• 给了他们更多机会学习政策制定过程认识公共事务中高一级并且成为他们高效伙伴

    It gives them the opportunity to learn more about the policy process, to meet senior people involved in public life, and to become an effective part of the process themselves.


  • 层叠样式表程序员更简单,高效方式设计一个网页,它能综合颜色圆角边缘,渐变动画等设计元素页面看起来更漂亮。

    CSS gives programmers aneasy, efficient way to define a web page's layout and beautify the page withdesign elements like colors, rounded corners, gradients, and animation.


  • 前些年可能发现一个高效影评人代价不菲因为意味着你必须亲自电影院

    In previous years, you might have found that it would have been expensive to become an effective movie-reviewer, since that meant having to go into the theatre physically.


  • 自己的IT学位课程几乎没有任何时间人际交往技巧甚至没有任何深入了解人们如何组织”成为一个高效团队

    My own IT degree course hardly spent any time on people skills and nothing on the even more difficult concept of what people need to do to ‘self-organize’ into a high-performing team.


  • 当然应该杂乱无章地

    You should certainly not increase your efficiency in just any direction.


  • 确保公用功能高效精干,要让绝大部分公用相关的问题在内部进行解决不是提交到CIO那里

    Ensure that your utility functions are lean and mean, and capable of solving the vast majority of utility-related problems internally rather than raising them to the CIO.


  • 同时注意到许多学生对此深信不疑——他们会每天工作16个小时从不和同事结伴喝喝酒、聚聚餐,睡眠也不足,工作从不间断一种看似高效生活实则并不幸福。

    I see some students take that to heartthey work 16 hours a day, never go to happy hour, don’t sleep enough, never take breaks, and lead very productive but unhappy lives.


  • 意思是想法设法寻找方法着不上厕所的时候,问题出现

    I mean, when you get to the point of looking for more time-efficient ways to fold underwear, you might have a problem.


  • 不论何时何地,看上毫不疲惫(如果能放到的话可以试一下),能够迅速高效解决问题

    Never outwardly frazzled (try as you might to throw him off), he resolves problems quickly and efficiently, regardless of time or place.


  • 最后一点团队合作团队建设虽然带来很多挑战,但一个高效团队带来的收益使之值得努力。

    Finally, though team work and team building can offer many challenges, the pay off from a high performance team is well worth it.


  • 层叠样式表程序员简单,高效方式设计一个网页,它能综合颜色圆角边缘,渐变动画设计元素页面看起来更漂亮。

    CSS gives programmers an easy, efficient way to define a web page's layout and beautify the page with design elements like colors, rounded corners, gradients, and animation.


  • 很显然不会那么高效觉得表明还有很大空间变得更好不必从头开始

    Obviously he "s not going to be that efficient but I think that shows that there" s a lot of room for him to get better without having to start from scratch.


  • 百分之十交易楼层进行的。其他都是自动交易,高效交易软件完成。

    Ten percent of trades are conducted on the floor. The rest are executed automatically by high-frequency trade algorithms.


  • 无论是在公交车还是步行上课使用谷歌移动使你在离开电脑时候也能连结高效

    Whether riding the bus or walking to class, use Google Moce to stay productive while away from your computer.


  • 好好利用这个城市高效公共交通系统可以把购物安排普拉兰的雅皮一月份可以现场澳大利亚网球公开赛

    Take advantage of the city's efficient public transport system. Get your shopping fix at Chapel Street in Prahran. In January watch the tennis live at the Australian Open.


  • 研究有助于发现高效工作团队如何处理解决问题所需要信息解释团队成员怎样通过发挥各自的专长解决团队面临的问题

    The construct can explain how members of effective teams process information needed for solving problems, and how they apply what they know.


  • 弹性,磨削量高效寿命主要用于金属非金属表面抛光,对复杂型面进行修焊缝、毛刺除锈

    With good flexibility and dust removal, high efficiency and long working life time. Mainly used for polishing the surface of metal, non-metal, removing rust and burr etc.


  • 帮助企业内部审计工具发现问题分析问题、改进管理

    Assisting enterprises to utilise internal auditing tools for revealing problems, analysing problems, enhancing management and improving efficiency.


  • 有意识体验高效工作效益浪费时间的弊端这种必要的“胡萝卜加大”,定推动我们走向成功

    Consciously being aware of the benefit of greater productivity and of our wasted time are then the necessary 'carrot and stick' that will drive us to success and fulfillment.


  • 坚定一个真实的可行目标然后全力实现,朝着梦想方向迈出勇敢、高效步伐

    Focus on a truly meaningful goal and put forth the effort to make it happen. Take bold, effective steps in the direction of your dreams.


  • 有意识体验高效工作效益浪费时间的弊端这种必要的䅇“胡萝卜加大”,定推动我们走向成功

    Consciously % being aware of the benefit of greater productivity and of our wasted time are then the necessary 'carrot and stick' that will drive us to success and fulfillment.


  • 科学家们应该努力研发普及高效环保废料循环技术

    Attempts should be made by scientists to explore and popularize efficient and eco-friendly techniques of recycling wastes.


  • 如何选择可靠高效物流企业降低企业的物流成本正成为人们探讨的热点

    How to choose a logistics enterprise which is more reliable and efficient to reduce the cost of logistics is becoming a hotspot.


  • 这些问题引导设计师布置这个住宅从而实现高效空间安排,并照顾功能性灵活性

    These issues guided us in our approach to the layout of the house, which has been efficiently designed to optimally deliver maximum use of space, functionality and flexibility.


  • 尽管强烈提倡迎新”,但我并不鼓吹拆毁美国国会大厦而代之更新式高效办公大楼。

    Although I am a strong advocate of "in with the new, out with the old," I am not an advocate of tearing down the U. s.


  • 真正高效劳动者不会的生活里挤满了工作而是可以随意溜达地完成那些环绕轻松休闲光环的任务。

    The really efficient laborer will be found not to crowd his day with work, but will saunter to his task surrounded by a wide halo of ease and leisure.


  • 一个非常高效焊剂,除油器普通清洁剂

    It is a highly effective defluxer, degreaser and general purpose cleaner.


  • 一个非常高效焊剂,除油器普通清洁剂

    It is a highly effective defluxer, degreaser and general purpose cleaner.


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