• 美观大方鲜艳,大方的外形加上漂亮图案,多多款,爱不释手

    Beautiful, generous, bright-coloured colour, generous shape, plus beautiful design, polychromatic much money, let a person fondle admiringly.


  • 首先注意周围那些鲜艳—— 、橘黄、明黄绿

    The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me - purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens.


  • 结果表明还原染料应用蚕丝织物拔染印花可以获得鲜艳的牢度优良织物强力有损伤。

    The result indicates that the application of VAT dye paste to the discharge printing of real silk fabrics can obtain brilliant shade and good color fastness, but lower the strength of the fabrics.


  • 房间鲜艳黄两装饰的。

    The room was decorated in vibrant reds and yellows.


  • 房间鲜艳的绿装饰

    The room was decorated in vibrant blues and greens.


  • 肯尼亚鲜艳的基科伊边条子厚棉布受欢迎

    The brightly colored kikois from Kenya are popular.


  • 如果说寒冷冬季我们谈到穿鲜艳的衣服都不敢尝试相反那么夏天就是尝试水果甜美的绝佳时候。

    If during the cold season we are not so daring when it comes to wearing vibrant colors, summer instead is perfect for trying fruity, delicious shades.


  • 优雅烟熏地板不锈钢楼梯浴室鲜艳的人造石块这种明显的休闲风格,令人感到温暖舒适

    Elegant smoked parquet flooring, slim stainless steel staircases, and soft, bright manufactured stones in the bathrooms distinguish the Casual Style, which evokes a sense of warmth and comfort.


  • 鲜艳橘红相间的小丑霓虹天使鱼好像总是和你若即若离相间蝴蝶鱼则径直从右侧过来吃掉手中的面包。

    The conspicuous orange and white clownfish and the neon bicolor angelfish seemed to keep an arm's length away, while the black and yellow butterfly fish came right up and ate out of my hand.


  • 估算周五上午应该是所在寺院僧人打坐地方那个鲜艳亭子里有900具尸体

    By Friday morning, he estimated that there were 900 bodies spread across the brightly painted pavilion that normally functioned as a seating area for the monks at his monastery.


  • 这个鲜艳夺目,上的圆形金属盒子如图)由放着的玫瑰苹果装饰而成。

    THE lid of the charming, round enamelled metal box (pictured) is decorated with squat, rosy apples.


  • 利兹其他地方鲜艳形形销售标牌布满商店橱窗,就像情趣内衣连锁店萨默斯(Ann Summers)尼科尔斯一个昂贵百货商店里。

    Elsewhere in Leeds brightly coloured sale signs fill shop windows as varied as Ann Summers, a racy lingerie chain, and Harvey Nichols, a pricey department store.


  • 如果说寒冷冬季我们连试穿鲜艳衣服勇气没有那么夏天正是尝试水果甜美的绝佳时候。

    If during the cold season we are not so daring when it comes to wearing vibrant colors, summer instead is perfect for trying fruity, delicious shades.


  • 鲜明以及灰白彩中选择,或者选择一季鲜艳霓虹

    Choose from pure white, dramatic black and pale pastels, or give a nod to this season's vivid neons and brights.


  • 两个性别的蜥都有羽毛雌性的头冠羽毛五颜六显得鲜艳夺目

    Both genders have feathers but female plumage and overall coloration tends to be more vivid and striking.


  • 五颜六条纹菱形花纹袜还算可以但是鲜艳的袜子确实是个好的选择。

    Colorful socks are okay if they have a design like stripes or argyle. But bright, solid-colored socks are simply not a good idea.


  • 为了防止印花织物白地白花现象,提高印花织物的鲜艳度和皂洗牢度,织物印花后必须使用净洗剂进行去除浆料

    The printed fabric must be employed soap boiling with detergent to get rid of the size and scum to avoid the tarnishing and improve the colour brightness and soaping fastness.


  • 假如房间鲜艳涂料五颜六重金属的种类更多含量更高污染严重

    If the room USES bright-coloured coating to brush, get multicoloured, the phyletic more of heavy metal, content taller, pollution is more serious also.


  • 喜欢这件古董衬衫。这个鲜艳大胆,人阳光的感觉。

    Love this vintage orange shirt. the color is so bold, so sunny.


  • 活泼俏皮的万圣节小熊闪烁悦目的透明水晶制成,并拿着一个附有金属把手鲜艳夺目黄水晶南瓜灯笼

    Sparkling mischievously in clear crystal, Halloween Kris Bear carries a vibrant Red Topaz crystal pumpkin lantern with a silver-tone metal handle.


  • ⊙、瑰鲜艳中泛胭脂女孩那么可爱

    A rose flower is very bright, red white, a rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute.


  • 鲜艳畸形非常目前红果番茄少见优良品种

    Turn color fast, bright color, malformed fruit is very little, is currently berry-red tomatoes in rare varieties.


  • 著嫩笋丁子,红白绿辉映,鲜艳夺目,中泛出荷叶的清香,想。

    The soup looked marvelous with the red, white and green colours.


  • 洋娃娃编织衣服、编织我的婴儿毛毯和我鲜艳的领带双手

    Hands that had knitted my doll's clothes, my baby blanket, my bright tri-colored scarves.


  • 购物中心两个入口分别采用鲜艳弧形玻璃种是琥珀一种是蓝

    It features two gaping entrances made out of brightly-coloured curved glass, one amber and one blue.


  • 树是五颜六艺术家各种散乱地搅和一起;低处树明亮的深中间鲜艳桔黄交相辉映;树顶上逐渐过渡成葡萄酒红

    Like the messy whirl of an artist's palette, the tree Blazed a Bright crimson on its lower Branches, Burned with vivid yellows and oranges in its center, and simmered to deep Burgundy at its top.


  • 1970年月初期罐装喷漆能够到处买到今后,地下铁的火车车厢台上到街道墙面,不断到茅厕了的墙壁,四处能够看到形形鲜艳、个性光鲜的涂鸦。

    In the early 1970s, when the canned paint can buy, can from the subway trains to platform to the street to the toilet metope, the wall, can see various, colourful, distinctive graffiti.


  • 蝴蝶蛾子幼虫形似蠕虫,通常鲜艳有毛有刺

    The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.


  • 蝴蝶蛾子幼虫形似蠕虫,通常鲜艳有毛有刺

    The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.


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