• 武钢中温沥青太钢高温沥青在不同压力下炭化,进一步对所得沥青进行了高温热处理;

    Pitch cokes were prepared by carbonization of pitches from Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant and the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Plant under different pressures and heat treatments.


  • (纽约市一个沥青屋顶炎热夏日里能达到180华氏高温。)

    (an asphalt roof in New York can rise to 180 degrees on a hot summer day.)


  • 本文通过不同级形式沥青混合料的系统试验研究,全面分析了沥青混合料高温变形特性

    In this paper, based on systematic test on different bitumen mixtures of gradation, the deformation behaviour of asphalt mixtures is analyzed under high temperature.


  • 通过试验不同含量沥青混合料表现出的不同的高温稳定性进行分析研究今后施工提供一定参考

    By testing, the research on different content of coarse aggregate of asphalt mixture will show different stability in high temperature, will provide some reference for construction in future.


  • 选用车辙试验恒定高度重复剪切试验(RSCH)来进行掺加PR系列添加剂沥青混合料高温性能研究

    Impacts on asphalt mixture's high temperature performance with PR series additives added by means of rutting test and Repeated Shear Test (Constant Height)(RSCH) were investigated.


  • 介绍沥青路面常见病害高温变形开裂水害产生原因防治措施

    The text introduce familiar disease and prevent measure of asphalt pavement such as high temperature distortion, split and water damage.


  • 试验结果表明:同时采用纤维加筋干拌橡胶粉技术,可以综合二者优势获得具有良好高温稳定性碎石沥青混合料;

    The results show that it can improve the high temperature stability of stone asphalt concrete by making use of the advantages of the fibers and the rubbers.


  • 适度高温下向残渣类似的矿物油品空气生产沥青

    Asphalt produced by blowing air through residual oils or similar mineral-oil produces at moderately elevated temperatures.


  • 通过研究火灾烟雾动态扩散规律揭示了高温烟气对于沥青混凝土路面温度场的影响规律。

    Research to the fire smog dynamic diffusion mechanism, the paper proposed the influence mechanism of the high temperature smog to the asphalt pavement surface temperature.


  • 采用配生产山岩沥青混合料具有好的稳定性优异的高温稳定性。

    With the gap grading, asphalt mixture of andesites has fine water-stability and excellent high-temperature stability.


  • 窗内相对高温生成的原油成熟油含有较低分子重量较少沥青成份。API

    Crude oil that has been generated by relatively high temperatures in the oil window. Mature oil contains lower molecular weights and less asphaltic compounds. It has high API.


  • 橡胶粉加入增加沥青高温粘度将会增加,粘度可以加入分散稳定后得到改善。

    As the content of rubber crumb increase the viscosity must increase too, but the viscosity could be reduced when the dispersing agent and stabilizing agent are swung in with.


  • 得出了混凝土收缩高温季节日照以及沥青施工产生温度应力分布大小

    The distribution and magnitude of stresses caused by concrete contraction, sunshine in hot climate, and asphalt coating were obtained.


  • 现行路面材料设计沥青混合料高温稳定性通过车辙试验稳定参数进行控制。

    High temperature stability of asphalt mixture is controlled through the dynamic stability parameters of rutting test in the design of current pavement materials.


  • 论述沥青混合料高温稳定性通过组成设计对抗车辙能力检验说明如何考虑高温稳定性。

    The text discuss the high temperature stability of asphalt mixture, and explain how to consider high temperature stability by inspection resistant track ability in formation design.


  • 路用性能评价表明沥青高温稳定性低温抗裂性、抗老化性等性能完全满足铺筑高等级公路要求。 该产品正应用于国内高速公路的建设。

    The evaluation showed that the high temperature stability, low temperature cracking resistance, aging resistance and temperature susceptibility meet the requirements of high grade road asphalt.


  • 随后沥青的全粘温度、感、低温性能高温性能、粘附性能以及拌和碾压温度进行了测试分析。

    Then the two full-viscosity asphalt temperature, temperature resistance, low and high temperature performance, adhesion properties and the mixing and shaping temperatures were tested.


  • 良好设计配合比施工条件下,SBS沥青使沥青路面的耐久性高温稳定性低温抗裂明显提高

    At good design proportioning and construction, the SBS asphalt would make the durability, stability at high temperature, crack resistance at low temperature obtain distinct improvement.


  • 评价高温重载沥青混合料变形特性影响,对AC - 20级配的沥青混合料进行三轴重复荷载蠕变试验研究。

    Triaxial repeated load creep tests are employed to evaluate the influence of high temperature and heavy load on the deformation property of AC-20 asphalt mixture.


  • 道路沥青主要包括温度敏感性高温稳定性低温裂性。

    The temperature susceptibility of asphalt includes temperature sensitivity, stability in high temperature, crack resistance in low temperature.


  • 胶粉FCC进行预处理后用于沥青改性制备出沥青胶粉相容性高温存储性能稳定的胶粉改性沥青

    The FCC slurry is used to pretreat crumbled rubber to improve compatibility of bitumen and crumbled rubber and produce crumbled-rubber modified bitumen with good hot storage stability.


  • 粒径沥青混合具有很好的高温稳定性

    The large-stone asphalt mixes(LSM) have good stability in high temperature;


  • 文中分析了纤维混凝土中所起的作用阐述了纤维沥青混合料高温稳定性影响。

    It analyzes the effects of the fiber on the concrete, and on its high temperature stability.


  • 考虑沥青吸收,用混合料的设计空隙(4%)控制混合料的高温车辙能力水性。

    Taken into account the fact that aggregates absorb pitch, required abilities to resist high temperature track and penetration could be gained by controlling interspace ratio (4%).


  • 会使沥青橡胶之间质增加,溶解量增大。

    When temperature up the mass transfer between bitumen and rubber increases and so does rubber dissolved.


  • 采用动态剪切流变测定了掺纤维沥青胶浆高温流变特性,结合车辙试验结果评价了此特性混合高温性能的影响。

    High temperature rheology of asphalt added fibers was determined and the evaluation of the rheology on the properties of the mix wasperformed in combination with rutting results.


  • 鉴于上海地区高温气候特点选择树脂类改性ldpe制作改性沥青分析PE改性沥青的改性机理

    LDPE is selected for making modified asphalt to analyze the mechanism of PE modified asphalt in view of the climatic characteristic of high temperature in the Shanghai area.


  • 材料气候交通条件等方面阐述影响沥青混合高温稳定性内在因素外在因素,并提出了改善沥青混合料高温性能措施

    From materials, climate and traffic conditions, discussion is made on the factors that influence the stability at high temperature of asphalt mixture, and given the Suggestions.


  • 材料气候交通条件等方面阐述影响沥青混合高温稳定性内在因素外在因素,并提出了改善沥青混合料高温性能措施

    From materials, climate and traffic conditions, discussion is made on the factors that influence the stability at high temperature of asphalt mixture, and given the Suggestions.


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