• 对手叫着鲁尼恩名字——都是男的狮子狗明尼苏达胖子、德克萨斯洋娃娃,这些都是扑克历史传说所特有的名字。

    His opponents were a group of men—and men only—with the sort of Runyonesque names endemic in poker’s history and lore: Chill, Puggy, Minnesota Fats, Texas Dolly.


  • 当然如果他们状态良好马力全开鲁尼又能避免受伤那么英格兰这次南非之行将可能他们1970年以来最好捧得力神杯机会

    Still, if they are fit and firing, and if Wayne Rooney avoids injury, England probably go to South Africa with as good a chance of winning the World Cup as at any time since 1970.


  • 鲁尼或者切达、或者威尔·贝克还是纳尼他们都只,‘那个家伙超凡脱俗的。’

    Whether it is Rooney, or Macheda, or Welbeck, or Nani, they all have to say, 'Well, this guy was exceptional'.


  • 更有甚者争论招收男孩伊顿学校不错原因里面培养出了·鲁尼一样扮相很酷的出色球员------话虽如此,但只是特例,无需非得引领他人

    What's more, arguing that Eton is a good school because it only admits boys is like saying Wayne Rooney is a good footballer because he wears a nice kit – one does not necessarily lead to the other.


  • 如果鲁尼能够在世界杯上进几个情况可能太一样了。 可惜他没进球。

    If Wayne Rooney could have scored just a couple of times, this would probably not be the case.


  • 鲁尼妻子埃米听到噩耗的时候,“口里出来的一句话就是,‘这样的话,安葬在特拉维斯旁边,’”马尼-柏雷克说道

    When Looney's wife Amy first heard the news, "the first thing that came out of her mouth was, 'well then he has to be buried next to Travis,'" Manion-Borek said.


  • 就像·鲁尼一样,当真的开始思考离别他们真的想不出还有那儿比更好

    Like Wayne Rooney, when they consider leaving, they wonder if it could be any better at any other club in the world.


  • 鲍勃·布拉德利:“承认阻止·鲁尼我们成功关键。”

    Bob Bradley: "I would concede stopping [Wayne] Rooney is the key to our chances of success."


  • 这种情况可以叫做韦·鲁尼因素

    This could well be described as the Wayne Rooney factor.


  • 兰帕德相信英格兰队内有着·鲁尼·科尔亚伦·列侬这些南非创造惊喜的球员

    Lampard believes England have players such as Wayne Rooney, Joe Cole and Aaron Lennon who will be "able to make things happen" in South Africa.


  • 不过·鲁尼无疑优秀,因为他更加全能。

    But Wayne Rooney is unquestionably the better all-around player.


  • 例如以色列研究员索尔·费鲁克·尼沃2008年调查了156名呼叫中心接线员,发现员工的条件越工作的不满意程度也越高。

    For example, overqualification correlated well with job dissatisfaction in a 2008 study of 156 call-center reps by Israeli researchers Saul Fine and Baruch Nevo.


  • 优势赢得西班牙意大利联赛冠军而且确保·鲁尼继续呆特拉福德

    For: Won titles in Spain and Italy and would ensure Wayne Rooney stays at Old Trafford.


  • 曼联射手·鲁尼相信曼城肯定出现在下一轮冠军争夺中。

    Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney believes neighbours Man City will be firmly in the title race next term.


  • 马尼妹妹最后告诉记者,与以往一样鲁尼家人参加今年海军陆战队马拉松比赛

    Manion's sister said that the Looney family will be attending the Marine Corps Marathon this year, like usual.


  • 结束令人失望的世界杯之旅后,英格兰国家队前锋·鲁尼日前又迎来了一个坏消息:被评为世界最丑足球运动员

    After a hugely disappointing World Cup, England striker Wayne Rooney is unlikely to be cheered by his latest accolade: ugliest footballer on the planet.


  • 没有了位世界级球员--史蒂芬-杰拉德恩-鲁尼阿什利-科尔,英格兰队两个边锋上做文章

    Without three world-class playersSteven Gerrard, Wayne Rooney and Ashley Cole – England approached the game with two wingers.


  • 大家谈论埃米尔下半场的一个机会球,希望韦·鲁尼前去,不是埃米尔的进球

    People talk about that chance Emile had in the second half and you would prefer Wayne Rooney running on to it but Emile will score his fair share.


  • 出生于利物浦前锋·鲁尼,2004年在挑战费内巴切的比赛曼联首次登场就上演了帽子戏法

    Few can forget the Liverpudlian striker Wayne Rooney‘s hat trick against Fenerbahce during his Manchester United debut in 2004.


  • 获悉特拉维斯的挚友布兰登·鲁尼,于不久前阿富汗阵亡的信息,特拉维斯·马尼家人决定遗体转移阿灵顿国家公墓

    Travis Manion's family decided to relocate his remains to Arlington National Cemetery after learning his best friend, Brendan Looney, was recently killed in Afghanistan.


  • 的联赛中,已经过把冷板凳捂热,然后看着·鲁尼在他曾经以及现在应该出现的地方——中前卫位置上尽情的表演

    For the last few league games he has had to watch Wayne Rooney play in a central midfield position while he keeps the bench warm.


  • 过去年中,以英格兰球星·鲁尼命名宠物数量增加了25%,流行歌星凯莉·米洛命名的宠物数量增加了46%。

    In the last two years, there has been a 25 percent rise in the number of pets named after England soccer star Wayne Rooney and a 46 percent increase in the number inspired by pop singer Kylie Minogue.


  • 老爵爷声称为了保护鲁尼不受到埃弗顿球迷谩骂诅咒,担心韦受不了在怒火中烧的球迷们愤恨鲁尼为了提升自己而离开埃弗顿。

    Ferguson claimed it was to spare the player the abuse of Everton fans still seething with resentment over his departure from the club that raised him.


  • 曼联在对阵巴塞尔比赛中只能排出了没有没有·鲁尼哈维尔·埃尔南德斯因为他们受伤了

    Ferguson picked a team without either Wayne Rooney or Javier Hernandez for the Champions League match against Basel. Both were injured.


  • 尤其是·鲁尼哈维尔·埃尔南德斯似乎被客队勤勉防守限制住了手脚。

    Wayne Rooney and, especially, Javier hernandez were mostly shackled by the diligent visiting defence.


  • 我们一些球员带来惊喜,·鲁尼亚伦·列侬等。

    We've got a few players in our squad that can make things happen, Wayne Rooney, Aaron Lennon, people like that.


  • 因此里奇维尔卡尔上前紧逼朴智星瓦伦西亚,即使两位边路球员能够漂亮的传中球,中路的丹约翰逊也可利用人数上的优势空中提前将威胁解除,阻止韦·鲁尼得到机会。

    That allowedRidgewell and Carr to get tight on Park and Valencia and Dann andJohnson were always capable of repelling them in the air with WayneRooney so outnumbered in the middle.


  • 参见·保罗鲁迪·朱利安尼之间的著名交锋——愚蠢的鲁迪完全没有谈到点子,却得到了无数掌声

    Kinda like this exchange between Ron Paul and Rudy Giulianiway tomiss the point, Rudy + applauding morons!


  • 参见·保罗鲁迪·朱利安尼之间的著名交锋——愚蠢的鲁迪完全没有谈到点子,却得到了无数掌声

    Kinda like this exchange between Ron Paul and Rudy Giulianiway tomiss the point, Rudy + applauding morons!


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