• 曾经我们的时候我们相信这样魔法发生,我们能变得不同生活不再一切按部就班,我们不是踉踉跄跄的走向死亡

    Once again, as when we were small, we believe that magic can happen, that we can be different, that life is not just a predictable and frequently humiliating shamble towards the grave.


  • 巫术魔法贯穿了多数非洲信仰并且巫术视作是日常生活一部分

    Throughout much of Africa belief in magic and witchcraft is common, and black magic is considered part of everyday life.


  • 他们魔法,不去寻找未解之谜的答案,他们不是生活未来的人。

    They don't have magical powers, they don't solve mysteries, and they don't live in the future.


  • 现在不要太兴奋,我们没有好的魔法解决方案代替体力锻炼饮食但是我们有一些食物能够生活帮助摆脱多余脂肪

    We don't have any magic wand solutions that will take the place of exercise and eating right. But we do have a few foods that could help you on your journey to rid yourself of excess flab.


  • 看来魔法应该限定那些实际不符的事物上,兔子可能生活帽子里,从帽子里变出兔子就是魔法

    Magic, in my view, should be restricted to things that are actually not so. Rabbits don't really live in hats. It's magic.


  • 自从k罗琳一部小说哈利·波特魔法出版后,波特的生活永远改变了。

    After J K Rowling's first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was published his life changed forever.


  • 就像之前所说我们生活恶梦之中,我想BlancheDubois也同样感觉:我魔法;我不想要平淡无奇。

    As I said before, I do think we live in a nightmare and I feel the same way that Blanche Dubois feels: I want magic; I don't want reality.


  • 看来魔法应该限定那些与实际不符事物上,兔子可能生活在帽子里,从帽子里变出兔子就是魔法

    Magic, in my view, should be restricted to things that are actually not so.Rabbits don't really live in hats.It's magic.


  • 《哈利·波特》系列倒数第二部作品本周六(7月16日)午夜零点发行,届时将迎来孩子们欢呼以及“帐房先生”们的哀号。 这本书描写了小巫哈利在霍格沃茨魔法学校生活

    The penultimate chronicle of the boy wizard's life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be released at midnight on Saturday to cheers from children and howls from accountants.


  • 我们目标就是魔法带到软件开发人员生活中,使魔法可以蔓延每个人的身上。

    We aim to bring that magic into the life of software developers so they can spread it around to everybody else.


  • 大多数吸血鬼故事充满魔法但是科学我们生活中的魔法所以决定应该将他们放在一个是而非的医学解释背景下。

    Most vampire stories are full of magic, but science has been the magic of my lifetime, so I decided I would ground them in a plausible, medical explanation.


  • 没有魔法公式能够解释建筑物建筑毁坏文化都市生活我们吸引力

    There is no magic formula explaining our attraction to architecture, construction, destruction, cultures and urbanism.


  • 你们存在问题就是一直期待的大规模意识转变这种方式改变你们现实以及你们生活所有面向,就好像我们猛扑下来并且施展魔法棒一般

    The problem exists for you in expecting massive shifts in consciousness, in the way your reality is, and in all aspects of your life, as if we will "swoop down" and wave a magic wand.


  • 这样不仅可以使免于放逐——这种命运可能死亡还可怕在没有魔法的世界生活怎么回事?

    Not only would this preserve him from exile-which really might be a fate worse than death, since what was the point in life without magic?


  • 怎么生活圣诞魔法森林的?”幸运自己样子感到满意

    "How come you live in the Christmas magic forest?" Egg Lucky felt happy with his new look.


  • 掩盖在Harry的阴影下Neville生活开始的很是悲惨,常受到欺负,因笨拙以及糟糕魔法而备受折磨。

    Overshadowed by Potter, Neville had a rocky, bullied start in life, suffering clumsiness and a spotty magical ability crippled by his own insecurities.


  • 我们世界观生活哲理,用来审视我们魔法判别力。女巫是应当能够感觉到身体精神一切的。

    This is our world view and philosophy of life, h we identify as raft. ans feel that body, mind, and Spirit are all one.


  • 我们世界观生活哲理,用来审视我们魔法的判别力。女巫是应当能够感觉到身体精神一切的。

    This is our world view and philosophy of life, which we identify as WitchCraft. Wiccans feel that body, mind, and Spirit are all one.


  • 通过魔法钥匙,程天乐进入了不同世界在那里一个巨有钱的大亨梦中情人奢侈生活

    Using the magical key, Cheng can travel into a different world, where he is a super-rich tycoon who lives a life of luxury with his dream-girl.


  • 因此那些接受伏都教或者其它魔法方式伤害的人们,通常而言,他们祖先生活平行生命中给别人造成了伤害。

    So those who are the recipients of voodoo or other sorcerer type harm generally have caused harm to others in other ancestral lifetimes of parallel nature.


  • 可能像魔法一样摆脱自己生活仅仅是因为现在结婚了。

    You can't magically get rid of your life just because you're married now.


  • 如果想象,你就能实现它;如果你能相信它,你就能把它变为现实,我们生活魔法世界精彩

    If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can believe it, you can become it and make our life more fantastic than the magic world.


  • 民间故事可以分为好几种,其中动物故事,魔法故事,生活故事等三种世界性的故事种类。

    Among those, folktales of magic, folktales of everyday life, and folktales about animals are common to the nations in the world.


  • 舞蹈种强大的魔法,舞蹈就是生活

    The dance is strong magic. The dance is life.


  • 所以严格说来一种毫无用处魔法不会生活带来任何实质性的改变。

    So this was, strictly speaking, useless magic. It did not improve her life in any material fashion.


  • 再次成为那个仁慈委托自己进入魔法生活中的天使

    Become again the angel who graciously entrusts itself to the magic of life.


  • 至于你们两位(看着安德鲁舅舅女巫),你们都是魔法,应该喜欢生活在一起

    As for you two (he looked at Uncle Andrew and the Queen), you're both magicians, so you ought to enjoy living together.


  • 经验接受责任然后开始有意识创造可以带来娱乐态度可以纯粹魔法让你每天生活世界变得有生气。

    Accepting responsibility for your experience and beginning to consciously create can bring an attitude of fun and enliven your everyday world with pure magic.


  • 可是慢慢发现生活发作奇妙的变化这时,她才晓得一旦翻开魔法一切都无法控制

    But, she gradually find, life has a subtle change. Then, she just know, once opened magic book, all will be unable to control!


  • 可是慢慢发现生活发作奇妙的变化这时,她才晓得一旦翻开魔法一切都无法控制

    But, she gradually find, life has a subtle change. Then, she just know, once opened magic book, all will be unable to control!


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