• 目的明显临床出现查出

    The goal is to detect cancer before clinical signs are noticeable.


  • 典型病人明显晚期营养性肝硬变体症

    The typical patient has obvious signs of advanced nutritional cirrhosis.


  • 该疾病早期体症就是咳嗽不止以及呼吸道粘液增加

    Some of the early warning signs are a cough that will not go away and an increase in mucus production.


  • 麻醉中的生命术后并发进行观察对比比较麻醉方式优缺点

    The life forms of anesthesia and postoperative complications were observed disease compared compare the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of anesthesia.


  • 临床上某些功能区星形细胞瘤破坏脑组织范围,与该功能区出现的损害体症一致

    Clinically, some astrocytomas in the functional regionsdestroy the brain tissues extensively, but corresponding signs are not accopanied.


  • 这些情况可能由于疼痛所致尽管相似体症可能麻醉性镇痛药引起通气不足高碳酸有关。

    These findings may be due to pain, although similar signs are associated with inadequate ventilation and hypercapnia compounded by the use of narcotics.


  • 虽然对于莱姆病诊断治疗一个指南,但是神经型疏螺旋治疗仍有很大的不确定性,而且,至今仍然没有清楚明确指南

    Although guidelines exist in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease in general, there is great variability in how neuroborreliosis is treated and little clear guidance is currently available.


  • 11号18号染色上,我们发现重大变异有关的证据帮助说明精神分裂思维和记忆缺陷

    It also found significant evidence of association with variation on chromosomes 11 and 18 that could help account for the thinking and memory deficits of schizophrenia.


  • 他们希望这种装置能够由于中风、意外事故老年痴呆大脑海马造成损害病人提供一条修复记忆功能途径

    They hope it will provide a way of restoring memory function in patients who have suffered damage to their hippocampus from a stroke, an accident or from Alzheimer's disease.


  • 研究人员看到那些患有图雷特综合的孩子胼胝中的活力大增,胼胝脑中连接左右大脑的区域

    The researchers saw significantly increased activity within the corpus callosum, the area that connects the left and right brain hemispheres, in those with Tourette.


  • 还有一种可能性孤独成功者特征存在同一延续

    Another possibility is that autism and the traits of high achievers lie on the same continuum.


  • 15周到18之间两个极好的检查可以选择甄别染色异常神经管缺损状,比如:唐氏综合脊柱裂。

    There are two test options available between the 15th and 18th weeks to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects such as Down's syndrome and spina bifida.


  • 国际精神分裂协会实施这项研究精神分裂患者SNP模式其他疾病患者染色作了对比

    The study conducted by the International Schizophrenia Consortium also compared the SNP patterns in schizophrenia patients and the genomes of people with other diseases.


  • 这些染色区域牵涉酒精依赖的先前研究

    This chromosomal region has been implicated in alcohol dependencein previous research.


  • 研究人员认为经过这样改造的小鼠,不仅验证染色异常孤独成因之一而且治疗方法的研究起到不可估量的作用。

    The engineered mice validate the human chromosome abnormality as one cause of the disease, the researchers said. They will also serve as an invaluable tool for therapeutic development.


  • 我们希望期待其他发育障碍x染色脆弱老鼠试验能够帮助进行对有益于病人临床试验。

    We hope and expect that, like other developmental disorders such as Fragile X syndrome, the use of mouse models will lead directly to clinical trials that can benefit patients.


  • 对于老年痴呆来说,海最先破坏区域之一。

    In Alzheimer's, the hippocampus is one of the first regions in the brain to be damaged.


  • 他们x染色基因自闭作用

    They suggest that genes on the X chromosome play a role in autism.


  • 精神分裂分子遗传学院会(MGS)精确确定了精神分裂6号染色区域基因联系,它介导基因表达比如组蛋白

    The Molecular Genetics of schizophrenia (MGS) consortium pinpointed an association between schizophrenia and genes in the chromosome-6 region that mediate gene expression, such as histones.


  • 第三,不论是正常老化还是由阿兹海之类疾病引起的病理性老化,都会使海功能衰退

    And finally, hippocampal function declines during the case of normal aging and even pathological aging, such as with Alzheimer's.


  • 挑战X染色突变常见自闭病因

    Challenge: a mutation on the X chromosome is the most common known cause of autism.


  • 失忆包括老年痴呆引起的失忆,都是始于对海影响

    Memory loss, including that from Alzheimer's disease, affects the hippocampus first.


  • 正常情况下,蛋白对大脑突触形成相关蛋白形成起调控作用。男孩患有此种——已知造成孤独主要原因,这仅仅是因为他们只有一条X染色

    Boys are usually more severely affected with the condition - which is the leading known cause of autism - because they have only one X chromosome.


  • MGS研究发现精神分裂1染色(1 p 22 . 1)遗传变异联系,这种联系多发性硬化已经有过。

    The MGS study also found an association between schizophrenia and a genetic variation on chromosome 1 (1p22.1), which has been implicated in multiple sclerosis.


  • Page推测这个综合可能由于Y染色重组出错,导致染色中不小心出现了一中心没有空隙的回文

    The syndrome may be the result of Y chromosome recombination gone awry, Page speculates, when the chromosome inadvertently becomes a palindrome with no gap in the center.


  • 脆性X综合征个X染色基因突变遗传性智力障碍常见来源4000名男孩每6000名女孩中就名儿童患有该

    Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4,000 boys and one in every 6,000 girls.


  • 脆性X综合征个X染色基因突变遗传性智力障碍常见来源4000名男孩每6000名女孩中就名儿童患有该

    Fragile X syndrome, a single genetic mutation on the X chromosome, is the most common source of inherited mental impairment, affecting one in every 4, 000 boys and one in every 6, 000 girls.


  • 罕见疾病叫作“特纳氏综合”(Turner ' s Syndrome)。患有这种疾病的女性,性别基因(XX)缺失了一条染色x,所以也被称为XO女孩。

    There is a rare condition known as Turner's Syndrome where a genetic female (XX) is missing one of the X chromosomes and she is known as an XO girl.


  • 妇女卫生状况令人悲哀地被忽视了忍受折磨的这一群完全不能表达自己的声音——年轻女性贫穷,居住在乡下遭到排斥。

    But maternal health is woefully neglected, and those suffering fistulas are completely voiceless — young, female, poor, rural and ostracized.


  • 妇女卫生状况令人悲哀地被忽视了忍受折磨的这一群完全不能表达自己的声音——年轻女性贫穷,居住在乡下遭到排斥。

    But maternal health is woefully neglected, and those suffering fistulas are completely voiceless — young, female, poor, rural and ostracized.


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