• 岩石黑暗部分更古老图画

    The darker the rocks are, the older the drawings.


  • 库尔特留在螺旋表面避开超出黑暗部分

    Kurt kept to the inner surface of the spiral, avoiding the darkness that lay beyond.


  • 两个寻找答案灵魂提供黑暗部分平衡

    Two unpretentious souls on a search for answers, Leonid and Valery provide the light that balances the dark part of humanity.


  • 另一种设想暗物质能量之间联系会改变宇宙结构,因为宇宙结构严重依赖于的各种构成成分包括黑暗部分

    Another idea is that a connection between dark matter and dark energy would alter the growth of cosmic structures, which depends delicately on the composition of the universe, including its dark side.


  • 电缆利马城部分地区陷入一片黑暗

    Large parts of Lima were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up.


  • 对于伊伯带探索动机可能部分来自与人们终于认识到,我们太阳系边缘寒冷黑暗区域实在知之甚少。

    Part of the motivation for exploring the Kuiper Belt was the recognition of just how little we know about this cold, dark region at the fringe of our solar system.


  • 充满恐惧黑暗时期人们人性部分藏起来。

    In times of fear and darkness, we tend to suppress the better angels of our nature.


  • 云层稀薄纤细,并泛着蓝光无尽黑暗太空形成对比(右上部分)。

    The clouds exhibit thin, wispy light blue forms that contrast with the darkness of space (image upper right).


  • MODIS视野中,即使在日食带月球阴影黑暗部分云层反光强烈,使得仅有少量阳光透过月面(moon ' s disk),照亮边缘轮廓

    Even in the darkest part of the shadow, clouds are so reflective that the small amount of sunlight escaping around the edge of the moon's disk is enough to illuminate them for MODIS 'view.


  • 如果我们又再次倒退回到那个黑暗年代,即使只是部分回到,这也是场悲剧死去的那些记忆侮辱

    It would be a second tragedy and an insult to the memory of those who died there, were we to return, even in part, to those dark ages.


  • 几乎所有店铺关门了部分会堂笼罩一片黑暗之中,嗅到寂静,每次祷告完弥漫教堂中的那份寂静。

    Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I recognized a silence like that which pervades a church after a service.


  • 我们刚才所说部分几个概括起来,社会唯一危害黑暗

    Let us condense, in a few words, a part of what we have just written. The only social peril is darkness.


  • 库特兹调查中非区域位于尼罗河大湖源头附近,这里曾非洲大陆黑暗腹地最幽暗的部分

    The part of central Africa he was investigating, round the headwaters of the Nile and the Great Lakes, was the darkest part of the continent's dark heart.


  • 伊顿公学冒险家西蒙·今天赤道几内亚接受审判,无可否认,部分形形色色职业生涯都在充斥着特殊势力金钱至上者黑暗世界度过了

    Simon Mann, who goes on trial in Equatorial Guinea today, is an Old Etonian adventurer who has spent most of his decidedly mixed career in the murky world of special forces and mercenaries.


  • 梅森给此游戏粉丝提醒说游戏世界部分地域都被死亡地震破坏了,他们的归来艾泽拉斯引进了黑暗时代

    Metzen cautioned the game's fans that there are "dark times ahead" for Azeroth with the return of Deathwing and quakes destroying large parts of the game world.


  • 大气层上,蓝色部分表示上层大气(包括中间层热层电离层外逸层),它们渐渐消逝空间黑暗中。

    Above the stratosphere, blue layers mark the upper atmosphere (including the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere) as it gradually fades into the blackness of outer space.


  • 部分媒体巨头黑暗势力所有他们记者十分脆弱,不堪外界压力的重负,还要面对招权纳贿

    Most big media outlets have murky ownership, leaving their journalists vulnerable to outside pressure and influence-peddling.


  • 使用这种混合模式消除图层明亮区域保持黑暗部分就是草地变亮几乎白色原因

    Using this blend mode removes the light areas of the layer and keeps the darkest sections of the layer, hence why I lightened the grass to almost white.


  • 最终同心圆一个不错铃声模式日志底部黑暗阴影部分地区给予一定深度

    Smaller concentric circles on the end give a nice ring pattern and some areas of darker shading at the bottom of the log give it some depth.


  • 上图是这只被称作Rrespect小狗,顺着食物来到一个黑暗箱子里。这是对小狗勇气毅力测试部分

    Above, Rrespect follows a trail of kibble into a darkened box as part of a test of puppy courage and perseverance.


  • 星条旗不再被悬挂而是一个部分黑暗房间里面桌子上。

    The flag no longer hangs but lies on a table in a partly darkened room.


  • 这里是世界开始地方——至少部分地图册上是这样的——它坐落条大路尽头,在更远地方只有黑暗的群山和可怕的海上漩涡。

    The first place in the worldat least in most atlaseslies at the end of a road to nowhere.


  • 部分年轻人对这场包围黑暗一无所知,而年七八十岁幸存者们则吐露尘封的创伤。

    Most young people have no knowledge of the darker aspects of the siege, and the survivors, now in their 70s and 80s, are reluctant to give voice to long-buried trauma.


  • 部分年轻人对这场包围黑暗一无所知,而年七八十岁幸存者们则吐露尘封的创伤。

    Most young people have no knowledge of the darker aspects of the siege, and the survivors, now in their 70s and 80s, are reluctant to give voice to long-buried trauma.


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