• 迪士尼乐园作为唯一主题公园拥有自己鲜明特色。它在华·迪士尼亲自管理设计建造

    Disneyland holds the distinction of being the only theme park to be designed and built under the direct supervision of Walt Disney himself.


  • ·文斯诚挚地看着望着下巴线条出神,寻思个人为什么把他如此鲜明的轮廓,隐藏在一凌乱、丑陋的胡须之下

    Steavens looked at him earnestly, puzzled at the line of the chin, and wondering why a man should conceal a feature of such distinction under that disfiguring shock of beard.


  • 人们对于玛艾尔先生定罪以及隆先生指控的对比鲜明反应表明法国公共生活上人们态度转变

    The sharp contrast between the reactions to the conviction of Mr Maheas and to allegations against Mr Tron suggests a shift in attitudes to French public life.


  • 一直漫画立场邮报编辑只是幅对那个伤害了主人一个朋友康涅狄格警察杀死的黑猩猩拉维斯的鲜明嘲仿.

    The newspaper had stood by the cartoon, which its editor called "a clear parody" of the death of Travis, the chimp killed by Connecticut police on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.


  • 缅因沉没旗下的报纸没有充分证据的情况下,旗帜鲜明指责西班牙很快美国公众要求干预的呼声迭起。

    After the sinking of the Maine, the Hearst newspapers, with no evidence, unequivocally blamed the Spanish, and soon U.S. public opinion demanded intervention.


  • 朔伊布勒观点容克雷蒙观点形成鲜明对比,这以下辩论火上浇油:为恢复投资者对成立12年之久欧洲货币联盟信心必须采取哪些根本举措。

    The contrasting views of Mr Schauble, and Mr Juncker and Mr Tremonti, will fuel the debate about what radical steps are needed to restore investor confidence in Europe's 12-year - old monetary union.


  • NOL一季度数字马士基赫伯罗鲜明对比

    NOL's Q1 Numbers are in a sharp contrast with those of Maersk Line and Hapag-Lloyd.


  • 今年四月布加勒斯召开的北约峰会上,美国要求准许乌克兰格鲁吉亚加入北约成员行动计划(Membership Action Plan)(一计划是加盟北约的路线图),而默克尔则旗帜鲜明在了反对美国这施压行为的一边。

    AT the NATO summit in Bucharest last April, Ms Merkel stood most visibly against American pressure to grant a Membership Action plan-a road-map to join the alliance-to Ukraine and Georgia.


  • 小说开阔视域巨大冲击力,人物性格具有现代主义性质,语言上带有鲜明黑色幽默语调和“口语

    The novel has a wide field of vision and overwhelming momentum, and the language is characterised by a tone of black humor and "colloquialism".


  • 本尼迪克·安德森曾经说过没有什么比无名战士纪念碑墓园,更鲜明表现现代民族主义文化

    Benedict Anderson has said: Nothing can distinctively display the modern nationalism culture, but the unknown soldiers' monument or the memorial park.


  • 洛伦注意到舞蹈演员身体轻盈柔软、体格健美孕妇形体更加柔和圆润对这种鲜明对比很感兴趣

    She notes the stark contrast between the typically lithe light and muscular physique of a dancer, and the softer, rounder contours of a pregnant woman, and delights in it.


  • 摘要罗曼尼·康帝酒掌门人奥伯··维兰认为,2014年份对于勃艮第来说相当微妙的年份,风土这一年份葡萄酒最为鲜明的个性标签。

    ABSTRACT: Domaine DE la Romanee-Conti's Aubert DE Villaine has said the wines of 2014 are particularly marked by their terroir expression, in what was a tricky vintage in Burgundy.


  • 波巴·曼达洛盔甲有着十分鲜明头盔设计

    With his Mandalorian armor, Boba Fett still has the distinct edge in helmet design.


  • 岸坡势平缓远处松树,将地平线镶饰得十分鲜明,再远,拉姆筱尔灰色钟楼依稀可辨。

    The opposite shore rises gently from the river, the horizon strongly etched by pine trees and in the distance, the round, gray tower of Ramsholt church.


  • 如果肯杨一起工作好了,皮肯杨与群老人们形成了鲜明对比

    One can only imagine how he would have faired working with Peter Kenyon who, let's face it, has it easy in comparison.


  • 文斯诚挚地看着望着下巴线条出神,寻思个人为什么把他如此鲜明的轮廓,隐藏在一凌乱、丑陋的胡须之下

    Steavens looked at him earnestly, puzzled at the line of the chin , and wondering why a man should conceal a feature of such distinction under that disfiguring shock of beard.


  • 文斯诚挚地看着望着下巴线条出神,寻思个人为什么把他如此鲜明的轮廓,隐藏在一凌乱、丑陋的胡须之下

    Steavens looked at him earnestly, puzzled at the line of the chin , and wondering why a man should conceal a feature of such distinction under that disfiguring shock of beard.


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