• 糟糕的是,这部阿尔巴尼亚看做高地

    Worse, the encyclopaedia also referred to the Albanians as "highlanders".


  • 该图摄于维拉公园,此前数分钟高地人刚刚确定英超降级

    This picture was taken at Villa Park just minutes after the Geordies' relegation from the Premier League had been confirmed.


  • 持续几个世纪敌军对身着褶裥短裙,和着令生畏风笛开赴战场高地闻风丧胆。

    Over the centuries, enemy troops have often been terrified at the sight and sound of Highlanders in kilts marching into battle accompanied by the blood-curdling music of the bagpipes.


  • 今天苏格兰高地两个重要的宗族的后裔阿盖尔公爵索尔公爵对此截然不同的看法

    Today, the descendents of two prominent highland clans, the Duke of Argyll and the Duke of Atholl, hold strongly opposing views about it.


  • 对于日部落首领罗马军队获得不满罗马领导之间党派之争时期局势剧烈动荡的一部分原因

    Resentment against Germanic chieftains achieving high rank in the Roman military and factionalism among Roman leaders were among the causes of the period's considerable instability.


  • :“如果一个类学家或者考古学家多少曾居住这些亚马逊高地他们几乎为零。”

    "If you would have asked an anthropologist or archaeologist how many people lived in these Amazon uplands, they'd say almost zero," he said.


  • 尽管许多欣赏蕨类植物的美丽,但对一些来说,蕨类植物受威胁栖息地以及高地娱乐用途影响同样重要

    No less important to some people are bracken's effects on threatened habitats and on the use of uplands for recreational purposes, even though many appreciate its beauty.


  • 老师高高地坐在那把木条扶手椅上,听着催入睡读书声打着盹。

    The master, throned on high in his great splint-bottom arm-chair, was dozing, lulled by the drowsy hum of study.


  • 我们浩浩荡荡一行穿过高地后,原先种满蜀黍玉米梯田很快让位于雾气弥漫森林

    As we threaded through the highlands, sharply terraced fields of sorghum and corn gave way to misted forests.


  • 高地军团如今依然定期穿方格呢裙(当然不再穿着参加战斗),苏格兰日常服饰

    Highland regiments still wear the kilt on regular basis (although no longer into battle) but it is not an everyday article of dress in Scotland.


  • 以色列议会启动竞选,他保证未来巴勒斯坦任何协定不会包括交出西岸戈兰高地部分地区

    He launched his campaign at the Knesset, promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights.


  • 不过还是这个不安静的姑娘抱水塘,把放在地上,转身走了,苔丝树篱的顶上望过去,看见远处她们三个挤在一起,她们放下的高地上,现在轮到她了。

    However, he got through with the disquieted creature, deposited her, and returned. Tess could see over the hedge the distant three in a group, standing as he had placed them on the next rising ground.


  • 就是岩石高地样子可以看到那些曾经的小房子。

    That is how the plateau looks like. One can notice cells where people used to live.


  • 1973年,叙利亚不得不戈兰高地以色列防御工事坦克壕沟苦战,藏在工事里的以色列坦克,让他们遭受了非常沉重损失

    The Syrians had to fight their way across Israeli fortifications and anti-tank ditches on the Golan Heights in 1973, and suffering very heavy losses from hull-down, dug-in Israeli tanks.


  • 但是这次旅行中学本地阴凉的地方,回到家里的时候很高地兴发现,自己没有增加色斑

    But on this trip, I went native, stayed in the shade and returned home delighted not to have gained a single freckle.


  • 数千被迫逃离

    Thousands of people had to leave for higher ground.


  • 一个例子就是我们苏格兰高地氏族创始麦卡勒姆传奇故事。

    An instance is told in the founding legendof my own Clan MacCallum in Scotland.


  • 戈兰高地有数名巴勒斯坦射杀

    On the Golan border, several Palestinians were shot dead.


  • 1967年以色列叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地以来,已经有1万8千以色列搬迁到那里目前戈兰高地已经成为一个受欢迎旅游地点

    Since Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967, 18, 000 Israelis have moved there and the area is now a popular tourist destination.


  • 但是Behsood的哈扎拉牧民则Kuchi的牲口快要把草原的都吃光了,当地不得不割下来好,这样他们才能高地严寒冬天继续饲养羊群

    But Hazara farmers in Behsood say that the Kuchis' own animals are stripping grasses that the locals need to cut and dry to keep their sheep and goats alive during harsh highland winters.


  • 戈兰高地大约有八十万叙利亚背景离乡。

    In the Golan Heights, an estimated 80, 000 Syrians fled.


  • 结果是数千巴勒斯坦公交车运送至戈兰高地边境MajdalShams镇对面,并开始攀越障碍时,面对他们只有小队的士兵

    As a result, when a couple of thousand Palestinians, bused to the Golan border opposite the town of Majdal Shams, began clambering over the fence, only a small force of soldiers confronted them.


  • 虽然大多数非萨米的挪威无甚分别的现代生活,但有些萨米家庭冬季仍然居住高地上,在Iesjokha河边放牧驯鹿

    Although most lead modern lives indistinguishable from non-Sami Norwegians', a few Sami families still inhabit the high country in winter, herding reindeer above the Iesjokha River.


  • 当然其中一些尤其是高地地区岛屿上的居民生活拮据,甚至有些一贫如洗,19世纪40年代到年代这些遭到了强制性驱除,残酷程度不可否认

    Some, particularly in the Highlands and islands, were certainly poor, even destitute, and the clearances in the late 1840s and early 1850s were undeniably brutal and often coercive.


  • 当然其中一些尤其是高地地区岛屿上的居民生活拮据,甚至有些一贫如洗,19世纪40年代到年代这些遭到了强制性驱除,残酷程度不可否认

    Some, particularly in the Highlands and islands, were certainly poor, even destitute, and the clearances in the late 1840s and early 1850s were undeniably brutal and often coercive.


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