• 艾玛不在照顾伊时四个家政客户服务,其中一个客户要求8个小时的衣服。

    When Emma isn't caring for Bowie, she works for four housekeeping clients, including one who requires that she should iron for eight hours.


  • 格拉斯摇滚音乐家大卫·布莱恩·伊诺音乐基础创作了两部交响曲这些交响曲的声音独特的。

    Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies' sound is distinctively his.


  • 正如研究人员之一罗伊·迈斯特告诉的那样:“我们人类的其中一部分职责照顾他人他人做出贡献。”

    As Roy Baumeister, one of the researchers, told me, "Partly what we do as human beings is to take care of others and contribute to others."


  • 馆内还有一些盒子精致的镀金铜钟,画作包括自己的画簿上dePompadour夫人画的肖像画),以及华托弗拉戈纳尔的画作。

    There are also gold boxes, elaborate gilded bronze mounted clocks, paintings by Boucher (including his portrait of Madame de Pompadour, which is pictured on this page), Watteau and Fragonard.


  • 但是取得众多成就尊重

    But I respect Bob for his many achievements.


  • 的家宅,泰瑞注意到了一个盒子她记得金伯利做的。

    At the Bauer house Teri notices a box and remembers that Kimberly made it for her.


  • 的家宅,泰瑞注意到了一个盒子她记得金伯利做的。

    At the Bauer house, Teri notices a box and remembers that Kimberly made it for her.


  • 如今马里兰州州立大学就读,所学专业心理学

    He is now studying at Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, and majoring in psychology.


  • 华雷斯一些人归全球凶残城市查尔斯·关于华雷斯市血腥一年描述中,最佳部分细节

    The best parts of Charles Bowden's description of a bloody year in Ciudad juarez, by some counts the world's most murderous city, are also in its details.


  • 此外,《如何帮你好好读书以及《让生活充满天使》二书中领域的专家,同时还是赢得战役打败抑郁》一书的作者

    Bob has also been quoted as an expert in How To Get a Good Reading By a Psychic Medium and Empowering Your Life With Angels. He is also the author of Win the Battle and How To Beat Depression.


  • 周一,据称位名·法雷利的议员提出一项问及禁制令议会令人尴尬那份文件计划开始神速般的土崩瓦解。

    But the plan began to unravel rather rapidly on Monday when it transpired that an MP, Paul Farrelly, had tabled a question about the injunction and the awkward document in parliament.


  • 去年密歇根州州长任命罗伯特·零时主管接管底特律混乱教育系统

    Last year Michigan's governor appointed a temporary manager, Robert Bobb, to take over Detroit's troubled education system.


  • 人人都同意施行可接受目标策略自己员工也实现有些业绩制定下一步战略。

    Everyone agreed on a set of mutually acceptable goals and a game plan and—together—Bob and his employees set the stage for the next step in achieving world-class performance.


  • 拉尔夫·阿贝尔·联营公司提供内部设计游客提供了互动体验,馆内动态照明设计向游客展示暴露面的网

    Internally, the fit out by Ralph Applebaum Associates will offer an interactive experience, and a dynamic lighting design will reveal the exposed lattice shell of the structure.


  • 之下制片人艾伦·hbo开发了这部讲述吸血鬼与人类共同生活的剧集。

    Six Feet Under creator Alan Ball developed this series about vampires living openly among humans for HBO.


  • 2005年,该州州长·利推行了阿拉巴马州全州教育网络化”“联网”的项目

    In 2005 the governor, Bob Riley, announced a pilot programme called Alabama Connecting Classrooms Educators and Students Statewide, or ACCESS.


  • 令人困惑巴马先生瑞安先生都拒绝社会保障问题提出方案来。 社会保障问题更容易管理,辛普森-尔斯委员会已经对此有了一个平衡解决方案

    More perplexing is the refusal of both Mr Obama and Mr Ryan to put forward a plan on Social Security, whose problems are more manageable and for which Simpson-Bowles advanced a balanced solution.


  • 周六双打伊斯内尔·布赖恩携手,战胜了泽蒙季奇蒂普萨·雷维奇组合,美国队挽救了一点面子。

    Isner and Bob Bryan pulled one back for the U.S. by defeating Nenad Zimonjic and Janko Tipsarevic in Saturday's doubles.


  • 巴萨队长5:0大胜里索夫BATE比赛中右腿受伤能否周日俱乐部客战希竞技疑问

    The Barcelona captain picked up a right side injury in the 5-0 win against BATE Borisov in the Champions League and is a doubt for his club's trip to Sporting Gijon on Sunday.


  • 这笔交易看上去埃克森美孚公司首席执行官克斯·蒂勒森在其得克萨斯州公司土地招待XTO老板·辛普森而举行的鹌鹑狩猎活动时达成的。

    The deal was apparently struck when Exxon's chief executive, Rex Tillerson, entertained Bob Simpson, XTO's boss, at a quail hunt on company land in Texas.


  • 避免其受伤害,还需要设立一些界线,以免不速之客擅入其内。尤其当你面对忠诚方面诱惑时,这些界线就可以使上帝你所设立婚姻得到保护正如篱笆一样。

    These barriers, which help keep out unwanted intruders, especially during times of temptation to be unfaithful, will, like Bob's hedges, protect the marriage that God gave you.


  • 大胆做完自我介绍后,大家都大声鼓掌

    Bob Risky finished his introduction, to loud applause.


  • 来自一家名叫“缠扰犯罪中存活下来互助会”的慈善机构亚历克西斯·沃特将缠扰行表述成“就像猎人猎物。”

    ALEXIS BOWATER of the Network for Surviving stalking, a charity, describes stalking as "the hunter and the hunted."


  • 德温曾获得奥斯卡提名,凭借热门美剧《我喜剧狂》(30Rock)还得艾美奖虽然曾多次担任过奥斯卡颁奖人,但他第一次主持人

    Baldwin, an Oscar nominee and the Emmy award-winning star of TV comedy 30 Rock, is a debutant as host, though he has appeared to present awards in the past.


  • 永远不会忘记jim的一切,当时我就现场,我就是Jim。

    I'll never forget what Bob did for Jim, because I was there. I am Jim.


  • 来自昆士兰农村地区无党派议员·卡特尔(Bob Katter)占据制高点:“不想生活一个外国地主卖命的农奴国家中。”

    Bob Katter, an independent parliamentarian from rural Queensland, takes the prize: "I do not wish to live in a country of serfs working for foreign landlords."


  • 来自昆士兰农村地区无党派议员·卡特尔(Bob Katter)占据制高点:“不想生活一个外国地主卖命的农奴国家中。”

    Bob Katter, an independent parliamentarian from rural Queensland, takes the prize: "I do not wish to live in a country of serfs working for foreign landlords."


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