• 通常确定化石性别一个挑战了确定化石标本为雌性强有力的证据

    Determining fossil gender is a challenge, but the presence of the egg is strong evidence this individual was a mature female.


  • 张福发现,延伸背部尾部的纤维丝使得看起来活像块带有黄白条纹的理发店招牌。

    Zhang found that the filaments running down its back and tail must have made the dinosaur look like an orange-and-white-striped barber pole.


  • 上周四的奥运会男子110决赛中,世界纪录保持者古巴名将罗伯斯以12秒93的绩摘得冠军绩仅次于奥运历史上该项目的最好绩。

    Cuba's world record holder Dayron Robles won the 110m hurdles Olympic title Thursday, clocking 12.93 seconds — the second fastest time in Olympic history.


  • 1933年立以来,新界经营巴士线的垄断局面首次遭打破。

    KMB has lost its monopoly over bus routes in Kowloon and the New Territories for the first time since it began operations in 1933.


  • 产品玻璃纤维拉丝、解、、造、一条的生产格局。

    The production line is from pulling glass, neturning, combining, weaving, plastic coating, packing.


  • 在西方人眼里,一种怪物,一般被描述蛇尾翅膀皮肤的怪物,英文解释是。

    A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin.


  • 动作运行轨迹大都圆形弧形螺旋形动作过程稳健,环环相扣,一气呵相互呼应,活灵活现姿

    Track their movements are running into a round, curved, spiral and so on, moves the process of sound connected, at one go, leading, long body, tail echoed each other to form a vivid dragons posture.


  • 进颂,其诗颂说、规、纪略、题咏,辑一书,一并刊行,题为《书》。

    The poem and lauds Li Bingpresented to the Emperor was compiled with other compositions afterwards, inthe name of Mu Long Shu (Book of Wooden Dragon).


  • 走路静止时,第四及其翼,只能向上翻转,一个伸展且V型,在其身体两侧

    When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward in an extended inverted V-shape along each side of the animal's body.


  • 脚下,7英尺长的纤角嬉戏着,试图躲开阿拉莫脚丫子,以免肉泥

    At its feet, the 7-foot-long Leptoceratops play, trying to avoid being stomped on by the larger feet of the Alamosaurus.


  • 大江:“不是先生自杀时候我正和村上氏渡边讨论独眼结婚提纲。”

    Great river: "it is not I, Mr. Kang Cheng commits suicide time I just and in the village and Watanabe discuss" One-eyed person To marry Record "the compendium."


  • 盘踞传统中国形状——象征沟通融合方大同思想

    Long entrenched as a traditional Chinese knot shape - a symbol of this communication, integration and harmony of the four ideas.


  • 药物由下述重量原料:马钱子细辛、苦参、白、老20食醋1000毫升

    The medical infusion is prepared with the following materials based on weight proportion: respectively 20g of nux vomica, asarum, khosam, burning bush peel and lobaria kurokauae, and 1000ml vinegar.


  • 女主角斯蒂芬妮·普拉特电影中的角色美容野兽一个dvd尔卡皮坦剧院2010年10月2,在洛杉矶加利福尼亚州首映

    Actress Stephanie Pratt poses with a movie character at the 'Beauty and the Beast' Sing-A-Long DVD premiere at the el Capitan theater on October 2, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.


  • 家具厂于1998年占地面积5000平方米,拥有员工120位,本厂位于广东顺德我们质量第一;

    Longxuan Home Furniture was established in 1998, occupy about 5000 square meter, employed 120 workers , located in Shunde City, GuangDong , China. High quality, Good after-service are our principle.


  • 本文通过多种方法对冈底斯矿带、厅宫、冲江等铜矿进行同位素定年研究,确定冈底斯斑岩铜矿年龄1 7。

    Several methods have been used for the isotopic dating of the Qulong, Tingong and Chongjing porphyry copper deposits, which gives out a diagenetic age of 17.


  • 本文通过多种方法对冈底斯矿带、厅宫、冲江等铜矿进行同位素定年研究,确定冈底斯斑岩铜矿年龄1 7。

    Several methods have been used for the isotopic dating of the Qulong, Tingong and Chongjing porphyry copper deposits, which gives out a diagenetic age of 17.


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