love at any time, if you don't have any holiday ready, it must send a flower, a red rose can also nourish our love!
Our PALS at PLNDR were busy this holiday season, and one of our favorite flash sales ran for Supra Sneakers, a long-time ThreadSpot favorite.
I was thirteen at the time when my parents decided to take a holiday to Lakes Entrance.
We shall be on holiday at this time next week.
At the same time every year, the Kuwaitis began to come back from holiday resorts abroad in succession. The airport is very busy as a result.
The news show reports that the area's local cosmetic surgeons are doing a busy trade at this time of the year, coping with the Holiday season boom in procedures.
As for me, I prefer to stay at home during the holiday since I can control my time flexibly.
At Christmas time, schools, shops and offices close for holiday period, so people can spend time at home with their families.
"About 40 per cent of people who own property at Caliente Tampa live there full time and the other 60 per cent use them as holiday homes, " Dorsey says.
We were on holiday at the time and the events are all rather bewildering.
Lunar New Year will soon come, during the holiday whether it is to choose a car rental or rest at home, many users will still be private car storage for some time.
It's now holiday time from my work at Baohai university I'm so happy.
It's now holiday time from my work at Baohai university I'm so happy.