• 杰拉德承认攻击麦克奇否认寻衅滋事他称行动自卫因为当时以为麦克奇

    Gerrard admitted hitting McGee three times but denied affray, saying he had been acting in self-defence as he thought the other man was about to strike him.


  • 尔库特小道上,加拿大公园看守人麦克指着大堆棕色粪便:“灰熊粪便。”

    Up on the Chilkoot trail, Mike, a ranger for Parks Canada, pointed at a large brown heap of dung: "Grizzly scat."


  • 一方面,一个已经被判重罪的人,尽管麦克斯特先生全世界的人直到事后了解

    Ponzi, on the other hand, was already a convicted felon, though Mr. McMasters and the world did not find that out until later.


  • 但是麦克·兰德知道有关美国已经要求澳大利亚吊销阿桑护照报导

    But, McClelland said he had no knowledge of reports that the United States has asked Australia to cancel Assange's passport.


  • 批评家麦克·拉认为,那位阿卡歌手尤其厉害,虽然一点

    For this critic, the Aka rapper, in particular, has skills, though I can't understand a bit.


  • 众达国际法律事务所的银行律师普·麦克唐纳提到美国联邦储备局说:“认为如果没有事先联邦储备局商谈这件事情就不会发布这项声明的。”

    "I don't think this announcement would have been made unless they had been talking to the Fed in advance," said Chip MacDonald, a banking lawyer at Jones Day, referring to the U.S. Federal Reserve.


  • 众达国际法律事务所的银行律师普·麦克唐纳提到美国联邦储备局说:“认为如果没有事先联邦储备局商谈这件事情不会发布这项声明的。”

    "I don't think this announcement would have been made unless they had been talking to the Fed in advance," said Chip MacDonald, a banking lawyer at Jones Day, referring to the U. S. Federal Reserve.


  • 阿瑟·米勒美国诗人博尔德·麦克都喜欢,美国精髓在于所作出承诺

    Arthur Miller, echoing the poet Archibald MacLeish, liked to say that the essence of America was its promises.


  • 这些训练程序需进一步完善,”麦克·梅泽尼。他是旧金山加利福尼亚大学荣誉退休教授神经科学家。

    "These training programs are a work in progress," says Michael Merzenich, a professor emeritus and neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.


  • 朱利安·麦克唐纳最近法国时装选中成为他们艺术指导,又受英航之重新设计这家航空公司制服

    Designer Julien MacDonald, recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy, has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms.


  • 麦克劳德的一拥护者游说司威克街头时,德克也在小学火车站门口分发着特制的传单

    Whereas Ms Macleod has an army of supporters canvassing the streets of Chiswick, Mr Daker cuts a solitary figure handing out leaflets outside primary schools and train stations.


  • 麦克·上周故事关于濒危语言的少有好消息

    THIS story from McClatchy last week is a rare bit of good news on the endangered-languages front.


  • 现在皮球又踢给了麦克·不过实在想不出除了认栽,林还会有什么别的办法。

    The ball is now in Mike Lynch's court, but I can't imagine what he can do at this point but fall on his sword.


  • 米拉麦克电影公司前任制作人爱恩哈特先生将一些电影化的综合修饰应用于这部作品常常让人联想到大卫电影

    Mr Earnhart, a former producer for Miramax Films, has applied some cinematic flourishes to this production, which often recalls the bizarre cinema of David Lynch.


  • 麦克莫特太太仍然新泽西州巴斯金·里那里有他们俩共同创建

    Mrs. McDermottstill lives in the home the couple built in Basking Ridge, n.j..


  • Autonomy首席执行官麦克·一些建议可以私人谈话中混淆是非。

    Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.


  • 勘测亚马逊河支流美国探险家戈登·麦克曾记述凌晨3点就听见印第安人起身,深感愕然。

    Gordon MacCreach, an American explorer in these Amazon tributaries, reported that he was startled to hear the Indians get up at three in the morning.


  • 人们认为 米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)再次参与竞选,白宫发言人特·金里(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长黑利·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。

    Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.


  • 在威斯地方法院举行的听证会上,22岁彼得•特洛威尔18岁约瑟夫麦克列侬承认,他们是通过监控Facebook的诸多账号来来伺机盗窃镇上户人家的。

    Wisbech magistrates’ court heard that Peter Trower, 22 and Joseph McLennan, 18, monitored Facebook accounts waiting for the “perfect opportunity” to rob a home in the town.


  • 麦克·拉(McClatchy)这样的美国报业公司即使营收下滑(图表),但大多数情况下仍有赢利。

    American newspaper firms like McClatchy stayed mostly profitable even as revenues plunged (see chart).


  • 麦克住处,开饭之前的准备工作可不只是摆餐具

    At Mike and Debbie Wyche's place, preparations for mealtimes involve more than setting the table.


  • 如果没有罗伊麦克米兰只好依靠阿尔德里了。

    With Roy possibly out again, McMillan may lean on LaMarcus Aldridge.


  • 伊恩·麦克莱恩取笑伊恩·霍姆,说他的老年朱迪·丹妈妈

    Ian McKellen teased 'Ian Holm' that his old age make-up made him resemble Judi Dench's mother.


  • 坏的是,麦克林内这样的对手打中有效的重拳,那么可以想象:狂大的克里科定能猛击阿奥拉洞开面门

    Worse, if an opponent like McCline can land such damaging punches, one can only imagine what havoc a Klitschko could wreak on Arreola's wide-open face.


  • 威尔士,拉夫阿尔斯通麦克詹姆斯这些名字不会你胆战心惊但是如果太多注意力都放在麦蒂姚明身上的话,他们任何一个可能拿下20分

    Names like Bonzi Well, Rafer Alston, and Mike James don't exactly strike terror in your heart but if you concentrate too much on McGrady and Yao any of those guys could drop 20.


  • 威尔士,拉夫阿尔斯通麦克詹姆斯这些名字不会你胆战心惊但是如果太多注意力都放在麦蒂姚明身上的话,他们任何一个可能拿下20分

    Names like Bonzi Well, Rafer Alston, and Mike James don't exactly strike terror in your heart but if you concentrate too much on McGrady and Yao any of those guys could drop 20.


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