• 电路具有灵敏度特性实现q高钟均衡器

    The circuit has low sensitivity character to be able to realize high q, high bump height equalizer.


  • 们从铜仁乘坐铁到贵阳花费90分

    It takes us 90 minutes from Tongren to Guiyang by high speed train.


  • 缩小只有硬币厚度那么点(不是压扁,比例缩小),然后被扔玻璃搅拌器中,搅拌刀片一分后就开始转动。

    You are shrunk to the height of a nickel andyour mass is proportionally reduced so as to maintain your originaldensity. You are then thrown into an empty glass blender.


  • 可惜一班车票已全部卖光,10一班也是如此

    But the next high-speed train was sold out, and so was the next one 10 minutes after that.


  • 横断通行费非常但是对于追求速的司机而言值得的,因为这条路车程1.5小时缩短到了15

    The Aqua Line's toll is steep, but for high-rolling drivers, it cuts the commute between the cities from an hour and a half to 15 minutes.


  • 一旦完工新机场一条新的速公路铁相连接旅客可以30内就可以快速到达市中心

    Once completed, the new airport will be connected to a new expressway and high-speed train line that will speed travellers to the centre of the city in 30 minutes.


  • 烧烤时,水中加入柠檬放入微波炉然后火加热

    Add a few drops of lemon juice to a bowl of water and nuke on high for five minutes.


  • 这只130厘米,外表呈龙形,每一段时间会从龙口中吐出珍珠

    Standing 130 centimetres high, it had feet shaped like dragons that spat out pearls at regular intervals.


  • 专科医生耗时30进行某个手术,其收入要比比一名初级护理医生花同样多的时间讨论一个病人病情的收入3

    A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient's disease.


  • 1843年大火之后,作为重建英国国会大厦一部分建筑师查理斯巴雷斯塔斯•帕金共同设计了这座96(合315英尺,而大本之上

    The 96-metre (315-foot) high tower which houses the clock was built as part of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin following a major fire in 1843.


  • 每天将海绵纱布无菌抹布放到微波炉里火加热2

    Keep your kitchen sponge or cloth germ-free by microwaving it on full power for 2 minutes daily.


  • 锻炼之前让身体享受一顿糖含量食物如果时间允许,30消化食物吸收营养

    Prime your body for exercise by choosing carbohydrate-rich foods for your pre-workout meal. When possible, give yourself at least 30 minutes to digest the food and absorb the nutrients.


  • 然后1520动态舒展来放松激活肌肉,可以通过步、跳绳、和膝跳来达到。

    Loosen and activate your muscles with five to 10 minutes of dynamic stretches and form drills such as lunges, skipping, and high-knees running.


  • 7计划每个报告阶段花费45聚焦这个业务不同部分

    Seven executives planned to take the stage for up to 45 minutes apiece, each focusing on a different part of the business.


  • 现在铁从柏林汉堡仅90几年空中旅行至少需要2小时,包括办乘机手续的时间在内

    Berlin to Hamburg by rail now takes about 90 minutes, whereas a few years ago a flight would have taken at least two hours, taking check-in time into account.


  • “一个如果身体突然暴露非常空,不出5,必定昏迷,”马洛特,“三四之内,大脑会损伤。”

    If the human body were exposed at very high altitude, the loss of consciousness is very fast, in five seconds, ” Marotte said. “Brain damage, in three or four minutes.”


  • 浆果苹果酱放入碗中微波

    Put the berries and applesauce into the bowl. Microwave, covered, on high (100%) for 1 minute.


  • 尼亚加拉大瀑布,每秒至少有50万加仑(1,892,705)冲下十八层楼的断崖坠入尼亚加拉中——如此丰沛的水量足以50个奥运会标准尺寸的游泳池

    At Niagara Falls, more than 500, 000 gallons (1, 892, 705 liters) of water crash down 18 stories into the Niagara River every second-enough to fill nearly 50 Olympic-size swimming pools in a minute!


  • 困难程度时间需求:200自定义程度

    Difficulty: high; Time required: 200 minutes; Customisation: extreme.


  • 流量咖啡,做一个双份45大量冲煮蒸汽通过HX加热回复系统达到加热能量或者回复的时间

    In a high volume cafe, pulling a double every 45 seconds and steaming large volumes of milk is going to tax the heat energy and recovery time for HX boiler systems.


  • BBC愤怒球迷们投诉淹没因为光部分安菲尔德胜利只有一瞬,就是瓦德在56射门那一瞬。

    Irate supporters inundated the BBC with complaints after only brief highlights were shown of the triumph at Anfield, secured thanks to Stephen Ward's splendid 56th-minute strike.


  • 一直向前走就会看到右手边的建筑物

    Go straight ahead for five minutes and you'll see a tall building on your right.


  • 功率聚焦超声治疗过程并发症过程平均耗时140,平均患处造成750次伤害,作者报道

    No complications were reported during HIFU, which required a median overall duration of 140 minutes to produce a median 750 lesions, the authors report.


  • 间歇训练中,保持心率训练时间在15 -30

    Keep your interval sessions to around 15-30 minutes of hard high heart rate effort total.


  • 建议,在最终面试前,会有20 -30准备时间,因此可以利用这些时间对你的卖点进行会话练习

    Goldman Sachs also suggests allowing yourself 20-30 minutes for final interview prep so you can practice your key talking points.


  • 这个研究观察经常暴露水温下,每周最少30,泡热水澡或是水温淋浴。

    The study looked at a group of men who were regularly exposed to high water temperatures, meaning for about 30 minutes a week, through hot tubs or hot baths.


  • 这个6,它中国最大

    The clock is 6 metres high and is the largest water clock in China.


  • 这个6,它中国最大

    The clock is 6 metres high and is the largest water clock in China.


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