• 同时默里大学大二学生奥利维亚·鲁宾几乎不认为在家完成的考试真正的考试。

    Meanwhile, Olivia Rubin, a sophomore at Emory, says she hardly even considers take-homes true exams.


  • 默里大学埃里卡·霍尔最近进行一项研究发现由于社会经济地位明显差异,人们黑人”的看法非裔美国人负面

    A recent study, conducted by Emory University's Erika Hall, found that "Black" people are viewed more negatively than "African Americans" because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status.


  • 但是佐治亚州亚特兰大市默里大学莎拉·布鲁斯南斯··瓦尔一项研究表明,确实猴子了。这项研究近期发表在了自然》杂志上。

    But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.


  • 国际教育协会默里大学一个基石

    International education is a cornerstone of Emory University.


  • 特设制作社默里大学唯一生产音乐剧剧团

    Ad Hoc Productions is Emory's sole theater group dedicated exclusively to the production of musicals.


  • 默里大学父亲春假探校的最后一大学

    Emory University was the last college my dad and I visited during my spring break.


  • 帮助默里大学一个合作项目开发了这种针头

    He helped develop the micro needles in a joint project with researchers at Emory University.


  • 默里大学科学家发现简单可以组织双向层

    Emory University scientists have discovered that simple peptides can organize into bi-layer membranes.


  • 默里大学一位申请人材料至少三个以上的审者审阅

    Here at Emory, each application is reviewed by a minimum of three different readers.


  • 洛·沃斯曼,博士人类学家,供职于乔治亚州亚特兰大市默里大学

    Carol Worthman, PhD, an anthropologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.


  • 2010年8月30,驻休斯敦总领事高燕平会见美国默里大学詹姆斯·瓦格纳校长

    On August 30, Consul General Gao Yanping met with President of Emory University James Wagner.


  • 默里大学其他研究人员研究发现死刑执行震慑令人惊异18起谋杀

    Other researchers at Emory found that each execution deterred a startling 18 murders.


  • 默里大学生物学家进行的研究显示帝王好像药用植物治疗它们后代疾病

    Monarch butterflies appear to use medicinal plants to treat their offspring for disease, research by biologists at Emory University shows.


  • 默里大学法律预科协会那些想加入法律学院从事法律相关职业同学们服务的。

    The Emory Prelaw Society is designed to serve members of the Emory community who plan to attend law school or pursue law-related careers.


  • 研究墨西哥进行一个更大随机控制实验组成部分研究者默里大学当地研究者

    The study was part of a larger randomized controlled trial conducted in Mexico by researchers from Emory University and local investigators.


  • 默里大学研究全球卫生副教授乌莎·拉玛克里斯南研究者继续对DHA益处进行长期研究。

    Study researcher Usha Ramakrishnan, an associate professor of global health at Emory, said the researchers are continuing to investigate the long-term benefits of DHA.


  • 平静消费者大脑的必要性得到了乔治亚州亚特兰大市默里大学神经学家GregoryBerns的支持。

    The need to cool off our consumer brains is reinforced by Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.


  • 佐治亚州亚特兰大默里大学海伦。梅贝格,“大脑是工作电路板上的”,他的团队揭开dbs面纱

    "The brain works on a circuit board," says Helen Mayberg of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, whose team is lifting the veil on DBS.


  • 默里提供寒假前后机场免费巴士如果默里大学学生证,你就可以去体育馆前面等这辆免费巴士。

    Emory also has a free shuttle service to the airport before and after winter break, which will pick you up in front of the gym if you have an Emory ID.


  • 现在已有少数关于海豚研究但是总计并不亚特兰大默里大学神经科学行为生物学研究者--罗莉马里说道

    There are a few dolphin studies out there, but they don't add up to much, says Lori Marino, a neuroscience and behavioral biology researcher at Emory University in Atlanta.


  • 默里大学南亚舞蹈队锡塔尔有很多种舞蹈形式包括现代舞爵士舞街舞芭蕾舞印度古典舞蹈,民族电影舞蹈。

    Sitara, Emory's South Asian dance team, performs within a variety of dance genres, including modern, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, Indian classical, folk, and film dance.


  • 他们当然无法猜测药剂有什么成分,但是那时,他们也没有杨博士默里大学基斯国家首席实验中心草原田鼠实验。

    They couldn’t guess what was in the potion, but then, they didn’t have the benefit of Dr. Young’s research with prairie voles at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University.


  • 阿布杜拉希••那依目前佐治亚州默里大学法学教授美国绿卡持有者的身份返回土生土长的苏丹

    Abdullahi an-Na 'im is now a law professor at Emory University in georgia-and when he returns to his native Sudan, it is as an American passport-holder.


  • 亚特兰大市默里大学基斯国家灵长动物研究中心弗兰斯·瓦尔强有力地证明在进化史上,笑声密切相关。

    It gives strong evidence that ape and human laughter are related through evolution, said Frans DE Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta.


  • 默里大学海豚专家洛里·马里诺说,如果人类智力水平评判标准应用动物身上,则海豚大脑资质水平和人类的十分相近

    If human standards for intelligence are applied to non-human animals, however, dolphins come very close to our own brain aptitude levels, suggests Emory University dolphin expert Lori Marino.


  • 默里大学研究发现年龄相差5岁的夫妻离婚几率一般的高出18%,年龄相差10岁的夫妻离婚率则要高出39%。

    An Emory University study found that couples with a five-year age difference were 18% more likely to divorce, and ones with a 10-year difference were 39% more likely.


  • 一个小时过后医生过来他们说刚刚请教默里大学的神经外科专家,卡梅隆问题很严重,与之比较,脑震荡根本不算问题。

    After an hour, the doctor returned to say he’d consulted with neurosurgeons at Emory University Hospital. A concussion, it seemed, was the least of Cameron’s problems.


  • 来自默里大学乔治亚技术学院研究者进行这项研究。本研究获认同:为医学界首次可降解微针头免疫优势所进行的评估

    Conducted by researchers from Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology, the study is believed to be the first to evaluate the immunization benefits of dissolving microneedles.


  • 来自默里大学乔治亚技术学院研究者进行这项研究。本研究获认同:为医学界首次可降解微针头免疫优势所进行的评估

    Conducted by researchers from Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology, the study is believed to be the first to evaluate the immunization benefits of dissolving microneedles.


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