• 现在大多数英国甚至赫斯顿·门塔分子美食也很熟悉

    And now, most of the British public is familiar even with Heston Blumentha's molecular gastronomy.


  • 大多数英国甚至赫斯顿·门塔分子美食也很熟悉

    Most of the British public is familiar even with Heston Blumentha's molecular gastronomy.


  • 其他小至吸烟饮酒、大年龄教育程度人口统计因素变量看上去无以说明酗酒肥胖之间联系

    Grucza says other variables, from smoking, to alcohol intake, to demographic factors like age and education levels don't seem to explain the association between alcoholism risk and obesity.


  • 德布因博士再次进行统计验证(这次国民生产总值控制在内),其结果是谋杀案发率预测性消失人口健康状况指数的却依然存在。

    When she performed the statistical tests again, this time controlling for GNP, it turned out that the murder rate's predictive power disappears, whereas that of the health indicators persists.


  • 战前一直研究海洋关注他的导师——哈拉尔斯维德·普,在指导下芒克很快成为美国顶尖海洋家。

    Before the war, Munk had been studying oceanography, so he took his concerns to his mentor, Harald Sverdrup, then director of Scripps and widely regarded as the top oceanographer in the US.


  • 曾经预见到目前这场金融危机纽约经济教授努里埃尔.比尼同意这种看法

    New York University economics professor Nouriel Roubini, also known as "Dr. Doom" for his predictions of financial crises, agrees.


  • 博士团队根据普通精神病档案发现家族酗酒容易导致女性发胖

    Reporting in the Archives of General Psychiatry, Grucza and his team say individuals with a family history of alcoholism, particularly women, have an elevated obesity risk.


  • 沃尔·德普的血液样本送到了范德比尔特的分子遗传实验室

    Bernet also took a blood sample and brought it to Vanderbilt's Molecular Genetics Laboratory.


  • 这项被称为地球生命(Lifeon Earth)”的浩大工程将会囊括来自·贝里的动画作品,麦克吉尔博士负责监督该项工程的研发进度,相信改变生物方式

    Called "Life on Earth," the project will include visualizations from Mr.Berry and is being overseen by Dr.McGill, who believes it could change how students learn biology.


  • 历史文献表明片地区(吉亚科莫·马泰奥广场(Piazza GiacomoMatteott)下方),存在着一个古旧的伊特里亚(etruscan)城墙,在历史和考古方面都重要的文物。

    Historical documents show that in this part of Perugia (below Piazza Giacomo Matteott) an old etruscan city wall exists, which is important historically as well as archeologically.


  • 卡特医生挪威奥斯陆精神教授

    Dr. Karterud is Professor of Psychiatry, University of Oslo, Norway.


  • 建立标定模型逆向运动标定方式模拟了一新型并联机床标定过程,结果表明这种标定方法的算法收敛快、棒性好。

    After establishing the model for the calibration of a novel five-axis parallel machine tool, the process of calibration is simulated by minimizing inverse kinematic residuals.


  • 运动专家乔吉•布威尔斯告诉BBC,生理期参与比赛这个话题绝对禁忌”。

    The subject of competing while menstruating is "definitely a taboo", Georgie Bruinvels, a sports scientist, tells the BBC.


  • 伊特·里亚人时期气象大有进展。但正如大家所,与其说,倒不如说它是门艺术

    Meteorology has advanced considerably since the Etruscans' day-but as we all know, it is still more an art than a science.


  • 里亚教授分子生物领域真正先驱甚至第一满载开拓者的列车驶出之前,就已经大胆地在细菌病毒荒山峻岭中拓荒了。

    Professor lurid is an authentic pioneer of molecular biology. Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses.


  • 里亚教授分子生物领域真正先驱甚至第一满载开拓者的列车驶出之前,已经大胆地在细菌病毒的荒山峻岭中拓荒了。

    Professor Luria is an authentic pioneer of molecular biology. Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses.


  • 重组和应用性质研究

    Studying on properties of the crude recombinant pullulanase.


  • 本次区调工作内蒙古苏尼特左旗绢云母绿泥石片岩发现了铁铝榴石矿层,并进行了岩石矿物研究。

    The lithology and mineralogy of almandine seam deposit in sericite chlorite schist in Bilutu of Sonid Zuoqi, Inner Mongolia is studied.


  • 因此同时考虑机器人运动动力模型,提出基于神经网络的轨迹跟踪算法仿真结果表明算法具有棒性。

    So, we design a trajectory tracking algorithm based on NNs, considering both kinematic and dynamical model, and the simulation results demonstrate that this algorithm has good robustness.


  • 犯罪嫌疑人欧麦尔··阿布杜尔穆达拉德尼日利亚公民,曾英国上过

    The alleged attacker, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was a Nigerian citizen educated in the United Kingdom.


  • 第三大部分后现代批判教育理论和实践反思。

    The first part is Giroux's core strategy of his post-modern critical pedagogy.


  • 方面斯特恩已经确立重要地位,这在一定程度上得益于该院经济教授里埃尔·比尼(Nouriel Roubini)著名评论

    Stern has already established a strong position in this respect, partly through the prominent commentary of Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at the school.


  • 家《是汉代重要《诗》著作魏晋以后逐渐亡佚,今仅存《韩诗外传》。

    The three schools of poetry of Qi, Lu, and Han were the important works of the Book of Songs in the Han Dynasty, but all their works had been lost except HanShiWaiZhuan since the WeiJin Dynasty.


  • 我家附近生活松鼠25年的寿命,它们看起来长得差不多的老鼠只能,”衰老生物研究领域先驱、来自哈佛加里·夫库恩(GaryRuvkun

    "The squirrels in my neighborhood have a 25-year life span, but they look like rats that live two years, " said Gary Ruvkun, a pioneer in aging biology at Harvard Medical School.


  • 梅克斯K-1杂交酸模一种多年生宿根植物,1995年引入我国,因具有多种有益于人类生物特性经济价值而备受人们关注

    Rumex Kl was a perennial plant with persistent roots. It was introduced to China in 1995. Rumex Kl attracted people's attention with its biological characters beneficial to human and economical value.


  • 这项被称为地球生命(Lifeon Earth)”浩大工程将会囊括来自·贝里的动画作品,麦克吉尔博士负责监督该项工程的研发进度,相信改变生物方式

    Called "Life on Earth," the project will include visualizations from Mr. Berry and is being overseen by Dr. McGill, who believes it could change how students learn biology.


  • 方法选择中南地区先天性心脏病患者444,采用血型群体遗传血型血清方法,进行ABO血型表现型基因频率分布调查统计

    Methods ABO phenotype and its genetic distribution were investigated in 444 patients with congenital heart disease in center of south region of shandong via blood type genetics and serology.


  • 方法选择中南地区先天性心脏病患者444,采用血型群体遗传血型血清方法,进行ABO血型表现型基因频率分布调查统计

    Methods ABO phenotype and its genetic distribution were investigated in 444 patients with congenital heart disease in center of south region of shandong via blood type genetics and serology.


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