• 正合了来源于远古先民那种履地黄天厚土皇意识。

    All this is derived from ancient ancestors wearing the kind of days, the foot of Huang Lu-thick soil imperial consciousness of people.


  • 幸好不负有心人,最终还是找到一份无论薪金或待遇也合符理想工作

    Fortunately, God never disappoints the studious. I am finally able to find my ideal job that fulfills my requirements with the better salary and benefits.


  • 艺术周钢琴独奏音乐会摄影展钢琴曲哀歌乐谱出版首发式黄天摄影作品集——西域掠影》出版首发式四个环节组成

    Art Week from the solo piano concert, exhibition, piano "Elegy" premiere and music publishing, "Huang Ge photography collection - Western sights," published premiere four links.


  • 第二了这个地区发现达吉斯坦繁荣一个地区,街道两旁是富丽堂皇砖修砌的房子

    When I travel there the next day, I discover that it is one of Dagestan's more prosperous districts, its streets lined with handsome, yellow-brick houses.


  • 因为猫肉不如狗肉好,所以如果想买猫肉的话必须提前预定。

    Huang said customers had to order cat meat a day in advance because it doesn't sell as well as dog.


  • 直到已经卧床眼看来日无多,约翰想到最后机会即将悄然而去,便最后一简,为什么一生都丝带。

    It was not until Jane was on her death bed a year later that Johnny, seeing his last chance slip away, asked Jane one final time about the yellow ribbon she wore around her neck.


  • 薄暮接着来自蒙古西北风就吹了过来人们就儿都这么也许下雪了

    The film below the skies turns from yellow to gray, then the winds from Mongolia come and we would say, it's so cold already there might as well be snow.


  • 师父:这样美好的远离都市正是所想象

    Master Huang: To be away from the city on such a beautiful day is my idea of heaven!


  • 活动第二不用掩饰自己的失望,因为那确实兴奋。

    On the second day, Huang didn't have to fake it anymore; he really was excited.


  • 于是早就起身单独一人带著午饭合子山脚下去

    So one day Huan Zang got up very early and went to the mountainside alone, bringing a lunchbox with him.


  • 树叶不是的,人心不是的。

    Leaves are not yellow a day, people are not a cold day.


  • 第四个, 第四个,豌豆豌豆中国古代皇宫里就出名, 出名,根据我国日历人们通常三月三这个。 在三月三这一吃这个。

    Pea flour cake was very popular in the imperial court of ancient China. People usually eat it on the third day of March according to the Chinese calendar.


  • 师父:了那么久。下午行吗?

    Master Huang: Goodness me! I can't wait. Will tomorrow afternoon be okay?


  • 经过掩埋女孩由于过度饥饿缺氧原本红润的小脸已经变成

    After a day of the burial, the little girl's face due to excessive hunger and the lack of oxygen, the original Hongrun Xiaolian has become a black and yellow of the yellow.


  • 安慰提醒所有鬼不是都希望能够早一机会可以投胎重新做人的么﹐她来说应该一件快乐好消息啊。

    Huan Zang comforted her, reminding her that all ghosts wished to have the chance to be reborn as humans. So this should be happy news for her.


  • 买了柳条拍子一个绿三色的羽毛球

    One day I gave thee a willow battledore and a shuttlecock with yellow, blue and green feathers.


  • 之(尼亚加拉蓝)相反散发的是种热情洋溢的生命力好似在邀请我们踏上一段旅途,而旅途的终点,就是充满热情欢乐的艳阳

    By contrast, Primrose Yellow sparkles with heat and vitality. Inviting us into its instant warmth, this joyful yellow shade takes us to a destination marked by enthusiasm, good cheer and sunny days.


  • 第二早晨夫人她家后院里他们自己种植青菜准备饭菜时她的女儿章留在客厅里。

    The next morning, when Mrs. Qin went to her backyard to pick some vegetables she grew for cooking, she left her daughter and Huan Zang in the living room by themselves.


  • 下午院子拾起一片枫树落叶的,红色斑斑驳驳

    One afternoon I picked up a fallen leaf from the sugar maple in our yard. Up close it was yellow, with splashes of red.


  • 其苍,地履;纵千古,横有八前途来日方长

    Days, to wear the assumed its yellow, With the history and future, eight waste like sea, longer.


  • 母亲节很多孩子送给妈妈康乃馨,有的、的、粉的的,非常漂亮。

    On Mother's Day, many children give their mother red, white, pink or yellow carnations.


  • 如果的,他们会说,'殿下对'。

    If I say that the sky is yellow, they say, "Yes, Sir, you are right".


  • 公厕方便,将随身携带的雨伞摆在厕所门口

    Once, he went into a public lavatory to relieve himself, leaving his umbrella outside the doorway.


  • 既然大家都是亲戚了﹐夫人邀请她们家住个一两回家去﹐章立即愉快应允。

    Since they were relatives, Mrs. Qin asked Huan Zang to stay with them for a day or two before returning home. Huan Zang accepted the invitation immediately and joyfully.


  • 故事亲切不失幽默方式讲述女主角小仙遭遇失恋走出心理阴霾33

    The story with the kind and humorous way about the actress Huang Xiaoxian experience from the lovelorn to walk out of the mental fog in 33 days.


  • 我们抖擞精神,一气走过壶阁,登上岭,发现沙石全是赤颜色,明白中溪为什么了。

    Putting on a spurt we soon reached the Heavenly Tea-pot Tower and Mount of the Yellow Escarpment, whose orange sandstone accounts for the amber colour of the water below.


  • 老伴700个馍馍,上揉面发酵前后要花3时间

    Huang and his wife can make 700 buns every time. Grinding up, kneading and fermentation, the whole process takes 3 days.


  • 老伴700个馍馍,上揉面发酵前后要花3时间

    Huang and his wife can make 700 buns every time. Grinding up, kneading and fermentation, the whole process takes 3 days.


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