• 整一个晚上,艾丽娅、阿尼斯以及他的兄弟和邻居们,把越过七尺的墙从图馆里搬出来,然后藏在饭店里。

    All through the night, Alia, Anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, passed them over the seven-foot wall and hid them in the restaurant.


  • 业界表示现阶段中国商飞的这些订单似乎只是意向非实际销售交易

    Industry executives said at this stage the Comac orders seemed to be only statements of intent rather than firm sales.


  • 这样朋友登陆的时候就可以看看拉夫都有些什么没准儿的。

    That way later on your friends can log in and see hey what books does Gaurav have? Maybe I want to borrow something.


  • 假设所有的玩具都收起来了,令非常满意。这时可以一些别的任务把他的图画放回他的脏衣服放进装脏衣服篮子里等。

    Assuming that Bobby gets his Legos put away to your satisfaction, you can move on to another task, such as putting his picture books on the shelf or placing his dirty clothes in the hamper.


  • 尽管如此,《与龙共舞》仍达到前面不相上下水准

    For all that, "a Dance With Dragons" meets the high standards set by its four siblings.


  • 瀚来说,最重要材料那些艾利斯的有关文献更直观的东西。

    Mr. Cohan’s most important material is that which extends beyond Mr. Ellis’s and documents the firm’s recent history.


  • 导演,截至目前大部分合拍片只是投资方本土市场取得成功。

    Director Gao Qunshu said that most co-productions thus far had succeeded in only one of the home markets involved.


  • 保留了无数法院裁定束藏起,直至

    She kept hundreds of copies of court verdicts, piled high, until her death.


  • 最近受关注的事件便是“唐骏门”。 唐骏是一白手起家的企业畅销成功可以复制》。

    The most notable recent case centres on Tang Jun, a celebrity executive, a self-made man and author of a popular book,“My Success Can Be Replicated”.


  • 比如对硅谷创业的人来说,必须了解集中精力于转化率优化上,比如作家来说,必须变的更好

    For a Silicon Valley startup, you might need to focus on high conversions and optimization. If you’re working for authors, maybe you need to learn how to make their books look great.


  • 没法随随便便地告诉每天有多少上脸每天通过手机访问这个网站人数出奇

    Off the top of my head, I can't tell you many people hit up Facebook daily, but a freakishly high number of people visit the site on their phones everyday.


  • 上图安提基特拉机械33厘米差不多

    The Antikythera mechanism, shown above, is 33 centimeters high and similar in size to a large book.


  • 1999年挂牌上市招股说明开头写道:“我们永远客户利益放在第一位。”

    WHEN Goldman Sachs went public in 1999 its prospectus began: "Our clients' interests always come first."


  • 格利对丹·布朗小说销量其他出版商获益表示怀疑

    Baggaley said it remains questionable whether the soaring sales of Dan Brown books will have a beneficial effect for publishers of other books.


  • 一个英尺,摆满架子也在摇晃

    Buildings outside were swaying. A six-foot tall cabinet full of books was rocking.


  • SEC起诉长达61,其中引述戴尔所发内部邮件,其中部分邮件显示,这些管曾讨论过是否需要英特尔支付更多的特殊费用帮助戴尔达成其财务目标

    The SEC's 61-page complaint quotes from internal emails from Dell executives, in some cases discussing the need for larger payments from Intel to hit financial goals.


  • Sinn十年前写过当时德国失业率悲观情绪蔓延叫做德国能否拯救

    Sinn wrote a book early in the last decade, when unemployment was high and pessimism rampant, called Can Germany be Saved?


  • 针对12月哥本哈根召开的峰会正在建立气候对话同时紧随其后要拟订京都议定尝试处在洞开裂痕之上

    As climate talks begin to build toward a climax in Copenhagen in December, when a follow-on to the Kyoto Protocol is due to be drawn up, Gao's challenge stands as a gaping rift.


  • 罗勃•斯特,是FrenchboroBooks.com 公司老板缅甸Frenchboro,Maine珍本和古籍,他说:"如果邮费本身的价格,或者即使两者一样很难卖出去了,而且我有25%或更多是卖往全球的。"

    "If postage costs as much, if not more, than the book, it'll be hard to sell books," said Rob Stuart, owner of FrenchboroBooks.com, a seller of rare and antique books in Frenchboro, Maine."And


  • 旅行必需品例如食物水杯袜子电子产品应该家里这样可以避开机场价格

    Traveling necessities like food, refillable water bottles, books, socks and electronics should always be packed from home so you can avoid inflated airport prices.


  • 去年前100部畅销其中大约有一半针对儿童——无论英国还是美国,都没有这么比例

    Around half of the 100 best-selling books last year were for youngsters-a higher share than in Britain or America.


  • 北京办公室拒绝评论这本其他类似

    Goldman Sachs 'office in Beijing refused to comment on the book and on others of its ilk.


  • 伟:感兴趣。我还买了故事一本连环画?你昨天在家吗?

    Gao Wei: yes, I was. And I bought a storybook and a book of cartoons. How about you? Were you at home yesterday?


  • 登博好的同伴

    Goldberg's book is a very good companion.


  • 2008年金融危机以及其后持续多时全球衰退导致大量深度解剖全球投资银行角色出现,探讨的这些投资银行当然也包括

    The financial cataclysm of 2008 and ensuing global recession has resulted in a profusion of books dissecting the role of global investment Banks including Goldman Sachs.


  • 老师手拿教室

    Miss Gao came into the classroom with a book in her hand.


  • 市场理解真实金融战争甚至我的描述的那样更加戏剧性,”,“金融危机背后黑手,甚至可能就是引起了危机。”

    'The real financial battle is even more dramatic than my book, according to my knowledge of the markets, ' he said. 'Goldman Sachs is the hand behind the financial crisis, maybe even its cause.


  • 市场理解真实金融战争甚至我的描述的那样更加戏剧性,”,“金融危机背后黑手,甚至可能就是引起了危机。”

    'The real financial battle is even more dramatic than my book, according to my knowledge of the markets, ' he said. 'Goldman Sachs is the hand behind the financial crisis, maybe even its cause.


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