• 不到克尔公众关注夫妻

    You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.


  • 华尔街日报》报道克尔在萨科生日时送给一个崭新泰迪

    The Wall Street Journal reports that Merkel gave Sarkozy a new teddy bear for his birthday.


  • 上周克尔萨科呼吁欧元区国家出台赤字上限法律帕特罗如此迅速他们的建议作出回应同样是值得赞许的。

    Yet Mr Zapatero also deserves applause for responding so swiftly to the suggestion made by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy last week that euro-zone countries should introduce legal deficit caps.


  • 萨科倾向克尔接受问题上提出意见,诸如欧盟金融业务进行征税想法

    Mr Sarkozy tends to propose only what he knows Mrs Merkel will accept, such as the idea of a European tax on financial transactions.


  • 克尔萨科称(如果太过麻烦的话他们可以不触及里斯本条约,在欧元区17之间达成(财政联盟)协议

    Merkel and Sarkozy said they could bypass that problem by leaving the Lisbon treaty intact and cutting a separate deal among the 17 eurozone countries.


  • 本周宣布的消息表明萨科先生克尔女士都必然的趋势做出了让步,他们给空客公司一个机会它沿着与波音相同的路径前行

    This week's announcement showed that Mr Sarkozy and Mrs Merkel have bowed to the inevitable and given Airbus a chance to move in the same direction as Boeing has.


  • 克尔曾经说过觉得自己萨科遇见无聊。”

    Ms Merkel has said she thinks she isthe most boring person Mr Sarkozy has ever met”.


  • 法国尼古拉斯·萨科不同,克尔没有自己看作是一个军火商

    Unlike France's Nicolas Sarkozy, Mrs Merkel does not see herself as an arms dealer.


  • 罗莎莉·戴维美国宾夕法尼亚州维拉·诺瓦大学克尔·默尔曼说:“可能现代社会致癌物十分普遍有关。”

    "This might be related to the prevalence of carcinogens in modern societies," write Rosalie David and Michael Zimmermann of Villanova University, Pennsylvania.


  • 去年克尔萨科他们改变欧盟条约建立一个永久性的金融救助机制时,他们盟友纷纷加入队伍

    WHEN Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy said last year that they wanted to change the European Union's treaties to create a permanent financial-rescue system, their colleagues soon fell into line.


  • 欧元未击中,萨科已经克尔一起出现在法德的峰会上欧元区制定政策

    Throughout the euro crisis Mr Sarkozy has appeared alongside Ms Merkel at Franco-German summits to set policy for the entire euro zone.


  • 克尔·卡里克——这样个和伦·霍德尔相似的中场放在了中卫的位置上,与青年学院才刚过19岁11的依基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half. He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 克尔·卡里克——这样个和伦·霍德尔相似的中场被放在了准中卫的位置上,与青年学院才刚过19岁11的依基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half.He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 知道自己税收这件事上遇到压力但是没有准备套备选方案满足克尔(或者是萨科)。

    He knew he would come under pressure on taxes, but brought no alternative offering to satisfy Mrs Merkel (if not Mr. Sarkozy).


  • 一位法国官员坚称,“克尔萨克已经理性地大大恢复了两国之间的友好关系。”

    “There has been a spectacular conceptual rapprochement between Merkel and Sarkozy, ” insists a French official.


  • 尽管不受欢迎,但是雄辩机智萨科不需要面临任何克尔面对问题,那就是公众反对应急措施计划的问题。

    Although unpopular, the mercurial Mr Sarkozy faces none of Mrs Merkel's problems of public opposition to bail-outs.


  • 尽管那样能让克尔夫人(尼古拉斯·萨科)本国纳税人有个交代——他们没有胡乱挥霍那些不争气的南欧国家。

    This enables Mrs Merkel (and Nicolas Sarkozy) to show domestic taxpayers that their money is not being frittered away on feckless southern Europeans.


  • 十月二十六日克尔萨科曾一度离开峰会单独银行家们讨价还价。

    At one point on October 26th Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy broke away from the summit to bargain with bankers.


  • 好友沃伊泰克·杰扎诺夫斯基和迈克尔·雷沙德·沃伊克(现在Antimoon搭档英语学得很棒

    My brilliant friends, Wojtek Dzierzanowski and Michael Ryszard Wojcik (who is my partner at Antimoon now), were both fantastic English learners.


  • 与之前声明非常类似克尔萨科帕潘德里欧承诺尽快实施救助协议消除市场担忧

    Much like previous statements, Merkel, Sarkozy and Papandreou committed to implementing the bailout agreements as soon as possible in a bid to allay market fears.


  • 第一峰会结束以后记者招待会上克尔萨科问及他们是否卢斯科尼做出的承诺放心

    At a press conference after the first summit, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy were asked whether they were reassured by Mr Berlusconi's promises.


  • 确实宁愿克尔不愿意法国萨科为伍。

    Indeed, he is rather more in tune with Mrs Merkel than with France's Nicolas Sarkozy.


  • 克尔萨科星期二提出关于在欧洲范围内征收金融交易税计划

    Merkel and Sarkozy put forward a plan Tuesday for a Europe-wide tax on financial transactions.


  • ·贾米尔拉合尔桑贾恩。纳加尔哲学艺术研究所音乐理论家。他,迈克尔·杰克逊影响了巴基斯坦的流行歌坛,这点毫无疑问的。

    Rakae Jamil, a musicologist with the Sanjan Nagar Institute of Philosophy and Arts in Lahore, says there is no doubt that Michael Jackson influenced the pop scene in Pakistan.


  • 尽管默克尔萨科听取欧洲央行行长特里谢意见声明没有他们是否已经解决了希腊是否应该允许违约差异

    Merkel and Sarkozy "listened" to the views of ECB President Trichet though the statement didn't say if they settled differences on whether Greece should be allowed to default.


  • 尽管默克尔萨科听取欧洲央行行长特里谢意见声明没有他们是否已经解决了希腊是否应该允许违约差异

    Merkel and Sarkozy "listened" to the views of ECB President Trichet though the statement didn't say if they settled differences on whether Greece should be allowed to default.


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