• 名字惠,今年13是一个可爱的女孩

    My name is Gao Pinhui. I am 13 years old. I'm a lovely girl.


  • 我们代理商通力合作使享受国际同时节省开支

    We work together with a number of agents, will enable you to enjoy high international goods at the same time, for your savings.


  • 团队核心成员10图像行业经验,依靠素质团队,提供质量的专业服务

    Core members on Gaopin Images team possess 10 years experience in the business, the highest possible level of service from a professional team.


  • 节能安全环保延长模具使用寿命、工作即用即无须提前开机预热

    High quality, high efficiency, energy saving, safety, environmental protection, longer service life of die, opening while using without preheat before opening.


  • 俄亥俄称作美国鲁尔后,就像德国一样,沿河有丰硕高品千周焦煤,而且因钢铁而闻名。

    The Ohio river has been called the American Ruhr, As in Germany, the area along the river is rich in valuable deposits of high-grade coking coal and is wellknown for its steel industry.


  • 高品计量仪器经营部企业提供测试仪器配套服务包含测量仪器以及常用实验耗材选型供应

    High-operating items measuring instruments, to provide test equipment services, including measuring instruments commonly used in experiments as well as the selection of supplies and supply!


  • 我们刚才看到我们房子前面条巨大鲨鱼在吞吃看起来似的东西,”目击者葛雷格·高品微博中写道。

    We just saw a gigantic shark eat what looked like a person in front of our house, " witness Gregg Coppen posted on Twitter.


  • 远处看,这座九层楼、茶壶形状的博物馆就像是某种巨大的艺术

    From far away, the nine-storey teapot-shaped museum looks like some kind of huge work of art.


  • 这个论点当作垃圾置之不理之前或者在你认为对于极其贫困学术成就辍学率国家而言快乐一种负担不起奢侈之前,想想吧。

    Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again.


  • 东方杂交所以生长条件要求有点排水良好、肥沃的土壤里才得好

    This is an Oriental hybrid and so is slightly more demanding to grow, needing well-drained, but rich, soil to grow well.


  • 每个女孩希望雪白的肌肤所以防晒系数防晒乳可是夏日必备

    Every girl wants to have snow-white skin, so high SPF sunblock is a must-have in the summer.


  • 克里·斯凯认为主要改变化妆管们思想出发点——降低销售量

    Krinsky thinks the primary trigger point that might change the minds of cosmetics executives is falling sales.


  • 这个行业第二听证会扮演可耻的角色公司兜售的AAA级投资随后便惨败

    The industry also played an ignominious cameo in the second hearing, on AAA-rated investments peddled by Goldman Sachs that subsequently bombed.


  • 可以吃掉大盘绿色蔬菜来果腹绝对会长除非你浇上一大堆黄油或者脂肪调味

    You can eat a whole plate of greens and while they can fill you up, you couldn't possibly get fat on them (unless you added a bunch of butter or fatty dressing or something like that).


  • 斯特恩说:“发达国家必须带头减少农产保护降低工业关税扩大价格适当的准入。”

    "Rich countries have to lead - by reducing agricultural protection, by cutting high manufacturing tariffs, and by expanding access to affordable medicines," says Stern.


  • 在这里个人破产抵押赎回权丧失这个国家其他地方一样已经创建公司降低招聘

    Personal bankruptcies and foreclosures are as high here as in the rest of the country, and established companies are cutting way back on hiring.


  • 所有最终将告别利润率变成标准化利润率有望实现大规模交易业务,”最大衍生交易商表示

    "All new products eventually stop being high-margin and become standardised, low-margin, and hopefully high-volume, businesses," said an executive at one of the biggest derivatives dealers.


  • 农业具有竞争力后会土地价格,从而增加过度扩张银行抵押的数量。

    And if more competitive farming pushed up land prices, it would boost the collateral held by overextended Banks.


  • 哈伦裤最早出现3年前夫·圣罗兰秀场此后便迅速普及成了炙手可热的

    These were first seen on the catwalk at Yves Saint Laurent 3 years ago, and have been churned out by every high street label since.


  • 价格,便会形成一个恶性循环不断抵押价值使银行可以发放更多贷款意味着价格推

    As prices go up, a deadly feedback loop forms: rising collateral values enable Banks to extend more credit, which means prices can be chased higher.


  • 一些传统成本压力较大行业例如汽车消费电子行业,比例尤其

    This figure is typically higher in industries with the history of cost pressure, such as automobile, consumer goods and electronics.


  • 不久他把这个坏消息告诉世界顶级的艺术交易家拉里·轩,邓菲先生回忆与他的谈话内容道:“拉里觉得这样做不好收藏家们感到困惑的。”

    Soon after breaking the news to Larry Gagosian, the world's leading dealer, Mr Dunphy recalled their conversation: "Larry said, 'It sounds like bad business to me." It'll be confusing to collectors.


  • 正确保养方法不要皮肤缺水- - -避免使用酒精含量的护肤,而要使用保湿

    Treating it Right: Don't let it get dehydrated - avoid alcohol-heavy skin products, and use a moisturizer.


  • 可能部分源于分离聚物成本耗时长——从数百公斤干燥植物样本中可能只能分离得到毫克

    This is partly because isolating the oligomers is both costly and time-consuming - processing hundreds of kilograms of dried plant material often yields only a few milligrams of a single product.


  • 可能部分源于分离聚物成本耗时长——从数百公斤干燥植物样本中可能只能分离得到毫克

    This is partly because isolating the oligomers is both costly and time-consuming - processing hundreds of kilograms of dried plant material often yields only a few milligrams of a single product.


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