• 第四章对先秦鲁北盐业生产互动关系进行了初步分析。

    The last chapter consist of the interactive relationship between people and nature about salt production before Qin Dynasty in north of Shandong Province.


  • 第三章则探讨了先秦鲁北盐业生产地理背景以及由此形成的地域特色

    The third chapter not only includes geography backgrounds of salt production in the north of Shandong province, but also involves regional characters of salt production.


  • 结果表明山东省平均空间分布呈现、鲁南部分地区多,鲁北半岛大部地区少的特点。

    The results indicate that the average annual haze days was higher in the middle and south of Shandong Province and lower in the north of Shandong Province and most of the Shandong Peninsula.


  • 节拍”网站报道说,巴里亚门东北125英里之外北干巴鲁、250英里之外的占碑明古鲁,人们逃离住宅和办公室,街道

    Tempo reported that in Pekanbaru, about 125 miles North-East of Pariaman, and Jambi and Bengkulu, both 250 miles from Pariaman, people had fled houses and offices, spilling onto the streets.


  • 指出近年三个争夺得越来越激烈的地区——北马鲁古群岛、苏拉威西岛爪哇岛东部地区——导致了激烈的竞争结构。

    He points to three closely fought regional elections in recent years-in North Maluku, South Sulawesi and East java-that resulted in fiercely contested outcomes.


  • 还包含鲁尼又一个无进球之小胖的球荒已经持续了13俱乐部国家队的比赛了,家伙还是对球门找不到北。

    That included another goalless night for Wayne Rooney, who has now gone 13 games for club or country since he last found the net.


  • 布鲁贝克生于1920年,成长于加利福尼亚一个庄园母亲从小教弹钢琴

    Born in 1920, Brubeck grew up on a large cattle ranch in northern California, where his mother taught him the piano at an early age.


  • 研究西雅图坦帕达拉谟卡莱·罗纳布鲁·明顿、印第安纳水牛城纽约宾夕法尼亚中心地区寻找司机

    The study seeks drivers in Seattle, Tampa Bay, Durham, North Carolina, Bloomington, Indiana, Buffalo, New York and central Pennsylvania.


  • 瓦基里斯坦也是另一个阿富汗资深武装分子根据地,他就是贾拉鲁丁。哈卡尼。

    North Waziristan is also the home base of another veteran Afghan militant, Jalaluddin Haqqani.


  • 苏门答腊岛内(Riau)首府北甘巴鲁(Pekanbaru)驱车小时直落宾甲路村(Teluk Binjai),沿途景色秀丽,但有失单调。

    AS A spectacle, the four-hour drive to Teluk Binjai from Pekanbaru, capital of Riau province on the island of Sumatra, tends to the monochrome.


  • 先前八月战争逃离南奥塞梯3万格鲁吉亚现在回迁格鲁吉亚地区成片的难民营里。

    The first of some 30,000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 先前八月战争逃离南奥塞梯3万格鲁吉亚现在回迁格鲁吉亚地区成片的难民营里。

    The first of some 30, 000 Georgians who fled South Ossetia during the August war are now moving into box-like cottages in an archipelago of refugee camps spread across northern Georgia.


  • 茌平构造处于鲁西隆起西北倾伏区的中部,带内次级断层复杂化向展布的断层背斜

    Chiping structural zone is a north north east trending fracture anticline belt being complicated by secondary faults, which located in the center of the northwest plunging area of Luxi uplift.


  • 安阳市恩浩合金有限责任公司,位于安阳市近郊,晋、交界处龙安彰武村冶炼故乡

    Anyang city following the alloy material Co. Ltd. , located in Anyang City, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan Province at the junction of four, Bei Zhangwu Cun, Long'an District, smelting hometown.


  • 路易斯安那地区幅员辽阔,墨西哥湾鲁玻特地区,密西西比河西落基

    The Louisiana territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west.


  • 年轻的,特鲁·哈特急转走出352号干线行行车线,交通反对南行线事故发生

    According to Young, Trueheart swerved out of the northbound lane of Route 352 and into the opposing southbound lane of traffic just before the accident occurred.


  • 大港沿岸位于太行山基底和鲁西基底接触断裂带上——聊兰断裂段,沿海岸线呈NNE展布。

    The NNE-striking Qikou coastal zone is located along the northern extension of Liaolan fault separating Taihang Mountain from Luxi basement.


  • 其中核心区为白岩西火车站章鲁大坝抵恩面积10平方公里。

    The central region with an area of 10km2 connects with Baiyan in the east, the railway station in the west, Zhanglu Dam in the south and Enrongbao Village in the north.


  • 我们生产商(有限责任):PTTriBaktiSarimas位于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛北干巴鲁,成立于1987年。

    Our manufacturer (incorporated) : PT Tri Bakti Sarimas, located at Pekanbaru, Central Sumatra, Indonesia, has been established since 1987.


  • 我们生产商(有限责任):PTTriBaktiSarimas位于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛北干巴鲁,成立于1987年。

    Our manufacturer (incorporated) : PT Tri Bakti Sarimas, located at Pekanbaru, Central Sumatra, Indonesia, has been established since 1987.


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