• 线性方程组可用追赶求解,也可用高斯法求解,可以采用迭代求解。

    For node number n , the series equations can be written as a linear equations, also can be express as a triangle array as following.


  • 今天百度普及的中文搜索引擎,「高斯定律」的几个译出现不止十万

    Today on Baidu, the popular Chinese Internet search engine, the “Coase Theoremappears more than 100, 000 times in translation.


  • 本文根据射线通过介质天线罩高斯波束进行近轴近似分析

    Based on complex ray method, a paraxial approximation analysis of Gaussian beam transmission through a dielectric radome is presented.


  • 高斯-牛顿误差最小六维观测量转化元数,作为观测量一部分,显著减少了直接使用EKF计算量。

    Gauss-Newton error minimization is used to transform six-dimentional reference vector to quaternion as a part of observations for EKF, which significantly reduces the computational requirement.


  • 综合大量实例的基础上,提出高斯函数逼近多模光纤脉冲输出的解析近似,使时域确定光纤带宽精度大为提高

    On the base of a plenty of facts we suggested a method in which bi-Gaussian form is approached the output pulse in multimode fibers The accuracy measuring band in time domain can be improved highly.


  • 本文采用高斯波束射线追矢量衍射积分结合的方分析波束的点聚焦透镜天线

    We adopted Gaussian beam, ray tracing and vector diffraction integration together to analyze single beam spot-focusing lens antenna.


  • 浮点表示,含份换轴之高斯消去使用矩阵大小计算尺度调整带状三角对角系统LU分解

    Floating point representation, Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, scaling of computations with matrix size, banded and tri-diagonal systems, LU decomposition.


  • 应用结果表明高斯曲率一种预测和评价构造裂缝分布规律的有效方,具有很好的应用前景

    This paper will prove that Gauss curvature method has a very good application prospect in reservoir fractures.


  • 文中用逼近线性变换设计用于圆度测量高斯数字逼近滤波器,并给出了零相移的递归滤波算,计算量小,计算效率高,易于实现。

    A series of Gaussian digital approximation filters used in roundness measurement were designed on the basis of approximation method and bilinear transformation.


  • 采用高斯消去松弛迭代并应用计算机这些方程进行数值求解从而计算出支路流量

    The equations are solved numerically using the method of Gauss elimination and under-relaxation iteration by computor, thus the air flows in every branch are determined.


  • 采用高斯积分利用最小残余位移进行迭代计算

    Gauss quadrature and minimum residual displacement method (with iteration) are used in the analysis.


  • 高斯口径分布所产生的辐射可以近似地射线分析

    The radiated fields from Gaussian distributed aperture(GDA)can be approximately analyzed using the complex ray method(CRM).


  • 提出一种基于表面高斯混合模型距离图像分割

    A range image segmentation algorithm based on Gaussian mixture model of surface normal is proposed.


  • 文中提出用高斯主元消去最优化结合技术求解模拟电荷方程组提高精度保证收敛一种有效

    The combined method of gnass elimination and optimization is used to solve the equation of charge-simulation, and it is an effective method for increasing the accuracy and assuring the convergence.


  • 奇异积分问题边界元最大问题之一本文采用高斯积分解决

    Singularity integral is one of the most serious problems in FEM, and this paper adopts gauss integral to deal with it.


  • 特别是大规模数据处理上,对原有高斯消元解方程进行改进,在很大程度提高系统处理数据速度

    Particularly in large-scale data processing to the original Gauss wave million for the improvement of law-equation in a significant way to enhancing the speed of data processing systems.


  • 本文通过理论推导,证明反应动力学常微分方程参数估值所采用拟线性化本质上仍然属于高斯—牛顿的范畴。

    This paper proves that the quasilinearization method for parameter estimation of ordinary differential equation in chemical reaction kinetics essentially belongs to the region of Gauss-Newton method.


  • 采用空间理论高斯近似分别得出该系统干扰高斯噪声条件平均误码率表达式

    Based on moment space theory and Gaussian approximation method, expressions of average error probability for system with multiple-access interference and white Gaussian noise environment are derived.


  • 原理模拟高斯分布函数投影平行卷积重建模拟的温度

    On this foundation, it simulates the projections for double Gauss distribution function and reconstructs the simulating temperature field by the convolution method for parallel beam.


  • 提出用离散曲率提取特征,曲率表达式包含了高斯函数曲线,选用了合适的离散尺度因子

    The discrete curvature arithmetic was used to extract feature points, which the curvature expression contains Gaussian nuclear function and chooses appropriate discrete scale factor.


  • 论述了高斯曲率预测煤层天然裂隙发育区的基本原理

    The way and principle of Gaussian curvature method for forecasting natural fracture zones in coal seam are discussed.


  • 为了获取长距离超细激光束,采用几何能量守恒设计出一种衍射光学元件,推导出高斯光入射时衍射光学元件位函数

    The geometric law of energy conservation is utilized in designing diffraction optical component and evaluating the phase function of diffraction optical component with Gauss beams input.


  • 大量水下目标辐射噪声资料为依托,借助高阶累积量分析研究了目标信号的非高斯特性

    For the radiation noises from underwater targets apparently contain non-Gaussian ingredients, their non-Gaussion features were studied through high-order cumulants.


  • 蒙特卡罗进行仿真研究(例如进行测量不确定度评定)时,常常需要发生多个非高斯型互相关的随机数

    In Monte Carlo simulation such as the measurement uncertainty evaluation, it is often necessary to generate correlated multi-non-Gaussian random observations.


  • 使用解析信号研究了频率无关超短脉冲塞尔·高斯光束自由空间的传输特性

    Using a complex analytical signal representation, the free-space propagation properties of ultrashort pulsed Bessel-Gauss beams whose waist width is independent of frequency are studied.


  • 通过比较,说明高斯近似估算的误码率过大,应用范围受到限制。

    By comparison with the analytical results, Gaussion approximation method tends to overestimate the BER whose application is restricted within narrow limits.


  • 通过对四分位数稳健统计进行z比分数能力验证过程分析提出高斯节点z比分数

    By quartile robust statistical Z-Score way analysis of Proficiency Testing process to make Gaussian node Z-scores ways.


  • 设计一个用于信道仿真编码器性能测试高速高斯随机数发生器,研究了适于硬件实现的高速通用的连续随机变量和随机序列产生

    To design a gaussian random number generator used for channel simulation and coder performance test, high-speed universal random number and correlated stochastic series generators are studied.


  • 高斯消去动态规划知识介绍运输问题作业另一种

    This paper is to introduce another solution to operation method expressed in tables of transportation problem with the knowledge of Gaussian elimination and dynamic programming.


  • 高斯消去动态规划知识介绍运输问题作业另一种

    This paper is to introduce another solution to operation method expressed in tables of transportation problem with the knowledge of Gaussian elimination and dynamic programming.


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