• 听说天天金条趁机让红根真的漂,红根工作组找到漂又闹。

    Heard that red root for Huang Piao to bars every day, four take root in the yellow really find Huang Piao, red root to find Huang Piao play and make working group.


  • 试验绵阳11号,绵阳19号,繁6大头小麦品种研究开花后物质积累分配关系

    Four wheat cultivars, Mienyang 11, Mienyang 19, Fan 6 and Datouhuang, were used to study the relationship between accumulation and allocation of dry matter of their post-floral growth.


  • 因为胃口枝留很快就完了高大勺子办法黄四准备让红根以后他家

    Because red big appetite keep red branch of money soon ran out, big spoon to find four ways to yellow, yellow four preparing red root to his house to live in the future.


  • 确切,“黄四首先是积聚土家族特有人生观、生死观一体,张扬极富土家族民族个性的一种土家族人文现象;

    Exactly speaking, at first, "Sister Huangsi" combines the sense of life and the sense of life and death of Tujia people.


  • 除此之外,还有类似百叶——这些全都是人们在吃火辣辣火锅喜欢菜。

    And then there are the likes of pig brain, duck gizzard and cow stomach and throatall popular additions to fiery Sichuan hot pot.


  • 这个安全生产机构主任(音译)由于严格监管制度,加上关闭12 000个小煤窑,死亡率2002年以来已经减少分之三

    Huang Yi, the deputy administrator of the work safety agency, said stricter scrutiny, regulations and the closing of 12, 000 mines had cut the death rate by three-fourths since 2002.


  • 简单的作品:灰白背景线条以及色块——黑色蓝色淡淡的柠檬少许橘红色

    It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.


  • 名字叫“小小”(音译),来自川省的一大学生

    Her name is said to be "Huang Xiaoxiao," a university student from Sichuan Province.


  • 青年理发师的头发丝作品“玉兔北京给大家拜大年。

    The young hairdresser Huang Xin from Sichuan Province with his "jade rabbits" made by hair paid an early New Year call in Beijing.


  • 文集开头概要部分世界银行负责编辑此书的英德米特·吉尔育川霍米·卡拉思指出,短文贯串主题

    In an overview chapter at the beginning of the collection, editors Indermit Gill, Yukon Huang and Homi Kharas of the World Bank suggest that four themes permeate the essays.


  • 睡觉小时含有咖啡因的饮料,咖啡可乐或是巧克力选择不含咖啡因的咖啡,春菊花茶或是牛奶,睡觉少喝饮料能减少夜间上厕所的次数。

    Avoid caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, cola and chocolate, four hours before bed. Opt for decaffeinated coffee, chamomile tea, or warm milk.


  • 空隙处,零星搭有晒台远远看去正如一个个舞台舞台上,古往今来一年

    Huang Village hollow gap, scattered by Shaitai, far from looking like a stage, in this stage, the total play from ancient to modern times throughout the year play.


  • 妃红毕业大学不是什么知名学校所以毕业之后工作碰壁。

    Huang Feihong graduated from the university not a well-known school, so after graduation to find work is rejected everywhere.


  • 地球优化一个面体分别人种

    Optimize the Earth into a tetrahedron, with white, yellow, brown, black human RACES standing on each side of it.


  • 个, 第个,豌豆豌豆中国古代皇宫里就出名, 出名,根据我国日历人们通常三月三一天这个。 在三月三这一天吃这个。

    Pea flour cake was very popular in the imperial court of ancient China. People usually eat it on the third day of March according to the Chinese calendar.


  • 嘉善相面什么呢?我也不知道

    What does it mean for the four points given to Huang? Who knows?


  • 1960年9月第一住院时,这女孩显得又又白,腹部凸出,而消瘦,成一对比

    At the time of the first admission in Sept. 1960, she was a small sallow girl whose protuberant abdomen contrasted with her thin limbs.


  • 师父:好的请再给一些季豆

    Master Huang: Yes, I'll have some green beans, please.


  • 早餐,出来坐在宫门台附上,欣赏门口花坛花坛里栽分明盛开的郁金色。

    After lunch, I would come out and sit on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple.


  • 师父:谢谢好吃漂亮的花园!你们花园里种季豆

    Master Huang: Thank you. Mmmm, this is very good! Uh, what a lovely garden! Are these beans from it?


  • 为了事情顺利进行,我们你们分成了蓝队绿队、红队

    To help things run smoothly, we have divided you into four teams-the blue team, the green team, the red team, and the yellow team.


  • 师父:明天中午总共个人要在非吸烟区

    Master Huang: For noon, tomorrow, for a party of four, and make it for non-smoking, please.


  • 衬衣蓝的另一件是的,其它的。

    He has four shirts. One is blue, another is yellow, the others are white.


  • 色墨:配制,供色彩油墨,它们分别是青蓝洋红

    Process inks: Cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks as a set of four for process colour printing.


  • 开灯(大井村、大塘、东里村、莲溪村)特有的习俗严肃认真隆重

    Kaideng is Huangge Town, the four villages (large Tseng Tsuen, Tai village, in the East village, Lianxi village of) the unique customs, serious and solemn.


  • 开灯(大井村、大塘、东里村、莲溪村)特有的习俗严肃认真隆重

    Kaideng is Huangge Town, the four villages (large Tseng Tsuen, Tai village, in the East village, Lianxi village of) the unique customs, serious and solemn.


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