• 托斯卡马里地区意大利国际旅游线路深受游客欢迎的度假胜地之一

    The Maremma region of Tuscany is one of the favourite destinations on the Italian and International tourist route.


  • 马里美丽景色,伴着草莓清香间或可见海景淡水湖,这样温和气候和完美环境适宜全年开展高尔夫运动

    Maremma's beautiful slopes, the sea and the lagoon, emerged in the scent of strawberry trees, set the scene of a unique environment with a mild climate that allows golf to be played all year.


  • 非洲联盟和平安全专员拉姆丹·姆拉星期五呼吁马里社会领导人规劝在非洲沿海地区活动的海盗停止劫持船只勒索赎金。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra Friday called on the leaders of Somali society to persuade pirates operating off the coast of the Horn of Africa to stop hijacking ships for ransom.


  • 青年党发言人星期天马里南部港口城市基斯警告说,如果肯尼亚干预马里冲突组织内罗毕建筑做为袭击目标

    On Sunday, a spokesman for al-Shabab in the southern Somalia port city of Kismayo warned that if Kenya interfered in the Somali conflict, the group would target buildings in Nairobi.


  • 基因排序表明病毒起源于尼日利亚,马里基斯输入但是无法确定该病毒肯尼亚传播多长时间。

    Genetic sequencing indicates a virus of Nigerian origin, imported from Kismayo, Somalia; however, it is not possible to determine how long the virus has been circulating in Kenya.


  • 除了梅西唯一值得大书特书人只有主教练若泽·马里奥·多斯桑托斯·穆里尼奥·费利克斯,他用不同寻常的方式成为特殊一员”。

    With the exception of Lionel Messi, the only participant to have lived up to the hype is the Read Madrid head coach, José Mário dos Santos Félix Mourinho, otherwise known as "the Special One".


  • 远亲主教安东尼奥.莱德斯财力帮助下,度过难关,“完全依靠母亲的帮助,”回忆到

    Despite financial help from Catholic Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, a distant relative, Maricel struggled to cope with her disability. “I was totally dependent on my mother,” she recalls.


  • 白天沿海城市马里斯·科塔经营一家发廊晚上为了外快,她奎德河口检查网。

    By day she ran a hairdressing salon in the coastal town of Damariscotta, and at night, to make a little extra money, she went down to the mouth of the Pemaquid River to check her nets.


  • 莎拉·西卡·帕克·布罗德里克以及他们儿子詹姆斯·韦基·布罗德里克一周大的双胞胎女儿马里恩·洛蕾塔·艾尔韦儿·布罗德里克()塔比瑟·霍奇·布罗德里克的合影。

    Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and their son, James Wilkie Broderick, pose with week-old daughters Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick, left, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick.


  • 托管帕劳群岛(Palau),绍而群岛北部马里亚纳群岛选择加入其中。

    The neighboring trust districts of Palau, the Marshall Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands chose not to participate.


  • 曾今也经历过烦躁入关手续(吉布提布隆迪马里维拉、瓦努阿图巴布亚新几内亚),没有次像这次这样花费如此长的时间进入一个国家

    Seriously. I’ve been off the beaten track before (Djibouti, Burundi, Somaliland, Malawi, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea...), but never have I waited so long simply to get into a country.


  • 马里约翰霍普金斯大学任教的火山学家布鲁斯 · 施将会对发现进行研究,他说:“这一个空前的大发现。”

    "This is an unprecedented discovery," said Bruce Marsh, a volcanologist from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland


  • 导致人扩散到马里登以外地区

    This would lead to the proliferation of Amanin elsewhere beyond Maridun.


  • 今年,在广受热捧的电视相亲节目《非勿扰》嘉宾诺表示宁愿坐在也不愿坐在自行车上,这让很多中国观众感到震惊。

    Many Chinese were shocked this year when a female contestant on a popular TV dating show, "If You Are the One," announced: "I'd rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle."


  • 朋友马里哈佛岩石州立公园四周,故事发生在环绕他家的森林

    The events are centered around the woods that surround my friend Matt's house, which is in Rocks State Park in Harford County, Maryland.


  • 马里兰州使用吉普车巡逻州长要求市民们不要出门

    Maryland state troopers were patrolling in Humvees, and the governor asked citizens to stay home.


  • 今年初特尔透露;他最新芭比娃娃加州的马里

    Earlier this year, Mattel revealed its newest Barbie in Malibu, CA.


  • 高度评价帕尔中场球员丹尼尔·加洛帕认为马里奥·巴洛特问题症状意大利无视年轻人

    Highly rated Parma midfielder Daniele Galloppa feels Mario Balotelli's problems are symptomatic of Italy's disregard for young talent.


  • 马里伦戈交易亚特兰大后桑普准备用波齐与帕尔进行互租。

    Samp have already handed Guido Marilungo to Atalanta and look set to release Pozzi towards Parma in an exchange of loans.


  • 使英语国家读者机会接触柯塔扎尔、加西亚-奎兹马里- 瓦加斯、洛萨乔治- 亚奥柯塔维欧- 派兹在内拉美作家的一些文字艰深的作品。

    He has given Englishspeaking readers access to a formidable roster of Latin American authors, including Cortdzar, Garcia Mdrquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Amado and Octavio Paz.


  • NPR新闻·拉斯洛马里兰州报道。

    For NPR News, I'm Matt Laslo in Silver Spring, Maryland.


  • 智利大学物理学家埃里克·科尔斯德国克斯·普朗克学院马里·库斯感到这种数字模型背后存在着某种进化逻辑

    Physicists Eric Goles of the University of Chile and Mario Markus of the Max Planck Institute in Germany sensed an evolutionary logic behind this pattern.


  • 曾经一位没有工作的嘉宾邀请一起骑自行车诺的回应是,我宁可坐在

    She once told a man who was jobless and invited her to ride on his bike that she would rather cry in a BMW.


  • 马里兰州市90退休老太玛丽··尼估计可以称得上最酷炫奶奶

    Meet Mary Lou Mahaney, a 90-year-old retiree from Silver Spring, Maryland, who is probably the coolest grandma ever.


  • 第二会议室使用平台编织乙烯floortile地板,功能橄榄绿arne Jacobsen'牛津'椅子,让周围设置马里·玛利·普罗会议桌上

    The second meeting room, with the raised platform flooring using a woven vinyl floortile, features olive green Arne Jacobsen 'Oxford' chairs, set around a Jean-Marie Massaud meeting table from Porro.


  • 第二会议室使用平台编织乙烯floortile地板,功能橄榄绿arne Jacobsen'牛津'椅子,让周围设置马里·玛利·普罗会议桌上

    The second meeting room, with the raised platform flooring using a woven vinyl floortile, features olive green Arne Jacobsen 'Oxford' chairs, set around a Jean-Marie Massaud meeting table from Porro.


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