• 前所未有的油价已经挫伤消费者信心

    Record oil prices have dented consumer confidence.


  • 一些石油公司为了找借口高油价策划谎报石油短缺,因而起诉。

    The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of petrol to justify price increases.


  • 当然一定程度上油价抑制车辆使用,从而导致空气有害气体排放减少

    Certainly, to a certain degree, by increasing the cost of fuel it can restrict people's use of cars, as a result, it can lower the release of toxic gas in the air.


  • 油价不足以全球经济造成根本性影响但它通胀压力,全球经济的消极影响不容忽视。

    Although high oil price is not sufficient to fundamentally affect global economy, it shall push forward inflation which may bring negative effects on global economy.


  • KrystleHermis知道正在下降,因为油价,仍然准备公车上班

    Krystle Hermis said she was aware that crude-oil prices are declining, but she's still going to start taking the bus to work because of high gasoline prices.


  • 抵押品赎回危机全面开始人口统计的变动油价一系列其他因素意味着郊区可能正在慢慢消失

    The full onset of the mortgage foreclosure crisis, coupled with demographic changes, rising fuel prices and a host of other factors means that the suburbs could be on the way out.


  • 各国领导同意油价经济快速增长引发亚洲各国竞争减少石油依赖寻找再生能源供给

    The leaders also agreed to cut oil dependents and seek renewable energy supplies at a time when high oil prices and rapid economic growth raise competition among Asian nations for new energy sources.


  • 糟糕股票价值是直接联系在一起令人难以置信油价事实美国经济做好

    The worst thing is that this drop down in share value is directly linked with the incredibly high prices of oil and the fact that US economy is not doing well.


  • 纽约——4月份的通货膨胀经过2时间后加快的步伐,日益增长的油价不断冲击着美国消费者

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Inflation accelerated to its fastest annual pace in two and a half years in April, as surging gas prices continued to hit American consumers.


  • 布鲁塞尔欧洲联盟总部附近防暴警察正在守护,由于西班牙葡萄牙意大利渔民油价抗议活动

    Riot policemen stand guard near the European Union headquarters in Brussels during a protest by fishermen from Spain, Portugal and Italy against high fuel prices.


  • 随着不断增加通胀油价其他商品价格美元印刷我们看到未来数年废钢价格底层

    With the increasing inflation, higher oil and other commodities prices and the printing of US Dollars we will see a higher bottom level of scrap prices in the coming years.


  • 组织尽管昂的商品价格尤其是油价威胁经济回升,但是人们关于“双”型衰退的担忧有所减弱

    The fund said that concerns were fading over a “double-diprecession, though the recovery could be threatened by higher commodity prices, especially oil.


  • 更糟糕油价庞大的事业人口,食品价格通货膨胀以及不确定税金调整加重了美国低收入家庭的负担。

    Moreover, the high price of petrol, large numbers of unemployed, food inflation and uncertainty over taxes are weighing heavily on low-income Americans.


  • 亚特兰大佐治亚(CNN)——交通拥挤汽车维护以及油价额保险账单许多城市上班族很头痛

    Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) — Traffic congestion and headaches, as well as car maintenance, high gas prices and insurance bills bog down many city commuters.


  • 组织尽管昂的商品价格尤其是油价威胁经济回升,但是人们关于“双”型衰退的担忧有所减弱

    The fund said that concerns were fading over a "double-dip" recession, though the recovery could be threatened by higher commodity prices, especially oil.


  • 市场传闻称,中国的应对举措将是累积本国石油储备,不是利用储备平抑世界油价,这已经开始高油价

    Speculation that China will respond by building its own stockpiles, rather than using them to calm world prices, is already starting to increase oil costs.


  • 这么说吧,过去几年里,追逐回报诱惑人们了太多房子大幅飙升的股市投入重金,大肆推油价

    Look at it this way. In the past few years, the temptation to chase returns led people to buy too many houses, invest too heavily in a soaring stock market and aggressively bid up oil.


  • 这么说吧,过去几年里,追逐回报诱惑人们了太多房子大幅飘升的股市投入重金,大肆推油价

    Look at it this way. In the past few years, the temptation to chase returns led people to buy too many houses, invest too heavily in a soaring stock market and aggressively bid up oil.


  • 科威特石油大臣欧莱姆上星期尽管欧佩克愿意市场需要的情况下生产更多的石油,但是欧佩克并不油价负责

    Last week, Kuwait's oil Minister Mohammad al-Olaim said while OPEC was willing to produce more oil if the market required it, the organization was not responsible for high prices.


  • 他们既面对伊朗委内瑞拉减产要求也警觉油价激励富裕国家更加节俭用油OPEC选择了逃避责任。

    Faced with demands from Iran and Venezuela to cut output, but mindful that high prices have encouraged a more frugal use of oil in rich countries, OPEC opted for a fudge.


  • 现在的环境使人们错误地相信这样一个荒谬逻辑,那就是解决油价短期方法就是石油。”格尔

    "It is only a truly dysfunctional system that would buy into the perverse logic that the short-term answer to high gasoline prices is drilling for more oil 10 years from now, " Gore said.


  • 油价面前司机们减少驾驶房主们会调低温控器(thermostats);边远地区的油井会重新开工。

    Faced with higher prices, drivers would cut back on their driving; homeowners would turn down their thermostats; owners of marginal oil Wells would put them back into production.


  • 制造商需要油价民众接受这类”,汽车咨询师MaryannKeller表示,“油价激发人的行为”。

    “The manufacturers need high gas prices for people to accept those cars, ” said Maryann Keller, an automotive consultant. “Gasoline prices motivate behavior.”


  • 报告指出,2005年上半年油价中国增长放缓技术产品出口增速减慢曾一度降低了东亚地区的整体增长速度

    In the first half of 2005, the report points out that high oil prices, slower growth in China and slowing high tech exports did slow growth across the region.


  • 悍马汽车环保主义者所深恶痛绝,随着买家们为应对油价而选择更小型汽车,悍马汽车过去18个月遭到市场唾弃。

    Loathed by environmentalists, the vehicles have suffered a plunge in popularity over the last 18 months as motorists opt for smaller vehicles in response to high petrol prices.


  • 对于全球经济而言,油价好过油价周一油价下跌至多会被看作全球需求放缓一个征兆而非推动经济增长力量

    Lower oil prices are welcome and better for the global economy than higher oil prices. But Monday's drop is best seen as a symptom of waning global demand than a source of strength.


  • 对于全球经济而言,油价好过油价周一油价下跌至多会被看作全球需求放缓一个征兆而非推动经济增长力量

    Lower oil prices are welcome and better for the global economy than higher oil prices. But Monday's drop is best seen as a symptom of waning global demand than a source of strength.


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