• 这个发动机转速噪音非常大。

    The engine is very noisy at high speed.


  • 花粉计数尽量避免乡村旅行

    Avoid trips to the country while the pollen count is high.


  • 飞机攀升370英尺开始偏航

    As the plane climbed to 370 feet, it started yawing.


  • 一旦海豚发现了这个踏板结果测试难度非常高时它就频繁地按这个踏板。

    Once the dolphin figured out the result of pressing this new paddle, it did choose it frequently when the trial was difficult.


  • 但是二氧化碳含量叶孔收缩

    But when carbon dioxide levels are high, the leaf pores shrink.


  • 钙离子浓度他们融合而不解体

    At high calcium concentration they fuse without lysis.


  • 等幼苗长两三厘米可以移栽菜园里

    You can transplant the seedlings into the garden when they are about two to three centimeters tall.


  • 随着建筑物升降机需要,按此规定架设

    With the building's ascending, erect when the lift need to join height.


  • 由于金属的,所以温度相当液体

    Since metal is fusible, it will change into liquid when the temperature is high enough.


  • 风险投资回报率,冒大风险可以获得最大化利益

    The increase in risk taking allows him to make maximum gains at a time when risk taking is most likely to pay off.


  • 膝盖应该保持相同运行速度或者如果可能的话加快速度

    While doing high knees you should keep the same running pace or, if possible, increase your speed.


  • 例如煤价最近高时那些国家能源巨头允许这种上涨传导消费者

    For example, when coal prices shot up recently, the country's energy giants were not allowed to pass the hikes on to consumers.


  • 辣椒植株(俗称辣椒树)长大30厘米,手工摘除顶芽,这样有利于新枝生长

    When the chili peppers are thirty centimeters high, pinch the tops off with your fingers. That should get new branches to grow.


  • 所以验证设计解决方案要求高时,市场调查充满了缺陷设计师怎么办呢?

    So when the demand for validating design solutions is so strong, yet research is seemingly so fraught with pitfalls, what is a designer to do?


  • 投资者还面临陷入“空头轧平”额外风险股票高时卖空卖家必须坚持立场

    Investors face the additional risk of being caught in a "short squeeze", when the price of a stock is pushed up and short-sellers have to cover their positions.


  • 当访问率非常可能使用多个分发器对象,让它们分别负责响应一定范围

    At very high volumes, you might like to make things more scalable by having multiple dispenser objects with each one responsible for some range of values.


  • 然而所有动物实际上大多数生命)都是必需的,铁的剂量可能有毒

    While iron is necessary for all animals (and indeed most life), in high doses it can be toxic.


  • 从理论上讲容量松散耦合WebServices等待消息队列服务器响应

    Theoretically, when volumes are high, loosely coupled Web services wait for a response from a message queuing server.


  • 感觉海豚白沫跳跃尝试飞翔浪潮翻涌至天堂一般,牠们几乎真的飞了起来。

    I feel the dolphins leaping in the white foam, trying to fly, and almost flying when the waves curl high to the heavens.


  • 另外,使用更多基础设施意味着通信量可能供应过度在通信量非常仍然可能会遇到瓶颈

    In addition, building out more infrastructures means that you may over provisioned when the traffic is low, and when the traffic is really high, you may still run into bottleneck.


  • 发表英格兰医学杂志》上一项研究发现男性血液中的维生素a含量,发生骨折的风险

    A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the men with the highest amounts of vitamin a in their blood had the greatest risk of breaking a bone.


  • 使用SetAutoPageBreaks方法,可在底部算起有36告知TCPDF自动创建页面

    Using the SetAutoPageBreaks method, tell TCPDF to automatically create a new page when you're 36 points from the bottom of the page.


  • 可是后来许多使用费率计划住宅用户发现自己实际支付电费一般用户,大家情绪迅速变坏。

    But the mood quickly soured when it turned out that many households on the "time of use" rate plan actually paid more than ordinary ones.


  • GABA含量神经元无法形成新的连结,同大脑学习能力也会降低;而含量神经细胞自由形成新的连结

    High levels of GABA can prevent neurons forming new connections - and slow down the brain's ability to learn - while low levels free nerve cells to create new brain circuitry.


  • 最近一份分析显示美国市盈率处于低位未来10年股票平均收益率超过8%;当市盈率高时收益率平均为3%。

    A recent analysis shows that, when American price-earnings ratios are low, returns on equities over the next decade average 8%; when they are high, returns average 3%.


  • 通常这种-电转化方式利用热电偶实现的。 热电偶由层不同金属构成,其中一层温度就在两层金属间产生电流

    The usual way to do this is with a thermocouple—a sandwich of two metals that produce a current when one side of the sandwich is hotter than the other.


  • 先生国外代行其职。

    He will stand in for Mr. Goh when he is abroad.


  • 先生国外代行其职。

    He will stand in for Mr. Goh when he is abroad.


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