• 游戏旨在让学生认识到齐心协力的重要性。

    The purpose of this game is to let students know the importance of pulling together.


  • 雅虎知识堂上有一些学术圈子,笔者注意物理社区很好,用户一直齐心协力的提供精准答案以及详细的解答过程。

    In some academic areasphysics is one I've noticed—the Answers community consistently does an impressive job of providing accurate answers and a clear explanation of how to get them.


  • 如果我们齐心协力我们实现我们目标

    If we'd all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.


  • 我们往往认为大萧条时期家庭成员齐心协力,共同面对失业带来的巨大损失

    We tend to think of the Depression as a time when families pulled together to survive huge job losses.


  • 果我们齐心协力,我们的中国梦一定会实现。

    If we all pull together, our China dream is sure to come true.


  • 有学校、家庭和学生齐心协力,学生才能有充足的睡眠,在学业上发挥最佳状态。

    Only if schools, families and students join hands together, can students get enough sleep and be at their best in schoolwork.


  • 们的体育老师经常告诉我们,如果我们齐心协力,我们就可以赢得比赛。

    Our P.E. teacher often tells us that we'll win the game if we pull together.


  • 要我们齐心协力,一定能把中国建设得更加美丽,我们的中国梦一定能够实现。

    As long as we pull together, we will build a more beautiful China and our Chinese Dream will come true.


  • 对于我们来说,选择就决定了下个选择,我们齐心协力冒险去完成我们决定,免不了会感到压力疲惫绝对遗憾

    For us, one choice led to another and each time we took the plunge events conspired to assist us in our mission. There were times of stress and exhaustion, but definitely no regrets.


  • 东德新建了一个露天图书馆让人难以置信的是,它竟然是东德居民1,000个啤酒纸箱齐心协力建造而的。

    What began as an assemblage of 1,000 empty beer cartons pulled together by residents in East Germany has now evolved into an incredible open air public library.


  • 东德新建了一个露天图书馆让人难以置信是,它竟然是东德居民1,000个啤酒纸箱齐心协力建造的。

    What began as an assemblage of 1, 000 empty beer cartons pulled together by residents in East Germany has now evolved into an incredible open air public library.


  • 是因为许多利益攸关方现在能够齐心协力按照统一方法统一运作方式开展工作

    This is because a multitude of stakeholders are now in a position to work in unison according to uniform methods and unified operational approaches.


  • 只要我们齐心协力,坚持不懈,我们共同争取伟大目标就一定能够实现,我们共同促进的崇高事业就一定能够成功。

    So long as we work together tirelessly, we will surely achieve the great goals that we have been pursuing together and accomplish the lofty cause that we have been promoting.


  • 历史我们一代人这一挑战反应作出评判,因为如果我们不能应对一挑战---大胆迅速齐心协力地,---我们将冒使自己的后代遭遇不可逆转灾难的风险。

    Our generation's response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet itboldly, swiftly, and together – we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe.


  • 排除万难,促使意大利企业家们齐心协力,联手收购处于困境的意大利航空公司,给予国内利润最高的航线——米兰罗马的垄断权

    With difficulty, he pulled together a consortium of Italian entrepreneurs to take over the ailing flag-carrier and gave it a monopoly on the most profitable route, between Rome and Milan.


  • 思想也许会再次使美国人齐心协力,给弗兰岑狠狠”——反对奥普拉的作家现在对《自由》评价过高——弗兰岑的思想不仅正确而且重要

    This idea may earn Franzen another all-American kicking - "Oprah-Hating Writer Now Says Freedom Overrated!" - but it is not only true; it is also important.


  • 就是Linux如何运作的道理:许多个人大家齐心协力而且最后为了共同目标希望促进自由软件这项事业并且提高自由软件质量

    And that is how Linux works: Lots of individuals, all pulling together, and all with ultimately the same goal, desiring to further the cause and quality of free software.


  • 那些走到一起齐心协力离开当前范式的人们,可以选择结束事实上维生并不需要过度消耗商品财物

    Those pulling together and moving away from the current paradigm may choose to end the over consumption of objects and possessions that are really not needed to sustain your existence.


  • 哈尔滨工业大学全体师生员工也满怀信心齐心协力综合性研究型国际化世界一流大学目标奋进

    Harbin Institute of Technology faculty and students are all full of confidence, a concerted effort to comprehensive, research-based, international goal of a world-class university Endeavor.


  • 其实欺凌者需要帮助与其冤冤相报,不如齐心协力共同创立一个和谐校园

    Actually bully more in need of help, instead, revenge than together, jointly create a harmonious campus.


  • 我们齐心协力奏响中捷关系时代强音,共同创造中国-中东欧国家合作以及中欧关系更加美好明天。

    Let us work together to renew and energize the development of China-Czech ties and usher in a bright new era of China-CEECs cooperation and China-EU relations.


  • 我们齐心协力奏响中捷关系时代强音,共同创造中国-中东欧国家合作以及中欧关系更加美好明天。

    Let us work together to renew and energize the development of China-Czech ties and usher in a bright new era of China-CEECs cooperation and China-EU relations.


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