• 由于骨头需要更长时间才能完,尸体烧最后通常只剩下骨头骨头四周则包裹着粘乎乎一层焦残渣,这就是典型烧焦尸体的解剖模式

    Bone takes longer to burn, so by the end the skeleton is usually laid bare like a charred anatomical model, coated in the greasy residue of burned flesh.


  • 了进去,她需要一把用鸡骨头做的特殊钥匙,但她没有。

    To enter, she needed a special key made from a chicken bone, which she did not have.


  • 医学院学习的一周收集了一盒子骨头,这些都解剖需要的。她这些东西带到酒吧这样她就可以每个人炫耀,她是真正的实习医生

    In her first week at medical school she collects the box of human bones she will need for her anatomy studies, taking it to the pub so she can boast to everyone that she is a real trainee doctor.


  • 唯一问题需要做手术关闭脑袋里骨头彻底毁坏了他们它取走了

    The only problem is I need surgery to close a bone in my head that they had taken away because it was completely damaged.


  • 贝尔但是这么日期需要骨头进行确定鉴定

    But the early date, says Belknap, necessitated a more definitive identification of the bone.


  • 骨髓是一种红色、海绵状的东东,居住在很多大骨头隙(骨髓腔)里;它需要铁元素维生素B 12 、叶酸原料制造血红蛋白红细胞。

    To produce hemoglobin and red blood cells, your body needs iron, vitamin B-12, folate and other nutrients from the foods you eat.


  • 这种材料可以快速固定断骨,之后骨头完全再生,因此需要钉子固定了。

    And which then leads to its full regeneration, with no need for nails and pins.


  • SangredeToro制的牛肉需要六个钟头保证它骨头中的味道可以在之中得到好的展现。

    Oxtail beef stew with "Sangre de Toro" is simmered for six hours, so that the bone comes off during eating.


  • 手腕脉搏需要2个手指放在手腕骨头桡动脉(靠近手腕拇指方向一侧)之间

    To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery - which is located on the thumb side of your wrist.


  • 应力性骨折或者骨头表面上微小裂缝严重跑步受伤并且需要立即治疗

    Stress fractures, or tiny cracks in the surface of a bone, are serious running injuries that requires immediate treatment.


  • 公司研制植入骨头硬度力度需要地方更加坚实但同时丰富的格状结构,有利于新生骨头植入骨头生长

    The company's femur implant is dense where stiffness and strength is required, but it also has strong lattice structures which would encourage the growth of bone onto the implant.


  • 现在这项检测需要下,同时一个特别手臂一样的X光射线装置来回身体移动检测不同部位骨头厚度

    Right now, the test involves lying on your back while the arm of a special X-ray device moves over your body to measure the thickness of various bones.


  • 因为烧烤需要昂贵的切块——在肉上涂了一层层骨头脱落这不就

    Because barbecue doesn't require expensive cuts of meat - why bother when you're just going to slather it in sauce and cook it 'til it falls off the bone?


  • 这种儿童骨头非常脆弱以至于需要轮椅其他器械帮助他们行走

    Children with the condition had bones so weak they needed wheelchairs or devices to assist them in walking.


  • 就是为什么需要动手术关闭骨头

    That's why I need this surgery to close the bone.


  • 滑稽,告诉明白了!我想要减少脂肪不是肌肉骨头。我需要我的

    Very funny. I told you, I get it! I want to lose FAT, not muscles and bones. I need my leg!


  • 为了解决一问题蝙蝠肩部附近区域进化出强壮沉重骨头因为这肩部需要更多支撑

    To solve this problem, bats have evolved strong and heavy bones near their shoulders, where they need more support.


  • 为了弄清恐龙的生活习性通常需要更多骨头

    But to tell how dinosaurs lived and behaved, you often need more than bones.


  • 骨头牙齿主要需要注意方面另外检查一下眼睛皮肤脊椎还有听力

    Bones and teeth will be the main area to pay attention to, but also check eyes, skin, spine, and hearing.


  • 一些方面我们身体汽车一样,它们需要好的原料构筑维修骨头牙齿肌肉

    Our bodies are like cars in several ways , they need good materials to build and repair bones , teeth and muscles.


  • 需要两三骨头才能复原。

    It'll take a few more weeks for the bone to mend.


  • 因为这个新的月亮落下双子座方法需要保护健康牙齿骨头老龄可能也是双子座亲戚

    Because this new moon is falling in Gemini, it means you need to protect your health, teeth, and bones and that of relatives of advanced age who may be Gemini, too.


  • 所以如果你们之中哪一个骨头需要早晨电话呼叫真正起得了床的话这种闹钟可能正是需要

    So if any of you lazybones need a morning call that really gets you out of bed, this clock might be just the thing for you.


  • 可能需要牙科手术移除受损组织减少骨头尖锐边缘

    Minor dental work may be necessary to remove injured tissue and reduce sharp edges of the bone.


  • 象征疾病也在发生变化血压水平碱性磷酸酶需要一种钙化骨头

    Also indicative of disorders are changes in blood levels of calcium and alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme needed for calcification of bone.


  • 最后一部分可能有一消除嫁接骨头需要遗传工程其他基于基因治疗探索前景

    The last section of the book explores the future prospects for genetic engineering and other gene-based therapies that may one day eliminate the need for bone grafting.


  • 开始静脉注射双磷酸盐之前应该完成需要骨头痊愈牙科治疗程序

    Dental treatments and procedures that require bone healing should be completed before initiating intravenous bisphosphonate therapy.


  • 清洁牙齿时候需要注意要么有规律犬只骨头咀嚼,要么要手动去除齿斑菌

    Cleanliness of teeth requires a bit of attention - either give your dogs regular hard bones to chew or remove the plaque build up manually.


  • 清洁牙齿时候需要注意要么有规律犬只骨头咀嚼,要么要手动去除齿斑菌

    Cleanliness of teeth requires a bit of attention - either give your dogs regular hard bones to chew or remove the plaque build up manually.


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