• 研发人员比留博久说:“从技术上来讲,达到那么水平。”

    "Technologically, it hasn't reached that level," said Hirohisa Hirukawa, one of the robot's developers.


  • 火锅“火”字不仅是指它的温度,同时也是指一种异常辛辣的“”胡椒。

    Thehot” part not only comes fromits searing temperature, but from the fiery Sichuanflower” pepperwhich produces a spicy, numbing sensation when eaten.


  • 位于荣县大佛36.67米,是仅次于乐山大佛第二大石佛。

    meters (124 feet) high. It is a well-know stone Buddha in Sichuan Province only second to the Leshan Giant Buddha.


  • 目前备受瞩目中国移动分公司受贿案又有了一些进展。 一名移动客服部管涉嫌设备采购受贿,因而接受调查。

    Some developments now on the high-profile bribery case at China Mobile's Sichuan branch.


  • 嵌住河床,满盛着一灰色的砾石。

    The riverbed contained by the dike was deep and broad lined with iron-grey shingle.


  • 峨眉山优美的自然风光驰名中外,乐山大佛 71,堪称世界之最。

    Mount Emei is in Sichuan Province. It is well-known for its breathtaking scenery. The carved stone statue of Leshan Buddha is 71 meters high, which is the tallest in the world.


  • 中国盆地演化碳酸盐进行了干法(原样)、加水、加等多介质条件下的模拟实验研究

    The high maturated carbonate hydrocarbon source rocks from Sichuan basin were studied by use of dry process, watering method, adding iron and adding sour simulation experiment.


  • 金属矿优势矿产资源主要矿种齐全、储量丰富建材资源、化工原料资源优势突出,常用矿产优势矿产吻合程度

    Nonmetal minerals are the predominant mineral resource of Sichuan, where there are all kinds of major mines of abundant reserves and predominant building materials and chemical materials.


  • 特别是有效降低致密砂岩地层破裂压力特点,西地区破裂压力气藏开发提供了新的思路

    Especially the advantage of lowering the fracture pressure of tight sands provides a new way to develop the high fracture pressure gas reservoirs in West Sichuan.


  • 所撰《文集》,其中许多艺术性非常诗歌作品,文论文学史也占有一席之地。

    There are many high artistic quality poems in his Corpus of Fan Chuan; moreover its literary criticism is influential in the history of the literature.


  • 西矿石进行了选矿工艺试验研究确定生产流程提供了依据;

    The processes of the gold ore containing copper, carbon and high-sulfur from the west of Sichuan were investigated for selection of production processes.


  • 旅游资源丰富、型多、位的富集区域,我国旅游格局占有及其重要地位

    Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and Yunnan are rich in diversity and high quality tourism resources and play an important role in China's tourism.


  • 西须家河组2气藏属于致密深层气藏,地层压力破裂压力

    Gas reservoir in Xujiahe Section 2 in west Sichuan are low porosity, low permeability, deep, high formation pore and fracture pressure, etc.


  • 目的观察分子素(LMWH治疗KD急性血液凝状态临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of low molecular weight heparin(LMWH) on the hypercoagulability in acute Kawasaki disease(KD).


  • 盆地东地区地质构造隆起幅度,断层发育地下构造复杂地层分层困难

    Stratigraphic division is challenging in the eastern Sichuan Basin due to the large amplitude of structural high, highly developed faults and complex subsurface structures.


  • 利用水平电泳方法研究日本绒鳌蟹放流群体新县的三面岛根县遗传变异

    Horizontal electrophoresis was used to investigate the genetic variation of-stocked populations: Takatsu River (Shimane Prefecture) and Miomote River (Niigata Prefecture).


  • 娃娃沟位于九龙县境内,属西植被覆盖山区

    Wawagou valley is located in the southwest mountainous area of Sichuan province, with high vegetation ratio.


  • 入境游客满意度依次大洋洲游客(7.36)、北美游客(7.17)、亚洲游客(7.10)欧洲游客(6.52),都属于比较满意的范围。

    Each district arrivals satisfaction from high to low is as follows: the Oceania, North America 7.36 visitors 7.17, Asian tourists 7.10 and European tourists 6.52 visitors satisfactory.


  • 本文分析了盆地大中型气田分布特点探讨构造构造气藏模式

    This paper analyzes the distribution of giant-medium gas fields in Sichuan basin, and gives a discussion on the tectonics and gas reservoir models of steep structural belt in east Sichuan province.


  • 铅锌矿露天采场边坡稳定性理论研究工程实践的专论。它介绍这一研究的主要内容及所获得的成果;

    This paper is a special discussion on the theoretical and practical approach to stability of high slope in Huidong Lead-Zinc Open Pit Mine, Sichuan Province.


  • 董事们解除了伍德福德职务而不是要求辞职

    Woodford. Instead of Mr. Kikukawa stepping down, the directors stripped Mr. Woodford of his executive positions.


  • 盆地南部地区嘉陵江具有较大天然气储量气井天然气组分储量较小微气井明显差异,前者天然气成熟的甲烷为主。

    There is the difference in the gas composition between the commercial Wells and the non-commercial Wells in the Jialingjiang Formation, Lower Triassic in the south of Sichuan Basin.


  • 分析了因过电压造成线直流传动装置快速熔断器闸管电源控制板损坏事故原因,认为直流传动装置过电压保护措施必须完善,不能随意拆除。

    An analysis is made on cause of the damage incident of quick fuses, controlled silicon and power control panels of the DC driving devices of Chuanwei High Speed Wire Plant due to overvoltage.


  • 盆地东北部三叠系关组存在广泛硫酸盐还原作用,同时地层也存在锶含量异常的成岩流体。

    Sulfate reduction has been recognized recently as a process of geologic significance, and is common and widespread in the Feixianguan of Triassic, NE Sichuan Basin of China.


  • 盆地东北部三叠系关组存在广泛硫酸盐还原作用,同时地层也存在锶含量异常的成岩流体。

    Sulfate reduction has been recognized recently as a process of geologic significance, and is common and widespread in the Feixianguan of Triassic, NE Sichuan Basin of China.


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