• 表演自己的作品时候,务必使用我们课堂讨论看过的表演《最后祭奠黄色人中的戏剧技法

    Your performance of the text should draw on techniques that we have engaged in class and seen in performances of "Last Rites" or "Yellowman.


  • 如果俯视下面的大西洋,那么你看到黄色救生筏,上面三个正在朝你挥手

    If you look down towards the Atlantic Ocean, you will see a little yellow life raft with three people in it to waving at you.


  • 善于分辨红色蓝色黄色但是对于蜜蜂驯鹿之类的动物来说,紫外线却能他们得更清楚

    Humans are pretty good at seeing reds, blues, and yellows, but for animals ranging from bees to reindeer, ultraviolet lights up their vision.


  • 有些购买这种黄色金属是因为它们确实好看

    Some people buy the yellow stuff because they think it looks pretty, to be sure.


  • 为什么就算是涂上漂亮的黄色也包括超过能够列举所有技能之和。

    Why, even the processes by which the lacquer is made a beautiful yellow involves the skills of more persons than one can enumerate!


  • 因为北方冬季太阳,使觉得似乎阳光有点发蓝,而在炎热夏季觉得阳光似乎是黄色的。

    Because in the north the sum is low during winter, the sunlight appears quite blue. Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.


  • 他们一些最近换上蓝色工作服黄色安全帽

    Some of the men have only recently swapped their weapons for blue overalls and yellow hard hats.


  • 黄色认为是乐观颜色黄色房间会使容易发脾气,使婴儿更容易哭闹

    While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more.


  • 如果引发了情绪就变得越来越强烈黄色橘色

    If the person becomes emotionally aroused, the light pattern becomes more intense and turns from a soft yellow to orange.


  • 旁边放着个拧着金属盖的玻璃瓶,上面着“”,再旁边是个标着“蚊饵”的塑料袋,里面放着一块黄色海绵

    Nearby was an empty Mason jar labelled "Human Sweat" and a bunch of yellow sponges in a plastic bag marked "Human Bait."


  • 其中一个镜头里扮演LadaGaga士兵为了再现这位"雷教母"的独特风格,还特意黄色带子缠身,把罩在脸上

    In one shot, the man who is playing Lady Gaga is wrapped in yellow belts with a net over his face as he attempts to recreate the singer's unique sense of style. (See photo)


  • ​​罗德里戈·塔隆·于库特(RodrigoTelon Yucute)专心致志辨识着语声,端起相机,按下快门,捕捉到了一对情侣嬉笑的画面,相片中两坐在公园一张黄色长椅上。

    MEXICO CITY -- Rodrigo Telon Yucute focuses on the sound of the voices, raises a camera and snaps off a shot, capturing an image of a couple laughing as they sit on a yellow park bench.


  • 只是廉价黄色食品不是非常有食欲

    It was just cheap yellow food, I said, not terribly appetising.


  • 坐落于仙台日本东北大学机械系的大厅站着一个高大的黄色机器爪子履带

    In a foyer of the engineering department of Tohoku University in Sendai stands a handsome yellow robot with claws and caterpillar tracks.


  • 眼所见土卫自然颜色可能均匀灰色黄色张拼接图经过了增强对比度显示其他波长差异

    The natural color of Mimas visible to the human eye may be a uniform gray or yellow color, but this mosaic has been contrast-enhanced and shows differences at other wavelengths of light.


  • 黄色黄色黑色自然界过目难忘的组合——老虎蜜蜂都是这样一身装扮。这样颜色宣告:最好注意

    YELLOW: Yellow and black is the most unignorable colour combination in nature - tigers, stinging bees - it’s the colour that says: you’d better pay attention to me.


  • 也许真的但是正如大部分都喜欢笑话,也有很多抵制黄色笑话

    That may be true, but while most people appreciate a good joke, many are put off by dirty jokes.


  • 提议的法令或模棱两可,或漫无边际,都没有直接禁止未成年黄色插图禁止18岁以下儿童传播这类作品。

    The proposed rules, vague and rambling, do not amount to an outright ban on explicit illustrations of minors, but do prohibit their distribution to children under 18.


  • 琛还发现作坊里其他地方,个原先用来炒青的煤炉上烧了一浆糊,一个正把一些黄色粉末加锅子去。

    Elsewhere in the factory, however, over the charcoal fires where the tea was roasted, Fortune discovered a man cooking a bright yellow powder into a paste.


  • 那天傍晚遇到个有趣但又有些拘谨年轻披着一头黄色直发。他走进办公室,站右侧

    Later that day, in the late afternoon, I was approached by a young, animated, slightly nervous guy with long, straight, blond hair, who entered my cubicle and walked right up to me.


  • 这些当中,14号黄色选择大概得到了20%投票

    Of those who did, Yellow 14 was the most popular choice, with about 20 percent of the votes.


  • 上百一起分享刷成黄色安全通路经过安全门离开

    I shared the yellow-painted safety path with hundreds of other first-shifters walking toward the security gate to leave.


  • 随后感到走来,他穿着黄色长袍,脑袋得干干净净,戴着一副眼镜

    He cannot fall, and he senses a figure in orange garments, with a clean-shaven head and large spectacles coming toward him.


  • 弥漫永远硫化黄色浓雾微风里浮着的煤尘微粒让窒息

    It's suffused with a thick smog that's a perpetual sulphur-yellow, and suffocated by motes of coal dust suspended in the breeze.


  • 这里一些基本色彩知识:黄色红色能迅速抓住吸引力

    Here are some color basics. Yellow and red are attention grabbers.


  • 受刑牛里,从里面开始生火,火焰将金属加热炙热黄色,将受刑活活烤

    The condemned were shut in the bull and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until it became yellow hot and causing the person inside to roast to death.


  • 一排排建设过半的公寓楼原先的农业用地上拔地而起,其间出没黄色建筑起重机的数量比这座拥有500万口城市中的树木还要多。

    Rows of half-completed apartment buildings rise over former farmland, each crowned with yellow construction cranes that seem to outnumber trees in parts of this dusty city of 5 million residents.


  • Brown年轻手表:“种又又厚重防水手表,什么颜色都有- - -透明色,粉色蓝色黄色橙色黑色,”上结实的表带超大表盘

    Brown says teens are only going for one type of watch: "a big, bulky waterproof watch in all colors - clear, pink, blue, yellow, orange, black," complete with a thick band and a large face plate.


  • Hank知道东西很多,比如一个步兵团,或者蓝色汽车黄色路灯呈现绿色的原因(诡异),但是并不明确这场战争对于当下年轻的影响。

    Hank knows a lotthe number of men in an infantry, the way a blue car looks green under a yellow streetlightbut he has much to learn about the effect of this war on today's young men.


  • Hank知道东西很多,比如一个步兵团,或者蓝色汽车黄色路灯呈现绿色的原因(诡异),但是并不明确这场战争对于当下年轻的影响。

    Hank knows a lotthe number of men in an infantry, the way a blue car looks green under a yellow streetlightbut he has much to learn about the effect of this war on today's young men.


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