• 海德思哲国际公司高级招聘经理杰勒德•罗奇建议是,“一定要提高警惕。

    "Turn your dial up on sensitivity, " suggests Gerard Roche, senior chairman of recruiters Heidrick & Struggles International Inc.


  • 决赛赛事中脱身出来参加面试等待威尔的高级招聘马丁·格雷有人他“铁面考官”。

    He's taking a break from his finals to come to the interview, waiting for him is Martin Grey, Caudwell's recruitment supreme, they call him the 5 rottweiler.


  • 佛罗里达州奥兰多的四角资源公司中层高级招聘主管JasonMatuska:“虽然不愿意但是上级管理层中的潜规则不是知道什么而是认识哪些人。”

    Jason Matuska, a senior recruiter at 4 Corner Resources in Orlando, FL, says, “I hate to say it but politic with upper management. It's not what you know, it's often who you know.”


  • 佛罗里达州奥兰多的四角资源公司中层高级招聘主管JasonMatuska:“虽然不愿意但是上级管理层中的潜规则不是知道什么而是认识哪些人。”

    Jason Matuska, a senior recruiter at 4 Corner Resources in Orlando, FL, says, "I hate to say it but politic with upper management. It's not what you know, it's often who you know."


  • 哈里·乔伊纳电子商务主要针对中级高级管理人员招聘专员,今年以来已经跟踪处理130个管理职位的猎头,2009年仅仅有70个。

    Harry Joiner, an e-commerce recruiter who focuses on mid - and senior-level executives, is on track to handle nearly 130 executive searches this year, up from about 70 in 2009.


  • 劳斯莱斯管理人员,符合公司招聘要求经验丰富工程师项目经理高级技工数量大为减少了

    Rolls-Royce executives say that the pool of experienced engineers, process managers and skilled workers from which the company can recruit is shrinking.


  • 毕马威招聘营销部门高级经理Alison Heron女士认 为,传统的人才市场相比这个在线市场能够让公司 面试更多,举行更多的活动

    The online fair allowed the company to meet more people and carry out more activities with them than a traditional jobs fair, said Alison Heron, senior manager of recruitment marketing at KPMG.


  • 英特尔招聘人员估计芯片制造商因为使用LinkedIn不是猎头招聘高级经理每年能节省数百万美元

    Don Cooper, a recruiter at Intel, reckons that the chipmaker saves millions of dollars a year in fees by recruiting senior managers through LinkedIn rather than using headhunters.


  • 调查过程中,受访高级主管们被问到:“在未来年内认为以下哪种技术工具公司招聘工作最有帮助?”

    Executives were asked: "Which of the following technology tools do you believe will be most useful in your firm's recruiting efforts in the next three years?"


  • 最近的一则招聘信息中,微软交互娱乐业务部门(IEB)寻找高级技术主管领导“构建未来电视”的测试团队-架构设计扩展电视内容电视设备的测试基础设施

    The post adds: “We are looking for a senior technical leader to help us architect, design and extend test infrastructure that scales across TV content and TV device types.”


  • 招聘委员会世界银行总裁Juan Jose Daboub领导包括高级工作人员员工协会代表

    The search committee is headed by World Bank Managing Director Juan Jose Daboub and includes senior Bank staff and representatives from the staff association.


  • 请问,当招聘那些被惠普公司裁员员工作为戴尔公司高级经理的时候是否严格执行公司的招聘流程背景调查

    Have you strictly done interview process and reference check on hiring HP lay-off employees according to company's hiring policy as you hired them as Dell's senior manager?


  • 智联招聘高级职业顾问李翔宇建议职场青年辞职仔细考虑自己下一步计划。

    Li Xiangyu, a senior consultant at Zhilian Recruiting, suggests that young professionals think carefully about their next steps before quitting.


  • 招聘委员会招聘委员会高级经理和主管以及有经验员工组成。

    Recruitment Committee: Recruitment Committee consists of experienced senior executives.


  • 通过人际关系网脸谱网微博征求业内专家高级管理人员招聘人员,招聘经理的意见以获得面试推荐信息。

    Solicit industry experts, senior executives, recruiters, and hiring managers through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for informational interviews and referrals.


  • 是来应聘你们广告招聘高级生产管理人员的。

    I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner.


  • 43岁法斯克兹上个月获得了应聘高级营销职位电话面试,这多亏了招聘经理的一个朋友推荐了她。

    Michelle Vasquez, 43, says she landed a phone interview for a senior marketing job last month thanks to a referral from a friend of the hiring manager. Ms.


  • 通过讨论高级表演目前应该有可能吸引力招聘信息

    Through discussions with the high performers you currently have, it should be possible to put together attractive recruiting messages.


  • 对于职场类小说畅销,智联招聘网的高级职场顾问陈宁并不感到意外

    The popularity of office novels does not surprise Chen Ning, a senior career consultant at Zhaopin. com.


  • 希望招聘具备高级计算机技能高素质人才

    He wanted talents of high caliber, with advanced computer skills.


  • 公司公共事务与政策部招聘综合事务专员名,工作地点北京公司综合事务高级经理刘翔汇报

    There is one new open position of General Affairs Specialist in Public Affairs & Policy Department, based in Beijing, reporting to Senior General Affairs Manager, Mr. Liu Xiang.


  • 公司重视高文化水平人员招聘专业技能培训培养未来高级行政人员

    The company attaches great importance to the employment of people with high cultural levels and the training of professional skills, and trying to cultivate potential senior administrative staff.


  • 公司重视高文化水平人员招聘专业技能培训培养未来高级行政人员

    The company attaches great importance to the employment of people with high cultural levels and the training of professional skills, and trying to cultivate potential senior administrative staff.


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