Unlike in rich countries, much of the waste in poor ones is a matter of money, not behaviour.
So much of what we waste our energy on will not matter even a year from now, much less for eternity.
Biochar is a form of charcoal made by liberating the energy from plant matter or animal waste using pyrolysis.
But that may not matter too much. Lasers are more efficient than xenon lamps, which waste a lot of energy as heat.
As Rob Carlson of the University of Washington points out, if money is to be made selling products made from exhaust gas, then that gas goes from being waste matter to being a valuable resource.
And for the purposes of investment decisions, the second group didn't matter; tracking its spending habits or worrying over its savings rate was a waste of time.
It is a waste of time arguing with him about the matter.
So worrying about using good algorithms without measuring where they matter is a waste of time - your's and computer's.
It would conduct energy, but not well. Most of it would be lost in the transmission. But this was his final strike, so what did it matter if there was a little waste?
Slaughter waste water includes a lot of nitrogenous organic matter such as blood, pluck, hairs and soon, and it is easy to breeding large Numbers of deleterious microorganism.
As the matter of fact, a good waterscape design can benefit people's inhabit environment greatly, but a bad one may waste much space and resource.
As the matter of fact, a good waterscape design can benefit people's inhabit environment greatly, but a bad one may waste much space and resource.