• 瑞士政府一个小组建议该国出售大约一半黄金储备引发了其他国家采取同样做法淹没市场的担忧。

    A Swiss government panel recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves and this raised fears of other countries that do the same and inundate the market.


  • 意味着利用信贷管理内部事务,将战争取胜预期目标作为抵押品并且保存黄金作为中立国家交易的工具。

    This means that it runs its internal affairs on credit, using the expectation of victory as collateral, and saves its gold for dealings with neutral countries.


  • 思考幅图表另一种方式还清国家债务将要支付多少黄金

    Another way to think of this chart would be: how much gold would it take to pay off the national debt.


  • 印度俄罗斯以及波斯湾国家囤积黄金

    India, Russia, China, and Persian Gulf countries are all accumulating gold.


  • 该类广告大多强调他们多么值得信赖一个国家黄金地段,如果不在房子房子出售”,那有人就会趁你不在家了。

    Most emphasise how trustworthy they are, a crucial point in a country where, if you don't write "This house is not for sale" on your house, someone may sell it while you are away.


  • 该类广告大多强调他们多么值得信赖一个国家黄金地段,如果不在房子房子出售”,那有人就会趁你不在家了。

    Most emphasise how trustworthy they are, a crucial point in a country where, if you don't writeThis house is not for saleon your house, someone may sell it while you are away.


  • 紧随其后,严重的货币紧缩国家有限黄金储备激烈竞争促进萧条

    A ferocious monetary squeeze and competition across countries for limited gold reserves followed and contributed to the Great Depression.


  • 截止到目前黄金留在国内有效的方法就是周边国家更加繁荣

    By far the happiest way to keep gold at home is to be more prosperous than your neighbor.


  • 最大ETF黄金持有量超过美国法国德国以及意大利以外的所有国家中央银行黄金储量。

    The largest gold ETF holds more bullion than all the world's central Banks except those of America, France, Germany and Italy.


  • 对于相同信贷结构,拥有40%储备国家可以拥有30%储备的国家使用更多黄金;同理,如果一个国家人民倾向使用现金进行支付,这个国家也就能使用更多的黄金

    A nation on a 40 per cent reserve would use more gold for the same credit structure than one on 30 per cent reserve; so would a nation whose people always paid in cash.


  • 如果债权国要求,债务国必须黄金偿还债务,如果允许自由流通,黄金通常流向(1)最安全的国家(2)有利可图国家

    Nations must pay their debts in gold (if asked) and, allowed to choose its home, free gold will always go where (1) it will be safest and (2) make the most money.


  • 由于黄金无法满足日常使用的需要,因此每个国家都会发行货币将货币黄金挂钩,或者采取所谓金本位制。

    As there is not enough metal for everyday use, each nation issues currency and agrees to relate its currency to gold or to go on what is called a gold standard.


  • 一些国家央行已经加快购买黄金的速度,以此作为构成多元化举措一部分

    Some central Banks have been ramping up their buying of gold as part of efforts to diversify their reserves.


  • 文明国家纷纷将货币与黄金挂钩(实际上只有中国是个例外)。

    The nations of the civilized world (China is practically the only exception) relate their moneys to gold.


  • 进行国际结算时通用金本位制将导致黄金国家之间自由流通,稳定各国货币黄金的兑换比例。

    But the idea of a common gold standard entails the free passage of gold from country to country in settlement of international balances, in stabilizing the world's moneys in terms of gold.


  • 希腊国境已经成为大量希望非法进入欧盟人们黄金通道国家难以招架

    Greece's borders have become the gateway of choice for the vast majority of people hoping to enter the European Union illegally, and the country is finding it difficult to cope.


  • 20世纪20年代30年代间由于黄金本位限制使得国家预算和贸易赤字都小心控制

    Keeping within the confines of the gold standard in the 1920s and 1930s required countries to keep close control of budget and trade deficits.


  • 持有管理经营国家外汇储备黄金储备;

    to hold,administer and manage the State foreign exchange reserve and gold reserve;


  • 思考幅图表另一种方式还清国家债务将要支付多少黄金

    Another way to think of this chart would be: how much gold would it take to pay off the national debt. Here's the chart, since 1971.


  • 90年代发达国家似乎迎来女性黄金时期

    Back in the 1990s women in rich countries seemed to be heading towards a golden era.


  • 他们不想看到其他国家黄金作为储备货币美元或者欧元

    They don’t want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the US dollar or Euro, " stated the 2009 cable, quoting Chinese Radio International.


  • 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)商品研究主管HusseinAllidina指出:“随着国家风险上升黄金将越来越被看好。”

    Hussein Allidina, head of commodities research at Morgan Stanley, reckons: “Gold looks better every day with growing sovereign risks.”


  • 通过一点可以清楚看出,去掉一般供应之后,世界上可能存在多余黄金,而某个国家则可能存在黄金不足的情况。

    From which it becomes immediately apparent that, having split up the common supply, there may be a plethora of gold in the world and a shortage of it in one country.


  • 通过一点可以清楚看出,去掉一般供应之后,世界上可能存在多余黄金,而某个国家则可能存在黄金不足的情况。

    From which it becomes immediately apparent that, having split up the common supply, there may be a plethora of gold in the world and a shortage of it in one country.


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