• 高纪坐在写字台,身后是幅巨大银河系全景图——对一个努力探索领域来说,这个醒目的背景可谓恰如其分。

    Gao Jifan sits at his desk in front of a blown-up panorama of the Milky Way - a suitably arresting backdrop for a man trying to reach new frontiers.


  • 建于20世60年代低层公寓楼摇摇欲坠。

    The high- and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.


  • 20世80年代经济繁荣导致油耗汽车的喜爱。

    The boom of the 1980s led to a taste for petrol-guzzling cars.


  • 蒸汽成本、加上货运速度需求使得世界上大多数海运货物都是通过帆船来运输的,直到20,这一状况才有所改变。

    The high cost of steam and the lesser need for speed kept the majority of the world's ocean freight moving by sail until the early years of the 20th century.


  • 周一下午640左右大火从93塔尖底部开始蔓延教堂屋顶。教堂的屋顶数百根橡木组成,其中一些梁的历史可以追溯到13

    The fire, which had started at the base of the 93-metre spire at about 6: 40 pm on Monday, spread through the cathedral's roof, made up of hundreds of oak beams, some dating back to the 13th century.


  • 为了证明观点,他引证16荷兰大师画作其中暖色调山水画,据他所表明当时的气温要比现在

    As evidence, he cited the paintings of the 16th century Dutch masters, whose warmly colored landscapes, he said, showed that temperatures were indeed higher back then.


  • 较大佛像空空凹处底部遮蔽物里(右图)贮藏着180英尺的七世雕像(左图)的碎片的六世同伴125英尺

    Shelters at the base of the larger Buddha's empty niche (right) house fragments of the 180-foot-tall, seventh-century statue (left). Its sixth-century companion rose 125 feet.


  • 较大佛像空空凹处底部遮蔽物里(右图)贮藏着180英尺的七世雕像(左图)的碎片。

    Shelters at the base of the larger Buddha's empty niche (right) house fragments of the 180-foot-tall, seventh-century statue (left).


  • 此外上个月最热六月,室外温度达到61.1氏度- - -比20平均温度1.22华氏度。

    In addition, last month was the warmest June on record at 61.1 degrees F - 1.22 degrees F above the 20th Century average.


  • 这表明19初,当时生活环境含有如今会被认为非常危险含量的砷。

    At the beginning of the 19th century, that finding suggests, arsenic was present in the environment in quantities that are currently considered very dangerous.


  • 世界绿

    Yet he manages to jump eight feet, a world record.


  • 二者分析略有不同。NOAA版本2010年的温度比20的平均值(571.12度。

    The analyses differ slightly; in the NOAA version, the 2010 temperature was 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit above the average for the 20th century, which is 57 degrees.


  • 1970年代廿拉美国家承受总体经济不景气伴随着通膨信用破产

    From the late-1970s to the early 2000s Latin America suffered a macroeconomic slump, accompanied by high inflation and the destruction of credit.


  • 始建于公元7世13占地41公顷,全部花岗岩砌筑,上千间殿室

    It is 13 floors high, takes an area of 41 hectares and it is piled up with granites with thousands of halls.


  • 我们可以从20世90年代起到最近低价可以看到不是一个现象一直以来毫无例外的,成本生产的燃料缺乏吸引力。

    This isn't a new phenomenon, and we've seen it as recently as the late 1990s-low prices have, and always will, make expensive-to-produce fuels less attractive.


  • 19世50年代美国也是当时世界工厂,大量生产价格便宜质量纺织钟表枪械其他物质

    By the 1850s, the U.S. was en route to becoming the workshop of the world, rapidly churning out cheap yet high-quality textiles, clocks, guns and other goods.


  • 19世50年代美国也是当时世界工厂,大量生产价格便宜质量纺织钟表枪械其他物质

    By the 1850s, the U. s. was en route to becoming the workshop of the world, rapidly churning out cheap yet high-quality textiles, clocks, guns and other goods.


  • 20世80年代食品加工由于大量补助玉米从而使得砂糖廉价的果糖玉米糖浆成为广泛使用成分

    HFCS, which became a common ingredient in processed foods in the 1980s thanks in part to an abundance of subsidised maize, is cheaper than sugar.


  • 我们当中有些只为自己着想,大部分只顾相信的,人们在20世晚期对你颇微词。

    So some of us thought for themselves, most of us were standing tall and sticking to what you believe even when people are hammering you as you saw this clause in the late 90s.


  • 20世90年代伯利兹毁林相当,为2.3%。

    Belize also had a high deforestation rate in the 1990s at 2.3 percent.


  • 年代最久的一为青瓷釉,产于3中叶,展现4个15厘米侍从站在坐着乐师两侧

    The earliest group, celadon-glazed in the mid-third century, consists of four attendants about 15cm high, flanking a seated musician.


  • 然而走近一看却发现一个庞然大物327英尺(100),或者说它是美国20世70年代发射363英尺(111米)土星五号卫星火箭以来发射最大火箭。

    But up close, it's huge: about 327 ft. (100 m) tall, or the biggest thing the U.S. has launched since the 363-ft. (111 m) Saturn V moon rockets of the early 1970s.


  • 首次接触可用性(HA)20世80年代,当时从事商业对地同步通讯卫星方面的工作

    My first exposure to high availability (HA) was in the 1980s, working on a commercial geosynchronous communications satellite.


  • 20世30年代以来只有失业率现在这么:1981年的第二季度之前1974年5月萧条

    There have only been two occasions since the 1930s when unemployment has been roughly as high as it is now: the 1981-2 recession and, before that, the 1974-5 recession.


  • 20世70年代后期开始10年0.15 - 0.20摄氏度全球变暖趋势一点降低

    That there has been no reduction in the global warming trend of 0.15-0.20 degrees Celsius per decade that began in the late 1970s, "it says."


  • 20世70年代后期开始10年0.15 - 0.20摄氏度全球变暖趋势一点降低

    That there has been no reduction in the global warming trend of 0.15-0.20 degrees Celsius per decade that began in the late 1970s, "it says."


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